Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation, Day One

Today was my first real day of vacation after the weekend.  It was productive enough considering how stupid hot it is outside, 100F today, with humidity.  I got up early and went to the home improvement store for odds and ends and some lumber.  When I got home I got right to work putting together another, slightly different, stand for my dual monitors at work.  I built one a couple months ago that works well enough, but I found that a shallower one will work better for me and my work space.  I also built a small stand to go over my adding machine that I don't use more than a couple times a day, but all day it takes up valuable desk space and now I'll be able to put some stackers above it and utilize that space much more efficiently.

Late this morning, I had to quit after the first coat or two of paint to shower, I had an early afternoon appointment for a haircut and a massage.  I still have long hair, but I haven't had a trim in maybe a year so it feels nice to get it cleaned up a bit.  This was also my first professional massage.  I thought it would be more awkward and more relaxing than it actually was, but that's not a complaint.  I only got the half hour massage and if I ever do it again I think I will go for the whole hour.  My masseuse was very nice and professional, as was my stylist.  Still, this is a higher-end place so if I treat myself again it will have to be for a special occasion.

By the time I was done it was the height of the heat time of day, so I stopped off at our local fave bar/restaurant for a couple drinks.  Now I'm home, and staying in the air conditioning for the rest of the evening except for the odd trip out to the garage to put a clear protective coat on my new stands for work.  Tomorrow is expected to be much the same but the rest of the week is expected to be a bit milder, only regular hot instead of stupid hot.  I'm not going to adhere to any kind of schedule this week, but there is edging (seen in the upper left of the pic) that I want to get in by the side fence yet and, of course, the compost bin isn't going to build itself. 

It sounds like work, and it is, but I enjoy these projects that improve our home and property.  I'll probably try and get some more done tomorrow morning and then sit out the heat of the afternoon again.  It is my vacation, after all.

On a side note, all my best goes out to fellow blogger, Delcatto.  He has been through quite a bit of training and change at work lately and is feeling a little down right now and is going to take a break from blogging for a while.  Give him a visit at Tears Before Pearls, it may help make him feel a bit better!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Long Days Leading Into Vacation

I have ten hour days every day this week, then my week of vacation next week.  I don't terribly mind the mandated overtime, but the timing could be better for me.  My mind is crispy and my back has been very bothersome recently with overall fatigue building.  My backache is troubling because I have plans for my week off and do not want to be laid up and unable to accomplish anything with my precious time off. 

My main project is to build and install a compost bin in the back corner of the yard near the garden.  These are my ideas written down, as planned out on paper as it will get.  Whether it turns out as planned is yet to be seen.

My premise is that I will be able to insert hardware cloth into a rip cut in the wood and nail it in.  I'm also considering a sealant to keep water out of that groove.  If this doesn't work out then I do have a backup plan.  I just really hope I can get this to work easily.  I plan on building it in the garage in sections that I will assemble in the yard.  Any thoughts?  Good advice welcomed only.  ;-)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Fourth of July, Andy Griffith

Happy Fourth of July everyone, tomorrow anyway.  I disappointed my wife by not wanting to go out with friends for a small party and to watch some fireworks.  I'm just exhausted and have started some complex training for a new task at work this week leaving my mind even more tired.  Yes, tomorrow is a day off but there are things I still want to get done despite the 100 degree temps expected and still hopefully have at least half of a restful day.

On a sadder note, I just found out that Andy Griffith passed away.  I like a lot of what he did, including the Andy Griffith Show, No Time For Sergeants and the following obscure video for Vitajex.  Rest in peace, Andy Griffith.

[Edit] I almost forgot about the little known show, Salvage 1, where Griffith is a junk yard owner that builds a spaceship to salvage valuable junk left on the moon by astronauts.  I loved that show as a kid and haven't seen an episode since.  I think I'll go check Youtube right now!...

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Sky Is Falling

But only just a bit.  As I got home from work today I saw something I haven't seen in a long, long time.  Rain.  Of course, it lasted only about 10 minutes and the sun was shining the whole time, so it was just enough to push the humidity through the roof.  It will all evaporate in these temperatures (over 90F every day this week and pushing 100F tomorrow) so I'm sure we'll still have to water the garden tonight.

Speaking of the garden, I'm due for an end/beginning of the month update over at my garden blog.  You can look for that either later tonight or tomorrow evening.  TTYL

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Kittens, Basil and Hamish

When we got these kittens they were less than two pounds each, that was three weeks ago.  They are now 9 weeks old and have grown quite a bit in that time.  Since the internet is a series of tubes, and those tubes are filled with cats, a few more cute kitty pics can't hurt.

Basil, left, is still a bit bigger, he has white arms and color on either side of his nose.  Hamish has 'sleeves' of color down to his elbows and more white in the face.

Much, much more after the break!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kittens and Power Tools

I've been lazy about blogging lately.  Kind of odd, now that I'm getting more hits than ever.  All I can say is that I'm always tired now.  I still love my job, everything is great at home, I'm just fatigued.  Probably a lot of it is psychological now that I know my week of long overdue vacation is only weeks away.

Other than that, it has been a normal week for us routine-wise.  The kittens have been adorable, they are 8 weeks old this weekend.  On Tuesday they go in for the bad thing, but they may calm down after that and we won't have to deal with that smell ever.  They are getting bolder and went into the basement for the first time earlier this week, prompting a quick, thorough sweeping and cleaning of the floors and cobwebs.  Now they can go down there all they want, after all, that is where we want the litter box to ultimately be.  Warning, I have been trying to take some more pics for the inevitable cute kitten post soon.

Yesterday I skipped an in-laws get-together and reorganized the corner of the garage that holds the yard and garden tools.  Everything is up off the floor now, on hooks and such, making room to store my new toy.  I bought a table saw yesterday morning to help me in my various projects, including the compost bin I want to build soon.  So after cleaning up the corner of the garage I assembled the table saw and stand.  It is a very inexpensive one, 130 dollars, but I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a tool I will only use for maybe a couple projects a year.  After that and a bit of yard work I tired so I retired into the house for the evening.  Soon I will review the whole manual and play with it a bit to feel it out.

...When I'm not so tired. ;-|

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Friends, Fathers and Maybe A Nap

We had a very nice small gathering of good friends last night for food, drinks and a fire.  It is nice to do, but preparation is an all day affair.  Yes, my wife does most of it, but it still occupies our whole day.  I'll feel better about it after I get to take a vacation, if I don't drop dead first.

I didn't take many pictures so I missed half the people and got none around the fire.  But look!  I got a picture of Zubin (far right) acting natural instead of avoiding the camera!

Today is Father's Day so my wife's dad came over this afternoon and we grilled out a tenderloin.  After last night I am exhausted so thankfully not much was asked of me.  I added a bunch of music to my itunes, posted over at my garden blog (link on the right) and now here to get caught up on everything.  Now the only question is if I nap or not.  TTYL

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pic Dump 41

Once more, time to dump my collected pics.  Click any pic to start a slideshow.  Right click and open in new window to see full size.  Some may be NSFW.  Enjoy!

Once again, many thanks to 'My Favorite Sites' listed in the right column always, and here now:
Bits & Pieces, Crazy, Lazy, Silly and Strange, I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet, Naughty Bits, and the Watcher's Web Funny Farm.

More after the break!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

New Kitties!

My sister in law, Allison, brought us our new kittens late this morning (she's on the board of and does a lot of volunteer work for a local cat rescue organization).  I think I mentioned here that we were looking to get two male sibling kittens, and that is what we have!  Sorry, this isn't the best picture - I'll get better pics later, but they're either moving too fast to get a good picture or else they're napping a lot, like kittens do.  They have the run of the house but most often stick to a corner area of the living room.  They know where their food and water are, and they know where the litter box is but they haven't used it yet.  No 'accidents' that we know of, but I will feel better when they use the box a first time.  Mostly we have been having fun with them and watching them for most of the day.

Kate has a history of bad cat names (Kitty, Puddy, etc.) so it was up to me to name them.  After I did some research for ideas we decided on Basil and Hamish - though we just got them and we reserve the right to change them in the next couple of weeks if we wish.  Basil, asleep in the pic, is slightly bigger and has one white ear, Hamish is a few ounces less and has more color, less white.  They have to be at least 2 pound before we can get them fixed and I think Basil was 1 pound 14 ounces and Hamish was 2 or 3 ounces less when they were weighed this morning.  Sorry, kitties, but it will have to be done.

Our last cats we each brought into the relationship, and the cats were different ages, sexes, and temperaments and barely tolerated each other.  Also, every female cat I have ever known has been some degree of antisocial, psychotic, not-fun type of cat.  So this time we wanted two males for the better temperament (when fixed), and preferably siblings so they would actually like each other hopefully for a full lifetime.  It will be different for us to have two 'normal' cats, but we sure look forward to the adjustment!

Friday, June 8, 2012

RIP Bob Welch

When I first heard Bob Welch I was just a boy, I loved the song 'Ebony Eyes.'  I had no idea who sang it and probably didn't really care at that age.  That song stuck with me through years of not hearing it again, then some years ago I found out who did it and was able to find the song online.  Since then I have become even more familiar with him and his music, so I was sad to hear of his passing yesterday, especially with the circumstances.  He was part of  Fleetwood Mac in the early seventies (he sang on early versions of 'Rhiannon'), in fact, he left amicably and even set them up with Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks and the Fleetwood Mac that everyone knows was born.

Bob Welch - Ebony Eyes

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Latest Listening Pleasure... Die Antwoord

I hate to do this again so soon, but actually I wanted to do it shortly after my first LLP post, when I posted the I Fink You Freeky video, shortly after their latest release, Tension.  They have been on my radar for quite some time now, see here.  So before this is no longer new to me and because the second video from Tension was released yesterday, here is why Die Antwoord is another latest listening pleasure.  A bit of a guilty pleasure for me, but a pleasure nonetheless...   Um, probably NSFW.

Die Antwoord - Baby's On Fire

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Election Day!

Today is the recall election for governor of Wisconsin.  After Scott Walker was elected almost 2 years ago he incited historic protests with his union busting.  Tom Barrett once again takes him on in what appears will be another close race.  I have a hard time understanding why it is so close, but with the way the Republican Party works and their misleading campaign ads it seems they take advantage of the 'simpler' (for lack of a better word right now) by scaring them into not voting democrat.  I am so sick of politics, but when my wife gets home we will be going to cast our vote.

We have had umpteen people knocking on our door these past few weeks, we have been deluged with ads on TV and even the internet and ignored scores of phone calls on the subject.  Too much, too much, waaay too much.  Needless to say, I will be glad when it is all over tomorrow and a winner is decided upon.  If it is Barrett then I hope he can reunite Wisconsin.  If it is Walker then I hope it doesn't take too long for the Feds to arrest him (like several of his cohorts already have been) in their 'John Doe' investigation.

Just.  Be.  Over.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Latest Listening Pleasure... Garbage

Madison's own Garbage is back with a new album, 'Not Your Kind of People.'  I still have been listening to a lot of Pain and Nightwish, but I have made room for the new Garbage album on my ipod.  They pick up where they left off six or seven years ago.  In fact, they started to lose me about the time 'Push It' came out, but after time and a fresh new album, I'm back to listening to Garbage.  (My dad would say I always have listened to garbage!)  As big as they got, they never played here in Madison a whole lot.  I do remember seeing them at the coliseum, with my wife, I think, and before we were married.  I've always had a bit of a crush on the Scot in the band, Shirley Manson.  That hasn't changed...

Here's a couple recent videos from rehearsal footage.  Check out all the new mini films here.
Garbage - Battle In Me

Garbage - I Think I'm Paranoid

Friday, May 25, 2012

Some Thoughts

It has been a while since I've just started typing and posted whatever came out.  Time to spill my gray matter all over the page..
  • I'm past the probationary period and still loving my new job.  By now I have a better sense of all the personalities around me and it is still a much better environment than the department I came from.  I enjoy the work, the people and my supervisor greatly.  For the time being, I consider myself very lucky.
  • Speaking of work, we ran out at the end of the day yesterday and this morning I jokingly told my boss that I'm a team player and can take a half vacation day for the team if need be.  To my surprise, she agreed immediately.  It's nice to get a head start on this three day Memorial Day weekend.
  • Last Sunday we bought some petunias for our small pot out by the front stoop.  Each night this week we considered planting them but just didn't get it done, so I got it done this afternoon.  I don't mind gardening, especially since my lovely wife does most of it!
  • Still no plans on visiting the grandmas again.  (Hey Sis!  We have to get off our butts and do this!)  We also have to have Sis and the kids up this Summer, her new schedule should provide more opportunities.  I'd like to get my brother involved as well.  Days turn into weeks turn into months and the guilt mounts.
  • I'll be going to my first baseball game at Miller Park in Milwaukee on July 29.  I saw the Brewers at the old County Stadium a couple times when I was much younger.  Generally I tend to avoid large crowds, but I will be going with two Sunday game veterans so all I have to do is follow the leaders.
  • We don't really have plans for this holiday weekend.  A friend, Jerome, is coming over to grill out tonight and another friend may take her boat out.  Mostly I'll want rest and relaxation.  It has been a long time since I had a proper vacation (as opposed to recovery from various surgeries) and I'm getting a little crispy.  Another 6 or 7 weeks to go yet.
  • I can't wait for this ugly recall election to be over.  (I think politics as a whole has turned pretty ugly.)  I really do not like Scott Walker and want him gone and will be voting for Tom Barrett, a week from Tuesday I think it is.  Mainly I just tire of politics easily, all the sound bytes, commercials, news tidbits, commercials, volunteer door knockers, commercials....
  • It looks like we will be getting some cats in a few weeks.  We are looking to get two male siblings.  It has been over 4 years since my cat died and about a year since my wife's cat passed.  Those two were housemates for a long time but only tolerated each other.  With 2 kitten siblings we are hoping they get along famously for a long, long time.
Well, I think my skull is mostly empty now.  Have a great weekend, everybody!

Friday, May 18, 2012

11th Anniversary

Today was my and Kate's eleventh wedding anniversary.  We were together for over three years before that, so that makes me an even luckier man.  I waited until I was older to settle down - I only wanted to be married once, and I still feel that way.  My wife has been my best friend and has brought out the best in me.  I know this is a quote from some movie I don't know, but she 'makes me want to be a better man.'  I love you, Kate, and I always will.

Also, recently some robins have taken up roost along our driveway on neighbor Jane's fence.  After Kate got home, but before we went out tonight, I noticed both birds in the backyard so I knew I could sneak up on the nest without them attacking me.  The nest is on the top of the fence in the plant that is right in the middle of the pic below. Just out of the pic on the left is our garage.  (We're lucky to have a neighbor that likes her plants and yard like Jane does!)

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Last Plant Update, I Promise*

I started showing this view and I will see it through to the end!  Which is now.  The irises are almost in full bloom, and again most are yellow and only a couple pink and one purple have emerged.  I bought a small fence to put around them, about 6 weeks too late but it works.  It's really for when they get heavy and flop over.

This may be it for the week.  I am on mandatory overtime this week so I will be earlier to rise and earlier to bed.

*For this and for now.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Just A Plant Update

Once again, I was taking photos for the garden blog and I snapped another of the flower bed out back to show the growth that's happened in just the last week or so.  The irises have shot up their buds and there's even one or two open already.  Mostly they are a pale, dirty yellow (the ones that were here when we moved in) but there are also pink and purple mixed in that we got from a friend at my work a couple years ago.  The alium (purple puffballs) are also at the height of their bloom right now.

The weather this Spring has been odd.  After a very mild Winter, March had temps in the 70's and 80's, April was mostly a more seasonal 50's with the obligatory 'April showers' and May is looking good so far with 70's projected for the next week or more.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco De Mayo Peeps*

*Update 5/15/12.  I combined all three videos into one using youtube's editor feature (for the first time).  Only one video now, and no page break.  Original written post remains.  Enjoy!

So yesterday, Cinco de Mayo was an excuse for us to have some friends over for some food, drinks and a fire.  Well, 'Saturday' would have been a good enough excuse but now there was a reason to play odd Mexican music in our house for an evening.  The food, drinks and socializing around the fire in the back yard were the main attraction.  I eventually remembered the camera, so after snapping a few bad pics, someone called for video when the orange peep toasting was about to start, and I was 'happy' (read: intoxicated) enough to oblige...

Here is the first of three videos I took in a short period of time.  It sets the table with what is going on.  After the break are two short videos of sacrificing the last peeps, with a bit of a frantic save, an accidental turning off the video, and the last video is the restart, seconds later, to finish it all off.
We had a very fun night with friends and this was just one of our small adventures, the funny peep finale videos after the break!

As soon I saw the peeps fall off, I jumped up to get them back up to where they would burn and not be a sticky mess on the side. The camera was lost to me until after, I had no idea I was catching myself from below, and even accidentally hit the 'off' button when I picked it back up, thus the short part 3 video, next.

Our thanks to all that came out, we had a great night with you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hurray, Hurray! The First Of May!...

...Outdoor Humping Starts Today! - Buzz Burbank - every year.

Happy May Day, Masturbation Month, Memorial Day, Mother's Day, and any other Day for the month, just so we're covered.  First off, I'm a day late, I know it.  Second, I think I just mentioned two things in the same sentence that can be rather disturbing...  No, don't read back!

My wife has been chastising me lately for not posting so much.  I work hard on a computer all day, I get tired.  Posting isn't just a hammer-it-out thing for me, I can read and re-read several times, sometimes, trying to get it just right.  Even now, trying not to, I have edited my previous sentence, dang it.  How about I just get right to it, eh?

I was out taking pictures of the garden for a post over on my garden blog, when I decided to take a few pictures of all the plants that we have coming up and growing in our yard.  It is a yard plant pic dump, of sorts.  First off, is a pic of the alium (purple puff balls) finally opening.  Lots more after the break if you wish to view the rest!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pic Dump 40

40, huh?  Time flies.  As my pic dumps approach middle age, all the same rules apply.  I have 50 plus pics to share (and dump off my computer) that I have saved in my travels through the internet since my last pic dump.  Some will shock, some will amaze and some will leave you shaking your head in befuddlement, but most are hilariously humorous!  For the most part, they just caught my eye at the right time and I saved them to share just with you.  Some may be (will be) NSFW, click the pic for original size if different (although blogger may be doing a slide show thing now, I think), much more after the break and just...  Enjoy!

First off, from right here in Madison, Wisconsin, featured in our Dane County Jail since late last year, whats-his-name!  This made the rounds in the national media due to his legal name, changed last November if I remember right, shortly before he was jailed.  He's a bit of an interesting story, look it up if you wish.  Google should have no problem confusing him with anyone else!

Once again, many thanks to 'My Favorite Sites' listed in the right column always, and here now:
Bits & Pieces, Crazy, Lazy, Silly and Strange, I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet, Naughty Bits, and the Watcher's Web Funny Farm.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Imaginaerum Trailer

Nightwish released the trailer for their upcoming movie, Imaginaerum, this morning.

A couple times in the last few months I've posted a Latest Listening Pleasure... post, first featuring Pain, and then Nightwish.  I like that idea and I think you may be seeing that again around here.  Now, when that happens may be few and far between at times.  As of right now, over 90 percent of what I am listening to is still either Pain or Nightwish! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Late Night Cruise Through The Ghetto

Space Ghetto.  Here's an interesting tribute to one of the sites that I look at when I'm done doing anything meaningful or productive on the internet.  There is much good in the ghetto, even though this song refers more to the scroll-scroll-scroll stuff, if you know what I mean.  Needless to say, NSFW, and I still will not link to it, or it's lesser (divorcee) site.  Enjoy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Save Yourselves!

Maybe, if more people felt like this, change could happen.  Warning: NSFW.

The Amazing Athiest

Friday, Fish, Friends, Fun & Family

Happy Friday, everyone!  Even though I am loving my new job, nothing beats the weekend.  It is Spring, which means that I have lots I want (and some I need) to get done and hopefully still enjoy some good down time.  I'm not posting my list, what gets done gets done and I can talk about that later.  What doesn't get done just stays on the list.

We have our new TV all set up on the new TV stand in the living room.  Wait.  I mentioned that last week.  I didn't mention the party we had last weekend.  Oh, I did?  Well, it was fun and it was nice to see friends that we don't seem to see as much as we used to - but Summer is coming!  I guess this last week has been mostly work, sleep and computer for me.  For Kate it was work, sleep, cook, plan meals, look up recipes on her iphone and think about cooking.  Really, she should start a food blog - except I'm usually on the computer.  Hmm.

Speaking of Kate, she is out for fish with her dad right now.  Me, I really don't enjoy fish.  And I'm tired.  Waaah. Oh, I heard that someone in my immediate family had a surgery recently - and it wasn't me!  It seems my brother's gallbladder was disagreeing with him.  I remember when we were kids, his appendix was disagreeing with him.  Perhaps it is him who is disagreeable.  I wonder what's next?  Seriously, all my best to you, Kevin.  No horseplay with the kids for a few days and milk all the sympathy from the Mrs. that you can!  Ta!

Edit:  I almost forgot, I recently wished a fellow blogger a happy blogday and totally missed my own days later.  April 8 was three years and counting!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Flower Bed Pic

Since I went out to take pics of the garden for a post over at my garden blog, I took a pic of the plants at the back of the house from the same perspective for a third time now, I think.  The irises are healthy and there will be purple puffballs over on the right.  Kate's flamingo is flapping among the irises.

Work, Work, Play - In A GOOD Way

It seems to have been busy this week.  Maybe not.

I just couldn't pass up a chance to post Milton!
This is my fourth week in my new position at work.  While the training will continue for a few more weeks, now I am just working at what I know and they are slowly introducing each new job and giving me time to do it and learn it.  Each week will bring a new task to learn now, otherwise I'll just be doing the normal work.  Tasks rotate between most of us weekly or daily, depending on the task. 

I still arrive with a smile on my face every day since the move up.  I was commenting to my wife about how everyone smiles at me and is helpful when I realized that, well, I'm always smiling at them so maybe that helps them smile back.  The work atmosphere is so much different, more professional than my old department.  I am very happy.  That's about all I'll say about that then.

We now have the new TV stand in the living room, all set up with the old TV on it.  Now we just have to swap it out when the new one arrives - it is finally ordered and should be here soon!  The old entertainment center is half deconstructed and away in the bin already, the rest is sitting on the porch waiting to be dismantled and disposed of, probably over the next two weekly pickups.

My wife has been busy all week doing all that she does for us and our home.  On top of that, we will be having several people over tomorrow evening for food, wine and entertaining.  It's acually a friend's party, she's just having it here and we are happy to oblige.

On a personal note, all our best goes out to our sick young cousin.  And happy homecoming to Grandma W!  Maybe me and Sis will make another trip to see the grandmas soon, while we luckily still can.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Good Friday To Catch Up

It is a good Friday, today.  My wife and I are fortunate enough to have a half day off.  We started by going out to lunch and have since been discussing upcoming projects.  Mostly we have been walking the yard and weighing the recently cooler weather (frost warning last night) against when to plant all the plants that we have ready to go.  I think we decided that today is our 'take it easy' day, while tomorrow will be a 'work' day.  So since I have some time, and since I haven't posted in a week, let me tie up some loose ends and put other ones out there.
  • First off, the live webcasts I talked about in the last post were fun to watch.  Kiss was a bit disturbing for me to view as Paul Stanley has clearly has lost most of his vocal range and power.  Gene Simmons is fatter, and the other two, while good, just ain't the originals.  TMOS's live theater show the next night was a lot of fun to watch.  Since I bought access to that one I still can watch it and plan to once more, maybe this weekend if I find the time.
  • Last Saturday my friend Jerome came over and helped me put the TV stand together.  Everything went as it should and we got the 'parts' box all taped up and ready to ship out.  UPS picked it up on Monday, so that mess should be settled now.  The next step, and part of tomorrow's activities, will be to move it in to the living room and move the old one out to the porch for disassembly and disposal, probably a bit in the bin each week, which shouldn't be a problem since we usually put it out only every other week.
  • On Tuesday morning an electrician stopped by before my wife left for work and did the quick job of putting in plugs under the sink so we didn't have to run the new dishwasher with an extension cord.  We are happy to finally have it done as it has been a longer process than it normally would be.  It seems their carpenter's wife is doing better, and this is a good, local, mom-and-pop plumbing place that has been real good to us in the past, so we dealt with the extra time.  Quality and customer service are important to us.
  • Plants are getting bigger outside but there isn't anything more blooming yet to post any pics, and hostas sprouting up are pretty bland.  Over time I'm sure we'll have more early spring blooms, the creation of our flowerbeds is an ongoing, year to year process.  There was a frost scare last night.  I don't think we got any frost in our neighborhood, but I did see patches on lawns and cars on my way to work this morning.  Boy, March gave us a good glimpse of Summer, but recently it has been more seasonal.  Actually normal or even 5-10 degrees warmer for this time of year instead of the 30 plus degrees above normal last month.
  • Speaking of the frost scare, you may notice a new look if you venture over to my garden blog, listed on the right. It's nothing special, but it is a wider format, maintains the green color scheme, and doesn't mess up the older posts too much. Further editing and template changes may occur when I have time to follow up and explore other options. Also, I added a link to a friend's new blog in the right column of my garden blog. He enjoys his garden and pond so much, I encouraged him to give it it's own website with Blogger and he has. It is early for this year, but he has many great pics of his gardenpond from last year up. Go to my garden blog and you'll see the link in the right column. I don't want to be too direct because he doesn't know I'm linking to it yet...(but if he knows how to use his stats he'll figure it out!) 
  • Lastly, but not leastly, I want to wish a Happy 6th Blogday to fellow blogger, Delcatto!  I think I recently said he's like one of my best friends I've never met.  I mean it, but I was probably drinking when I said it.  ;-)   All my best, Del!  Here's to many more (*raises glass while drinking whiskey on Friday afternoon*)! 
That's about it.  Bullet points let me catch up on many topics all at once, thank you for listening.  I still have a post brewing about my new position and training at work.  While Delcatto's recent training seems much more intense, I'm still pinching myself gleefully.  Happy Easter, if that's your thing, we'll be meeting with the in-laws to celebrate father-in-law's birthday.  Whatever you're doing this weekend, I hope it is as fun and productive as I hope mine is!  Ta.
P.S.  A belated welcome to my newest follower and all around nice guy, MCW from Crazy Lazy, Silly and Strange!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Live Webcasts!

Coming in 2012
In less than an hour, Kiss will be shown live from their free concert tonight in New Orleans on AT&T's Uverseonline.   And tomorrow night TMOS is hosting a first-for-them live show in front of a packed theater, you can get your online ticket here.  Is there any question why the computer has taken over my television time?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Changes, Inside And Out

Before I forget again, now is a good time to post the growth of the plants at the back of the house and compare to the photo I posted just 11 days ago.  Go here or scroll down a bit, and keep in mind we're still in March!  Peas are starting to sprout - the ones the squirrels missed, anyway - but more may be planted soon.  I'll wait a bit for an update there, but we do have more going on around here...

After almost two weeks, our dishwasher was installed this morning, yet it is still not completely finished.  It seems that plumbers aren't allowed anymore to hard wire a dishwasher or do any electrical work so we have to have an electrician in to put plugs in the electrical box under the sink.  Well, it works with an extension cord now, at least.

TV stand:  Unpacked pieces in front, packed version in background
And then there was the saga of the television stand.  It arrived originally in a pretty beat up box, but after unpacking the only problems were a chipped board and missing unique screw bolts.  The chipped board I was happy to overlook since I recovered 2 big pieces and it was in a hidden area anyway.  However, I could not completely build it without the special screw bolts.  Their packaging came open during shipment so I found several throughout the box as I was unpacking, obviously some were lost through the ends and/or the several gouges in the outer box.

After googling a phone number for, I called a very helpful agent, Angelo, I believe.  After exploring all avenues to get me the missing half dozen screw bolts, they had no option but to send me a whole other 114 lb. package.  I am to open it, take out what I need, tape it back up and ship it back before late April, all on their dime - about 70 bucks shipping one way.  In this pic you see the first one, unpacked, and leaning against some of the sliding glass door and the new one still in the box.  Getting that box back together again will be fun.  Remember, I all ready unpacked this once, I know the piece I need is toward one side and the hardware I need is in the exact middle of the box.  Anyway, it may not have been my ideal solution but Angelo worked hard to do anything else before resorting to this.  Great customer service, thank you Angelo at

So the plan is to get into and out of that box tomorrow or Friday night, then Jerome and Lisa are coming over on Saturday afternoon for assembly and grilled dinner.  I picture Jerome being 'Al' to my 'Tim - the Tool Man - Taylor.'  It should be fun!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pic Dump 39

It's that time again, time to dump all those pics I came across during my surfing that I saved just for this very occasion! Same rules as always: Some may be NSFW, click pic for original size if different and much, much more after the break. Now, sit back and... Enjoy!

Again, many thanks to 'My Favorite Sites' listed in the right column always, and here now:
Bits & Pieces, Crazy, Lazy, Silly and Strange, I Have Seen The Whole Of The InternetNaughty Bits, and the Watcher's Web Funny Farm

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We live just a ways south of the airport, so we don't even really hear the planes anymore.  It's briefly loud enough to pause a conversation for a few seconds when outdoors, but it certainly doesn't rattle the windows at all.  That being said, it seems the somewhat louder Wisconsin Air National Guard has been training again.  We heard some when we were outside just after dusk last night, and now this afternoon several have been taking off, always in pairs.  I wonder if there's a deployment coming up or something.
This is not a complaint, just an observation.  More power to 'em!

*I just looked it up - we're about 3 miles south, for perspective.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Pat's Day and Spring Plants

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Today I chose a cartoon selection from my favorite cartoonist, Dan Piraro over at Bizarro Blog to celebrate the day.

Spring is here!  Very early for us this year, but I'm lovin' it!  The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately, about 30 degrees above average and we have been setting record high temps every day.  With the change to Spring, I change jobs starting Monday.  Yesterday my coworkers picked on me all day, messing up my desk every time I left it to wander or go to break.  It actually made me feel really good that they cared enough to pay that much attention to me on my last day in the department.  A few of them even met me out after work to enjoy a few drinks (okay, a lot).  I will miss them, but I will still be in the same building so I'll still see them around now and again.

With the yard clean up done, we can just enjoy watching all the plants and flowers come to life.  Below is the back of the house.  You can see one lone yellow daffodil blooming among many other plants and bulbs bursting up.  To the left of the daffodil are irises and to the right are many random bulbs that were around the yard replanted here and those purple puffball plants that I don't know the name of.  Lost in the shadows on the left there are day lilies coming up.  As you can tell, last year I used the leaf mulch in the flowerbeds.  Hopefully that works out well so I can do that every year, I recycled almost all of the leaf litter from last year right here in our yard.

Also, every Spring we have these little purple flowers pop up in the back part of the yard. They're pretty and don't seem to hurt anything. In fact they pretty much disappear by the time I have to mow for the first time and then we won't notice anything again until next Spring.

Well, after my past couple of days, today is mostly a day of rest and relaxation.  Tomorrow may be the 'errand' day, and I still have the TV stand stuff to do.  My friend Jerome offered to help so I may take him up on that tomorrow, we'll see.  I hope wherever you are you are enjoying a nice Spring and not drinking cheap, green beer - blecchhh!

P.S.  Hopefully in a bit I will have the first garden blog post of the year, though there is not much to see yet.  Link is in the right column.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My 'Off' Day

I took today off from work.  Well, work that I get paid for anyway.  My day started about the same time it always does on a weekday, but instead of getting ready for work I read the paper and walked quietly until my wife got up for work.  After she was up and gone I finally showered, ready for what was supposed to be a very nice day.

I started by cleaning up and going to the hardware and grocery stores early, before they got busy.  By the time I got home and was putting away groceries it was already sweltering.  Well, as sweltering as 70 degrees and slightly foggy can be.  I removed some of the plastic we had covering some windows and opened up the house for what would be a very nice Spring day.  I went non-stop after that with yardwork and much more.  By the time I had knocked out much of my to-do list it was almost game time, at 1:10 the Badgers played.  This was after I had taken 2 showers and was on my fourth set of clothes.  On this 'day off' I worked my butt off in humidity that is unseen in March usually.  The high today was only 73 degrees but the humidity was nuts.  Pavement was actually wet, and in the shade it stayed like that until almost 4 o'clock this afternoon!  I managed to accomplish many odd jobs around here, but not anything to do with the TV stand.  That was just too much to fit in.

Still, none of it seemed to matter.  Sore as hell, I made a strong drink at the start of the Badger game and enjoyed it (the game and the drinks) immensely.  After all, I had been working non-stop, physically, all damn day.  In the mail, which arrived towards the end of the game, I got the PAIN DVD that I had been expecting, so when the game was done -and since it was supposed to be my off day- I enjoyed the hell out of that DVD, until my wife got home.

End of story.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hand In Hand

Well, I feel like I should apologize for the sporadic blogging lately but when I look it has been just once or twice a week for a while now.  Oh well, let's catch up. 

On one hand, our new TV stand/entertainment center was delivered today.  Just a box full of lots of pieces that need to be put together.
On the other hand, we have no new TV to put on it yet.  We do know what we want, though, so it is just a matter of ordering it, but there is also the little detail of moving, disassembling, and discarding the old, huge, entertainment center.

On one hand, my wife took a half day off today to be here for the delivery of our dishwasher.  Yes, we finally are getting a dishwasher.  When we first got the house we wanted to get one, then other things came up and we found that doing the dishes by hand wasn't so bad.  Since then I have had my share of surgeries and no longer stoop over the sink so Kate has been doing them all herself now for quite some time.
On the other hand, the plumber called this morning and said the carpenter can't make it here in the morning to remove the cabinet due to a health problem with his wife.  I had taken tomorrow off to be here for them and now have to decide if I will still take it off or if I will go in to work in the morning.   But there's a lot more to that...

On one hand, the Wisconsin Badgers men's basketball team opens March Madness as a number 4 seed against Montana early tomorrow afternoon, yard work could be done, and some of the aforementioned TV stand stuff could be done.  Also, a TV could get ordered, and I could take my first voluntary day off in a longer time than I can remember.
On the other hand, I have only one day I can use until I get my time back at the end of the month so I could go in and cancel my day off in the morning. Otherwise Kate would have to take another day off (presumably) next week when they can install the dishwasher.  I'll be in training at a new job for the next 2 months starting Monday,  so I would rather not miss a day when I've just joined the department.

Decisions, decisions.  I'm leaning toward taking the day off anyway tomorrow to get some of those things done around here.  Kate is okay with taking another day off for the workmen and, well, I deserve a day off.  So there!  The weather has been gorgeously sunny and warm lately so maybe I will post pics of the plants that are popping up... maybe we'll even have the first garden post of the year!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Latest Listening Pleasure... Nightwish

Nightwish is a band from Finland that I found out about through their singer Annette Olzon's singing with Pain on the single/video 'Follow Me.'  At first I was a bit skeptical, I have never really listened to this symphonic metal genre of music before.  In fact, at first listen I preferred the instrumental version.  But it grew on me and continues to be played frequently on my ipod.  I've since listened to some similar bands, like Epica and Xandria, and have come to the conclusion that I do not prefer this type of music - except for Nightwish, who do what they do very very well.  I do only prefer the current Nightwish lineup and maybe their last with the previous singer on the cd, Once.  I have not felt the need to explore earlier releases, though I'm sure it would be interesting if I ever get bored.

This new project, Imaginaerum, is turning out to be quite a big project.  CD's, DVD's, a movie coming soon.  I look forward to seeing the movie when finished, I may buy the box set that I'm sure will come out.  Here is the first single off Imaginaerum, 'Storytime,' followed by a brand new (hours old when I posted this) Imaginaerum documentary trailer.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Moving On Up

I'm happy to say that I have accepted a position in another department at my work, a step up, a promotion.  Many people tell me that the grass is the same green, and that may be, but at least it's a different lawn.  I start a fortnight from now, I am eager and nervous at the same time.  It will be a major change for my days, most likely for the better, and a minor raise in pay.  I take some pride in my work and I hope I'm joining people that mostly feel the same.   Yep, well, at the very least I'll have windows!

Friday, March 2, 2012

In Like A Lion...

Yes, March is here and with it comes one of the bigger snowfalls so far this season.  I just took this picture a few minutes ago. The snowfall is expected to more or less continue through Sunday, yet Tuesday and Wednesday they expect very mild temps in the 50's.  I'd like to see the 'out like a lamb' part sooner than later.

My wife told me that if I decide to shovel it better be a hole to fall in so when I hurt my back again she can just cover me up.  Hmm, I think I'll wait until she gets home.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back Again, And Again, And..

Today is six weeks, by my count, since I threw out my back after removing snow from the walks and driveway.  I tweaked it again a few weeks ago, mildly, and tweaked it again this past Friday, not mildly.  Today I am sore but at least able to walk somewhat normal.  If I ever get it to stop spasming and get the inflammation down, then I can get back to strengthening.

If I bought my body at Walmart I would have returned it a long time ago.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pic Dump 38

It's that time again, time to dump all those pics I came across during my surfing that I saved just for this very occasion!  Same rules as always: Some may be NSFW, click pic for original size if different and much, much more after the break. Enjoy!
I want this shirt!
Again, many thanks to 'My Favorite Sites' listed in the right column always, and here now:
Bits & Pieces, Crazy, Lazy, Silly and Strange, I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet, Linkswarm (I still visit - rarely), Naughty Bits, and the Watcher's Web Funny Farm (just because it was one of the first funny/joke sites I found way back when I first got an internet computer).  SpaceGhetto is not listed - it is a dangerous site(s) - beware!  In fact, just assume that each of these are NSFW, okay?  Now have fun!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just Was & Updates

I know what your thinking, what? bullet points again!   There's just been a few things on my mind and updates I wanted to give and then there's the highs and lows of the weekend.  The weekend was, um, just was.
  • My wife's Valentine's Day gift arrived a day late, on Wednesday.  I got her a gift basket of Godiva chocolates.  She seems to be very happy with it. 
  • My back has gotten worse before hopefully getting all better.  I left work early Friday, self medicated with a few drinks and muscle relaxers, and tried to get some rest.  That evening our friends Jerome and Lisa came over to grill some food and hang out.  We had a lot of fun, but, of course, I had quite the head start.
  • Saturday was our quiet day, we ran a couple small errands and got a bite to eat but otherwise stayed in.
  • On Sunday our friend Bridget celebrated her birthday (Yay, Bridget!) with a brunch at a local restaurant for many of her friends.  It was a popular place, the food was okay, service was good but seemed slow.  It was a big party and many people were a bit late to begin with, but we were there almost 2 hours and my ass and lower back were screaming at me.  I found making conversation difficult.  I do tend to clam up in a loud environment (I can't hear) or if I'm uncomfortable, that and my insecurities.  Along with pain management I could use a brush up on social skills.  I've got to buck up and suck it up better than I have been.
  • I didn't get the job/promotion I wanted, I lost out to someone with more seniority.  All may not be lost, though, a similar position is opening soon.
  • I'm still smoking the clove cigars.  I haven't really cut down at all, but I have made a conscious effort to not inhale, and just from that I can tell the difference in my lungs.
  • And lastly, I miss listening to The Don Geronimo Show podcast but it has freed up so much time.  I can now easily listen to all my other podcasts and plenty of music all day at work.  Plus, if my position changes, then I may not have as much time with headphones on at work.
  • And that reminds me, the headphone jack on my ipod is going again.  I have a new one on order that should be here soon.  This is the third time I've replaced the jack, I think.  We've certainly gotten our money's worth out of it (it was a gift many years ago), but even replacing parts now and again, this old 5th Gen Video ipod just keeps on truckin'.  Now if I jinxed myself by saying that I'll $#!%......
I guess I lied, when I said 'lastly' it wasn't.  Thanks for listening to my brain spill all over the page.  Have a good week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Gentlemen's Rant

...for Valentine's Day.  This is another youtube channel I recently came across that amuses me and may end up on my list.  Kind of NSFW.

My wife is not getting a present today. I ordered it late so it will be here later this week, but it's a good enough present that I don't think she'll mind.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's New?

Well, what's new with me these days.  Time to start typing and see what comes out...
  • My back is feeling better finally.  I threw it out 3 weeks ago yesterday after clearing snow.  Yes, after clearing snow as I was kicking off my boots I felt that old familiar twang and knew I would be hurting for a while.  I was right.
  • Our white trash neighbor across the street tried to park me in this morning.  It is alternate side parking here for winter which limits the space somewhat but there is still plenty of room on the street for everyone.  I was the first car there last night, this morning the doughboy's car was about a foot off my back bumper.  The skank bartends and gets home in the wee hours so she surely saw that and intentionally backed her car up within about 2 feet of my front bumper.  (FYI, they have the only house on the block without a driveway or garage, though there is room to put one in.) Just a bit more and I would have called the cops to wake them up and move a vehicle.  As it was, it was a pain to get out.  They have been a pain to us ever since we moved in and she slashed my tire because she liked to park in front of our house and all of a sudden I started parking there. I took pictures in case I need them later.
  • Die Antwoord's new release, "Ten$ion" is out now (see last post).  I enjoyed listening to it twice today at work.  Still very good, very edgy, but maybe not as good as their first, "$o$."  It will surely grow on me, though.  They were on David Letterman the other night!
  • Our winter continues to be a very very mild one.  There hasn't been much snow, even now the ground is mostly clear, and temps have been mild, above freezing most days and even considerably above freezing some days.  I can't complain...  yet.  There's still time.
  • I've applied for a different position at my work, an upgrade, promotion if you will.  I really really hope I get it, I desperately need a change of scenery from the department I'm in now.  A year and a half ago I did get a promotion but then had to turn it down because I broke my leg and they couldn't hold up the class.  That interview I didn't think went very well yet I was offered the position.  This interview I think went very well and, well, keep your fingers crossed for me!
  • I bought myself a new lunchbox that arrived today.  It cost about 35 dollars, but is much bigger than my old one (that we got for free but I used for at least 6 years), which was always packed to the top.  Mostly it needs to hold ice packs and water bottles and now I'll have more room for actual food. But the increased size has me steeling myself for the 'man-purse' comments I may get.  Oh well, the smaller size was too small so I'll just deal with it.
That's all I can think of right now.  Mostly we're just dealing with the daily drudgery that we all have, especially this time of year, I hope yours is more exciting than ours.  Ta Ta for now!

Friday, February 3, 2012

I Fink U Freeky

I always have an eye out for what Die Antwoord will do next.  Ninja and Yolandi Visser seem to do things that are somehow new, outside the norm, even fascinatingly strange, and that amuses and entertains me.

Of course, one big reason I enjoy Die Antwoord is....  after the break!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Managing My Time / OCD Tendencies

I've been trying to change my days around a bit lately.  The biggest change is letting go of The Don Geronimo Show podcast.  It is his whole morning radio show from KHTK in Sacramento without commercials, which is usually just over three and a half hours long.  I listen while I work and usually finish it by lunch time, or sometimes later.  I've managed to keep that up for over a year and a half, plus the other, shorter, less frequent podcasts that I listen to (listed in the right column).  Then at home I like to watch The Mike O'Meara Show podcast, video recorded on Ustream.  Between TMOS and my usual surfing sites, they replace evening television for me, which results in me being holed up in the computer room all night, sometimes even while eating dinner.

It has been a week since I've been a loyal TDGS listener, and not a bad week.  I've been able to keep up on my other podcasts easily and listen to a lot of new music that I hadn't been able to get around to before.  The next step is to start listening to the daily TMOS shows at work in the mornings instead of watching it on Ustream every day after work.  TMOS is a scant 70 minute podcast compared to TDGS's 3.5 hours plus.  I will still watch the TMOS bonus shows on the weekends, that is content that I have bought and paid for the year.

While I will still be on the computer daily, I want to free up more of my time spent every day, keep my wife company more often, and spend more time just doing things, little things around the house that need to be done.  I can catch up on TDGS when I ever have free time, or when something sounds like it's getting interesting.  I'm not deleting it from my itunes, mind you, so I will still see the daily descriptions.  Hell, I've listened to him for probably 12 or 13 years now, it's hard to let go completely.

I'll have to check back with this later.  Somehow, posting my intentions publicly may help me be able to follow through.  I hope for less stress and time commitments in my everyday life.  I guess we'll see how I manage my OCD tendencies...

This was easier a few years back when they were still together on The Don & Mike Show.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Latest Listening Pleasure... PAIN

PAIN is a band from Sweden, essentially Peter Tagtgren, that blends metal with techno with electronic whatever to create a big metal sound. I first learned of PAIN a year or two ago and liked the music so much that I explored them further. The early stuff I found to be a big bowl of okay, while their last two releases have greatly appealed to me. I love how the internet has introduced me to so many bands around the world that I never would have heard of otherwise. Anyway, I have been listening to them quite a bit more lately and, since I haven't posted in a week, I thought I would share what I've been jamming to lately. First, kind of keeping in the theme of crazy drummers, is PAIN's first single, 'Dirty Woman,' off their latest release 'You Only Live Twice.' While it is a great song, it also shows the drummer get frustrated, then destroy and eventually set fire to his drum set. After that is my current favorite song, 'The Great Pretender,' kind of a continuation (well, there's a hint at the end) of the 'Dirty Woman' video. This is what I like, do you? Give it a try...

PAIN on Wiki
PAIN Official Website

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crazy Drummers

I remember quite some time ago a funny little video of a very, um, enthusiastic drummer was making the rounds.  Then, just a bit ago, as I was watching some video of last night's Vince Neil concert, I found that I couldn't keep my eyes off the drummer.  They seem to be cut from the same cloth.  The band starts about 2 minutes into the video.  While he is entertaining throughout, he seems to really hit his stride at about the 10:30 mark. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pic Dump 37

For the thirty-seventh time, here are all the pics that I have come across in the course of my internet travels that caught my fancy enought to save since the last dump to share with you now.  Same rules apply:  Some may be NSFW, click pic for original size if different and much, much more after the break.  Enjoy!
Here's mine: "In the wake of Woodstock, the entire music business was gripped with what could best be described as Festival Fever."  Ace Frehley - No Regrets, 2011.  'Festival Fever!'  Oh Boy!

As always, many thanks to the fine site on 'My Favorite Sites' list on the right!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Other Things On My Mind...

...on this 'sick day' that I will pay for later in more ways than one....

My beloved Green Bay Packers lost, that's right, lost their divisional playoff game versus the New York Giants.  I was, and still am, mightily disappointed.  I'm having a hard time yet, but if you can bear it, here are some theories on the Packers' breakdown..

I happened upon an amazing, NSFW youtube page that gives you some convenient phrases in sign language.  It's called Dirty Signs with Kristen.

Sometimes I enjoy A beer for the shower...  Sometimes a cruise through the ghetto (beware, really)...

And sometimes it's just fun to blow shit up!  (Highly Recommended!)


If you don't know what it is you may want to look it up.

I'm home being ill today so I've had time to read some news.  I'm disturbed by what I hear.

Huffington Post is a good place to start, too.