Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Snow and Hardly Workin'

After a deep freeze blast in December it's been a relatively mild January regarding snow and temperature, but also mostly lacking sun.  Last night we got our first bigger snow of the season.  I'm not sure the official total, but it left about 8-10 inches or more on the driveway and walks.  I'm sure the official total is lower, but unless you watch and catch it on the morning news it's hard to find, even with the internet.  (If anyone knows where to find this kind of local, recent-past information, I'd appreciate the tip.)  At least it was a lighter snow and easy to move, but the snow piles are established now.  We are in the depths of winter.  Temperature-wise it has been cold and will be frigid the next couple days, but otherwise look to return to seasonable and we might even get above freezing in a week or so.

It's January, what can you do?  Same thing different year, but at least the days are slowly getting longer now so soon it will be better. 

Aside from my gripes about the weather, here's a video to enjoy.  I came across this awhile ago and have watched it now and again for a smile, so such enjoyment justifies sharing here.  I worked construction when younger, and while not so much home construction, I still enjoy this.  This creator has other similarly entertaining videos, too.  An interesting type of animation, and a good sense of humor!

*Well, I tried to embed and it said video not available, and when I look at his channel it's not listed.  My link works still, so see it while you can here or his other stuff at the link above.

Friday, December 10, 2021

RIP Apetor and Booster

 Apetor is a Youtuber that I've followed for many years now, me and his other 1.27 million subscribers.  I really liked his quirky, entertaining videos.  Last night I learned that he died on November 27.  Apetor made many different videos but he had a penchant for skating on thin ice, and that seems to have been the end of him.  I won't say much more here, but this short article tells more about him and how he died.  Below is the last video he made, from November 22, link here for email readers.  RIP Tor Eckhoff.

I got my booster and flu shots yesterday.  I remember feeling a little unwell after my second Covid shot, and I do not feel well today.  I'm not sure if having both at the same time made it worse, but my shoulder that got both injections is also pretty sore today.  Small price to pay for peace of mind, I think.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Fire Video

Have you ever used one of those long, soothing background videos for something to put on your TV or computer monitor?  Like hours of watching fish in an aquarium, or a babbling brook in a woodlands setting?  Around Christmastime a full screen roaring fireplace is popular.  I've seen and used all of the above at one time or another, and now I found one for 2020Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

CarPEEt Removal

Well, I can't let Blue Witch have all the home renovation fun this summer. If you remember, last year our cat Basil had all sorts of urinary tract issues and eventually wound up having corrective surgery. But not before he ardently let us know he was having issues by using our only carpeted room as his litter box. Time and time again I would shampoo this carpet, over and over and over again. I even used carpet deodorizor, and thought we had it taken care of - until we got the heat and humidity this year that brought back the smell.

Now, this is in our second bedroom, the one with the computer and otherwise used as an office and a place for much of my stuff. Yes, the room where the brilliance that is this blog is written.  It got a little old going to work every morning in here and smelling it, so the carpet had to go.  Last weekend was the time to do it, so it got done.  And it had to get done in a weekend so I could work on Monday.  We removed the carpet in the living room, hallway and bedroom #1 before we moved in. The carpet in this second bedroom was still in good shape so I decided to keep it at that time. I kind of wish we removed it back then, but I remember being pretty tired of removing carpet at that time, too, so that may have factored into my decision.

This time, just one room was more than enough for me.  My knees still hurt and my wife and I both still ache from the work needed to get this done.  It was a lot of stuff to move out of that room and back, but working on a floor is all down low work.  I don't do well with low work these days.  I remember telling my wife at one point, "The next carpet layer I meet I'm going to punch right in the mouth."  I won't, but they just go overboard with the hammer stapler and nails, it seems.  On the bright side, we have no more carpet to be removed.  At least the floor cleaned up pretty well, but it is noticeably a little rougher than the floors in the rest of the house

Not knowing ahead of time the state the floor would be in, we planned ahead.  We had a 7.5 by 9.5 foot rug in the living room that we bought shortly after we moved in and, while we like it, we replaced it with an 8 by 10 foot rug and moved the older rug into the computer room.  I didn't want to put a rolling chair directly on the hardwood, and we have the chair mat for a rug and it just made sense.  It's a little different walking into the room now and expecting a soft floor, but it looks pretty good and we'll easily get used to it.

Two things to end on.  First, I know I have two desk chairs at the moment.  One is for relaxing, the chair I enjoy, the other is for work, the chair that is better for my back sitting up and working.  I plan on looking for a better chair that can be for both, but I may have to spend more than I want.  Second, I took a bunch of pictures (more after the break!) and even a short time lapse video of myself removing the carpet and padding, before the real work began.  You can watch the time lapse video here if you want. I kept it private but I think you should be able to see it if I link it - if not please let me know.  But remember, I don't want to hear any plumber-butt jokes.  That's a warning!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Nationwide Protests, Again

This is big.  This ain't right.  This is tonight, here in Madison.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sick Musings and Funny Videos

It's been over a week since I posted that I had the flu and I'm still sick.  No longer the flu, but the upper respiratory stuff, while much better, continues.  I still have a bit of a rattle in my lungs when I cough and still going through tissues like they're going out of style.  Other that, I've just been trying to stay rested and hydrated.  I really hope this goes away soon.

I've been around the internet while sick but haven't chimed in or commented anywhere.  Ghosting, you could say, as I've been feeling miserable and my attitude has often matched.  Best not say much until I feel better, I think.  With that thought, this will be a short post.  In fact, I'm not sure what else to say right now.  Let me take a quick look to see if I have anything to share.

All I can find or think of at the moment are two YouTube channels I recently found and have been enjoying lots.  They've both been around for a while now, but they're new to me.

First, the Manitowoc Minute.  A comedian from Wisconsin makes fun videos about, well, Wisconsin things, usually.  I featured one of his videos in a post last month.  Always fun to laugh at yourself, I find.  His channel is here, his latest video is below.

Second is a channel I'm still discovering.  It's by an ex-pat Englishman living in the Midwest U.S., currently Chicago, called Lost In The Pond.  That channel is here, and his most recent video is below.  But for a real good laugh see the video I first found of him called '5 U.S. States With Way Colder Winters than Britain.'  You just know Wisconsin is on his list.  In fact, that will be the video below, from just about a week ago.

Fun stuff.  Good times.  Hope I feel better soon.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Winter, Packers and More

We got about 5.8 inches of snow officially over the last couple days, and temperatures are down in the teens today.  The piles of snow along with the temperatures make it feel like deep winter has finally arrived.  And the big lake, Lake Mendota, completely froze over a week ago today.  I guess it will be some time before I get to have a fire again.

I want to wish my wife a very happy birthday today.  Not only is it very cold outside, it got off to a rough start by me waking her early by snoring, then she's off helping her dad with lots of stuff, and soon we will be meeting out for a birthday dinner with her dad and sister's family.  Then later she has to listen to me yell at the television for a few hours tonight.  I love you honey, I'll make it up to you soon.

This evening is the NFC Championship game with my beloved Packers at the San Francisco 49ers, hype video below.  Again, I took a few hours off tomorrow so I can eat terribly and drink too much tonight while enjoying what I hope is a real good game.  Go Pack Go!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ends and Odds

I was looking at old posts a while ago and came across this video I posted 10 years ago, and I still enjoy it.  I didn't know who it was then, but it's At The Bottom Of Everything, by Bright Eyes.

I actually had this as a draft and scheduled to post on June 8, exactly 10 years after I originally posted it, then must have forgot to hit 'publish.'  Somewhat relevant as I just posted about airplanes, and I came across it today so here it is.

I also had this cartoon that I saved some time ago, I forget from where, because I liked it.  I don't mean to offend anyone who believes in religion, but I don't, obviously.

I did some more work on the long-fabled cat box area project today, still a long way from being done but it'll get there.  I have everything I need now but the good back for it.  After a couple weeks without one, I may have another fire tonight.  Gif below is from last night.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The 2018 Flood IV - Political Waters

It's been two weeks since the heavy rains of August 20 washed in to flood streets, homes and businesses, and there is no end in sight.  Lake levels were already about a foot higher than their predetermined maximum, now releasing the water down through the lakes and the flooding it will cause is making this a political issue once again.  Meanwhile, we have streets that have been underwater this whole time.  Let's just hope we keep avoiding any heavy rainfalls for a while.  Oh, it also rained another inch last night.

I found a very good website for information on the lakes, dams and water levels for our Yahara chain of lakes, link here.  And I also found the short video below, posted two days ago, of the Tenney Park area.  I'm sure it looks very similar still, especially after last night.

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.  I've been taking it pretty easy so far, but I may get out for a bike ride today.  Last night we had a fire before the rains came and cooked pizza and fruit pudgie pies in the coals. They were good but I burnt the first one and they did make quite a mess!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May The Fourth Be With You

For all you Star Wars geeks, here's the Star Wars Holiday Special that you all want to forget.

I do remember watching this on television in 1978 - and it was never to be re-aired.   (Of course I also remember seeing the original movie in the theater with my friends back in 1977.  I remember playing with imaginary light sabers, acting out the scenes with my friends behind the Dixon theater waiting for one or our parents to come pick us up, several times we went.)  I liked the original trilogy as a youngster, but the newer ones I've not really seen much of, except for the one with the original characters back.  And then I only got it for us to watch as a nostalgic novelty.  I'm just not into this kind of thing anymore but I thought posting this today might be somewhat original and funny.  Well, we all like what we like so whatever it is you may as well let your geek flag fly high!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Caturday! with Basil and Hamish

I promised a Caturday post earlier, so here it is!  Featuring our favorite cats that thankfully agree to live pretty much peacefully with us, Basil and Hamish!  I could have taken photos from old albums but I wanted to only post new, so here is what I came up with over the last week:

DSCF5189 b

I came home early on Tuesday because I did not feel well.  All I needed to do is go to bed, but I waited a couple hours until I had to move them.  They take over the bed in the morning hours after we leave, it's where they sleep most of the day when we're at work, I believe.
If they're not enjoying their main cat tree in the living room they are usually enjoying their first cat tree out on the back porch, while weather permits, anymore.  They are lucky kitties with fine, tall cat trees that are kitty corners of the house with full windows!  Their summer days home alone, well, if I could only do what they do for one day....


Hamish usually occupies the upper part of their cat trees but Basil gets up there sometimes.

They are brothers but so different in body types, I think it's just more comfortable for the bigger Basil to stretch out on the larger lower levels of the newer cat tree in the front of the house.  The older cat tree that's now on the porch was absolutely perfect for the first few years, (I highly recommend it for it's height and steps for kittens,)  Basil has just outgrown it now, I think.  Hamish still hangs in the crow's nest often, when the porch is open.  It is not a heated porch but the sun helps nicely this time of year.

There's more pictures from earlier this week through tonight after the break, and captioned for my pleasure!

Also, at the end is one of my favorite cat stories, as told by George Clooney on Dennis Miller Live years ago.   It's worth it, really.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Apetor's Spring 2016

Some crazy, cold-loving Norwegian up to his old tricks skating/swimming/skiing while drinking vodka.  I like this guy's videos.  Just consider what he's doing, then realize how good a video he made and edited of himself doing it.  Now how crazy is he?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bataclan Hall and EODM

We all know about the tragic terrorist attacks in France recently.  The biggest attack was at Bataclan Hall, at metal show featuring a band called the Eagles Of Death Metal.  Here is a video of the band onstage and in the middle of a song as the gunshots begin.  The video is not graphic, you can find those on the internet elsewhere if you wish.  But you can see the drummer duck down and a guitarist running off the stage.  Knowing that this is the very beginning seconds of what happened at that concert hall is what makes this video disturbing.  Be warned of that.

The band issued a statement today, I found it here at Blabbermouth.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Dare You...

I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video

Haha, reminded me of this site:  Do Nothing For 2 Minutes

Monday, March 9, 2015

Daylight Saving Time

How is this still a thing?  

A bit late for the topic, but I must agree.  There are no discernible benefits to our bi-annual time shift, so why do we continue what is generally viewed as a useless tradition?  Dubya (President George W. Bush) altered the dates for no apparent reason in 2005.  That's enough for me now, I blame him!

In reality I think we would all adjust rather easily.  The video is entertaining - watch it!

via B&P

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Suitsy

I found this hilarious!  Even more funny is that I can't think of one good reason why the hell not?!


Still muddling through with this old computer but ordered a new one this evening.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Aaron Rodgers' Doppelganger

I had to post this for the Packer fans that visit. Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers meets Tom Wrigglesworth, a comedian from Sheffield that has a bit of a resemblance...


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Shelter From The Storm*

Bill Murray version


*Update:  A teaser for a movie, I should have known.  I thought maybe it was just Bill Murray being Bill Murray and making a fun video, silly me.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Drinking in Wisconsin

I've loved this bit for some time now, ever since I first heard it.  This is Lewis Black on drinking in Wisconsin.  Classic because it's very true.  Yes, I'm a bit intoxicated right now, late this Friday night, aren't you?  We were out with friends and had some fun.  I hope you had a happy Friday night, too!  After all, you've had a long week - you earned it!   NSFW!

*Hiccup* - maybe it's time for bed.  Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwn

Monday, August 11, 2014


For Windows 7 or 8.  I saw this over at Bits & Pieces and watched the video.  It's really just as simple as that, copy the code and create a folder on your desktop, name it the code and... Ta-Da!  Tons of functions at your fingertips!  Thanks Jonco!

Copy this code: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}