Tuesday, February 11, 2025
New Dishwasher
Sunday, January 12, 2025
January This-And-Thats
Well, time to break the seal with the first new post of 2025. The holidays have come and gone, and we've settled back into daily life here. I don't have any big news or anything like that, and I haven't done one of these posts in a while, so time to start typing and see what spills out onto the page.
- I've been baking quite a bit again recently, though still only on the weekends. Most recently I made cinnamon rolls again, though this recipe is a bit of a cheat as I used the frozen bread dough. Still, they turned out very well and were a nice, sweet treat with whipped cream cheese frosting. I also made another batch of flatbread yesterday, and for the first time in a while I made the classic baguette recipe that I used to make all the time. Also yesterday, I tried a new whole wheat baguette recipe that I modified a bit from a ToYoube video. While it tastes good, I did not get the rise from them that I should have so wound up with skinny baguettes. I believe the water was too warm, though I waited for it to cool some it evidently was not long enough and likely killed some of the yeast. I should know better by now, but I'll make a few tweaks and try this recipe again soon.
- We had Kate's van in for new tires last week, so another hefty bill. Thankfully the brakes are still good for some time so we didn't have those done. Now, my light just came on in my car so I'll have to get it in for an oil change soon. Always something...
- Sometime during the last week the last of the pumpkins on the stump were fully consumed. Though we've had cold, we've not had a whole lot of snow here yet (*knock wood) so they haven't been buried much. I'm fine with not much snow, but come spring we'll miss the water if we continue like this. I sometimes feel bad for putting our veg compost in the bin rather than leaving it out for the critters, but we do not need to attract more animals to our yard.
- The latest project update for our street reconstruction just tells us that trees will be planted in spring, and they still plan on going ahead with the bike/pedestrian bridge over the creek, scheduled for summer this year. I still believe it is a waste of our taxpayer dollars as there is a bridge 2 blocks north and 2 blocks south of the site. This current city administration has plowed ahead with unpopular projects and I highly doubt will win re-election. But I still can't fathom how our voters approved the city to raise our property taxes above state-mandated limits - and with no end date!
- Last month we replaced the suet feeder with a double suet feeder for winter, though we seem to get less birds now. Perhaps they migrated or just have different habits for winter. But we have been getting more woodpeckers visiting, which is kind of neat. I'd also consider a hummingbird feeder next spring as I know they're around and nice to watch.
- I bought my wife a birthday present recently, for a week from today. I couldn't get it through Amazin' because she would see the notifications, so I went through another popular online retailer. It was pretty expensive and the box is oddly shaped, so I never figured it would be delivered in its original box, but it was. And my wife retrieved it, when delivered, so she knows what it is now. But she said she didn't look closely and does not want it early. She expects it on her birthday, and wrapped, so that's what she'll get. I was kind of proud of the gift and I hope she truly likes it. Maybe I'll share what it is after next week.
- Playoff football is upon us. Ohio State and Notre Dame will battle next week for the college championship, and the NFL playoffs began this week. My beloved Packers will be playing the Eagles this afternoon and I'll be watching the game closely and cheering on my team. Go Packers!
- The day after my wife's birthday is inauguration day. He's already distracting from false promises he made while campaigning ($2 gas, cheaper groceries, no taxes on overtime, etc.), the things that made many people vote for him. Why they think these rich, white men care about them is beyond me. Oh, well, what's done is done. The circus is about to begin.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Cable Update and Cheese Pennies
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A couple hawks with a snack, across the street yesterday. |
Then, at the end of the call, he brought up one piece of equipment we supposedly still had - one of their modems. I was pissed. I told him it had been several years since we returned that modem, so long ago I couldn't remember what year or where I returned it. He opened an inquiry and said it could take up to 72 hours. Meanwhile, I looked up when we bought our first modem from Amazin' and it was March of 2014, so I would have returned their equipment by early April that year at the latest, over ten years ago.
Thankfully, later that night, I received an email that stated they have "completed your equipment research request in alignment with your expectations." As far as I'm concerned, that better be the end of it. Fuck Spectrum, I'll never be a customer of theirs again.
Meanwhile, I've continued to make cheese pennies every so often. I'm finding it easiest to make multiple batches at once to have them available in the freezer. I baked most of the last of a roll of mild cheddar cheese pennies yesterday, and today for the freezer I made bleu cheese (for the first time), parmesan, and sharp cheddar with cayenne cheese penny rolls. (I've also made swiss cheese pennies before.)
Our first-place Brewers are playing the last-place Cubs this weekend. It's always fun to beat the Cubs, especially this year. Rain again last night and now too windy tonight for a fire, so I'm going to kick back and watch the game this afternoon and enjoy a quiet evening in. Have a good weekend, everyone.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
February This-And-Thats
I've been feeling much better this week but for continuing sniffles, since being sick the prior two weeks. It's just been going around as I've heard of several others being sick. It's no fun, especially since I was barely sick for several years due to changes that came with the pandemic, like masks and working from home. I'm around so much more people now than I have been in a long time.
New neighbors, late neighbor Dave's daughter and son-in-law, are still not moved in. The house was supposed to be done December 15, they told me, and they had to be out of where they lived January 31, so not sure where they're living now. At least they are getting $100 off the bill for every day past December 15, but I'm sure they'd rather it just get finished. In the early days late in summer and fall there was work being done maybe one day a week. Now, for the last several weeks there's work being done weekdays, weekends, holidays, and sometimes late into the night. Further exterior work will have to wait, they said, whether for weather or financial reasons I'm not sure. We've been thinking of putting a fence on that side like our back fence, and they may want to remove theirs before then if they want the metal posts covered with wood on their side of it, like the fence in the back. We'll talk to them again sometime after they finally move in, I'm sure.
The weather has been mild, kind of like March at the end of January/beginning of February and continuing. Early last week we again had morning fog on several days, including freezing fog in areas. Was like nothing I'd ever seen. Driving through one of the little squalls is a almost a whiteout of tiny snowflakes, with everything getting frosted in white with them. Otherwise, the snow has been melting so just a small mound here and there where it was deepest. And we had thunderstorms the other night, including a few tornadoes just south of here - the first February tornadoes in Wisconsin in recorded history. It feels like spring though the calendar says otherwise. I guess we'll find out if February will start acting like winter again or not. And anything could always happen in March.I came across a website that provides (for free) background noises, and you can customize and combine to make one to your liking. Noises Online is under those blue words, if interested.The last time I made baguette I used bread flour instead of AP and proofed them in the couche. I seemed to get bigger bubbles in the crumb but proofing them in a floured cloth makes the skin less flexible to expand when baking, thus they tend to split on me, so far. But I like mixing it up and trying new techniques. In fact, I'm even starting to reconsider getting a sourdough culture that I'll have to feed and keep alive in the fridge. Ugh! Anyway, they always are good bread no matter and I look forward to my next stab at it, probably next weekend.
Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. I do plan on watching the game, but only to try and catch a glimpse of Taylor Swift! Just kidding. I don't really care who wins, but I do like to see Patrick Mahomes whine so I may root for the 49ers. Mostly, I just hope it's a good game - and that my number$ hit!
Monday, January 1, 2024
Happy New Year 2024
However you chose to ring in 2024, I hope you enjoy the holiday today and all my best wishes for a wonderful new year.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
It's Been Awhile...
The Packers just won with a fourth quarter comeback, and you can probably tell from the picture that I was much more attentive to the game than Hamish.
My wife and I both did some baking today, and often my Mom and I text during the games so I was sending her pictures as I made baguettes. They turned out pretty good though I've been experimenting with my technique, so I may share that here soon. Otherwise, back to the grind in the morning and fiscal year is just a week away so the headaches are coming.
We did go out for a fancy dinner with friends Terry and Becky last night. The parking lot was between the restaurant and the lake, so we parked right up to the lake and I got pictures of when we arrived and when we left that we found interesting, if not quite level. I'll put those after the break. Cheers, everyone.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Badgers And Harmony
The Badgers men's basketball team is still playing, even if it is just the NIT, and they played today at 11 a.m. Today is sunny and finally supposed to get above freezing again after another temperature plunge, so I thought I'd get out of the house and go watch the game at The Harmony Bar and Grill, that I've mentioned here in the past. A good neighborhood bar, and not too busy during the daytimes, usually.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
February This-And-Thats
We are in the throes of winter, stretches of sun and temperatures leading to thoughts of spring then snow, ice and cold again. The local groundhog, Jimmy, predicted 6 more weeks of winter for us on February 2nd, Groundhog Day, and so far it has been proving accurate. Snow will arrive here in probably a couple hours and for the next almost two days will be off and on with wintry mix and ice mixed in for good measure. Well, at least the days are getting longer and, overall, the weather is getting better, right?
Still not a whole lot going on around here to write about except the weather, but I can think of a few different things to touch upon...
- During a recent nice stretch of weather my thoughts turned to walking outside, before the weather again said no. I have been back in the habit of getting on the treadmill for a time almost every day, but outside would be better. Yesterday I got in my first official outside walk of the year, going to the vet's office to pick up Basil's medicine. Hopefully more outside walks soon, they are certainly preferable to the treadmill.
- Good motivation for keeping it up is to try to lose weight. I lost 10 pounds from having Covid in December and so far have kept it off. But I've only maintained that and I'd like to lose a stone or two this year.
- I've still been using the trail camera in various places, but nothing interesting to share. It seems to get triggered easily for things up to about 8 feet away from it, but anything past that doesn't seem to trigger the camera. I'm not too fond of that, at all, but I didn't spend a whole lot on it.
- Not much breadmaking here recently, just pizza crust and pre-made white bread. I tried a different pizza crust and it turned out well, nice and crispy enough. This time I made the pre-made white bread in the slightly larger, metal loaf pan and it turned out very good. Also, I think I decided to try a different baguette recipe the next time I make it, I'm just not sure which one yet. Bread, buns and all but one baguette are gone now, so I'll surely be baking something soon.
- Neighbor Dave's kids have been cleaning out the house the last couple weeks, off and on. Most of it seems to be going in the dumpster though I'm sure they're keeping what is important. I haven't spoken to any of them since I talked to one of his sons before the funeral. It will be interesting to see what happens with the house. I know it's in pretty rough shape right now.
- I won $400 on a Super Bowl pool I forgot I was on at a bar and grill we frequent. I was on a different pool there and took a picture so knew my numbers had lost on that one, but had forgotten about this bigger pool I got on a few weeks earlier. I went into the bar for lunch on Saturday and had a very nice surprise waiting for me!
Friday, October 7, 2022
Early October This-And-Thats
It's jacket weather today, light jacket. The air becomes crisp though the sun shines. There's a bit of a breeze, but that's supposed to drop off in a couple hours. I'm counting on it as I'm planning on a fire and having a friend over.
- Markings showed up around the tree stump in front of neighbor Jane's. I'm not sure exactly what the colors mean, but interesting how they're so close to the stump. I hope the stump-grinding crew is careful.
- The artificial intelligence that creates 'art' from your input had made the news a couple weeks ago. I finally played around with it last night, and it's pretty neat but I want to play around with it more and get more creative with my input. You have to create an account, but you can use your google account. Check it out here. If I get it to create something really cool or unusual I'll share it here sometime.
- I'd kept forgetting to mention it, but the blog emails finally stopped going out around the beginning of August. I know many who read via the emails may not make the effort to come to the site to read, but I hope they do. I never found a similar service for free, but TinyLetter is an interesting option. It's more like a newsletter you sign up for, so I'd have to create that. Maybe paste the blog into it or, more likely, send one out once a month or so with links to my posts. Everything and nothing is on the table still, it depends on the effort I want to put forth.
- I found poop in the back yard again today, and I don't have the trail cam back there. I had it back there for a few weeks and all it caught was a whole lot of squirrel activity, no pooper. Right now, it's on neighbor Jane's fence across from the back door, close to the ground. My thought was to see what could be coming into the back yard down the driveway side, plus security for the garage and back door. I've not checked those images and video yet.
We had rain on 8 weekends in a row until last weekend. Not washouts, but at some point every weekend. And the porch roof started to leak a bit onto one of the new ceiling tiles. I do have extra tiles but a little white spray paint will probably fix it fine, I did that to some of the old tiles more than once. Several years ago I got up there and sprayed some of that flex seal stuff where the porch roof meets the house. The porch is not the house, certainly not built to code, and will get replaced someday so we don't want to spend much, if any, money fixing it up. So I crawled up the ladder a few days ago and gave it another good coat of flex seal. Hopefully that will last a few more years now.
- The Green Bay Packers play in London on Sunday morning, 8:30 a.m. our time so I think 2:30 p.m. there? The last NFL team to play a game internationally because they are one of the smallest markets so didn't give up a home game before and no other team would give up their home game against the Packers because their fans could fill any stadium ($). Being one of the most popular teams, Packer fans travel well and are located all over the place, here and the world. My wife is planning a fancy breakfast for us for the game and I'm really looking forward to it. There's a lot I should get done later that Sunday, but I'm just going to enjoy the unusual morning game and we'll just have to see what happens.
Hasn't that wind died down yet?
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Mini-Vacation This-And-Thats
A few weeks ago my counterpart at work took 3 of 4 weeks off, so I took Thursday and Friday off this week as a little reward for myself and to get me to my full week vacation coming up in September. Only a couple days, but I've been able to get a few things done that I've been wanting to do and now I have several things I'd been wanting to share plus a few new things. So it's time again to start typing and see if I remember it all.
- A couple years ago I shared this site as I found it interesting to compare the size of different parts of the world since maps can skew things quite a bit. I've since found a similar site here that is a bit easier to use but includes water area in the outlines. Still, I wanted to share as a follow up to this post.
- I do remember reading something about those butterfly signs pictured last post but I haven't been able to find anything on them online. I'm thinking they're a promotion for Olbrich Gardens' Blooming Butterflies event in the Bolz Conservatory this summer, just ended. I've also seen them as photo-ops for kids spreading their arms while standing in front. I like them, we should keep them around like some of the painted cows around Madison.
- A year or two ago we got a new grill, and while I have no complaints about the grill itself the wheels were a bother, too small and made it rather difficult and noisy to move the grill around. I finally bought better wheels online and spent a some time getting it done. Not a straightforward procedure as I had to use the existing screwholes to fasten a wood base. I expected a bit more to work with when I turned it over, but where there's a will there's a way. Once I got wood pieces fastened on I screwed on plywood that I could then screw the new wheels onto. Not ideal, but more than sturdy, will last at least as long as the grill does, and moving the grill is so much easier and quieter now. In the picture you can see the wheel size comparison.
- I'm finally committed, for the first time since 2019, to go out and experience live music. There was just Atwoodfest with several bands on our visit, but this is a live big rock band in a music venue that I paid (a lot of) money to go see. Legacy band ZZ Top will be here in a week and a half and I got one of the few seats at the Sylvee to enjoy the experience. It's been just a matter of time until I broke the seal; I considered The Melvins who were in town a bit ago and Anvil just a couple weeks ago. I didn't pull the trigger for either of those, but like I felt when I bought Alice Cooper tickets, this may be my last chance to see ZZ Top. Dusty passed recently and who's to say how long Billy and Frank can continue. The inevitable happens to us all, rock stars included. I'm planning on going alone, but it's a weeknight so will have to work in the morning, too.
- The Packers played their first preseason game last night. It was sloppy and they lost, but about par for the course for a first preseason game. Good to watch and know that football is coming, but it also means summer is coming to a close. It won't be long until autumnal signs will start appearing, and our recent cooler temperature trend is too soon but may also be a sign. Like in the last bullet point, the passing of time is inevitable.
- I still have the weekend here then back to work for another month until my fall vacation. I'm not sure what my main project will be for that time, but if nothing else I have some driveway cracks to seal, windows to wash, and may even do the edging along the walks. For now, I'm about to go out to lunch with a friend, then hopefully get a good walk in with my wife and then just normal weekend chores left to do. Should be a relaxing time, overall, hope yours will be, too.
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Here, what appears to be an F-35 turns over the neighborhood to come in to land. Pictures just don't do justice to how close they are in person. |
Sunday, February 13, 2022
February This-And-Thats
It's been mostly another slow, winter week around here. We're way below normal snow totals so far, and most days recently have been very cold, but there was one day that got above freezing and I took advantage by taking a good walk during a long work meeting. Aside from the weather (for a change!) there are a few things I'd like to touch upon, so time to start typing again and see what spills onto the page.
- I've not gone back for another try at the labyrinth, and just as well. I thought about it briefly yesterday morning but the temperature was about the same as last week. Not sure I would've gone even if it had been nicer.
- "The Mitten" is still along the bike path, and while it looks like it's been there for some time now all panels are still intact. I've not crossed the road in some time to see the second half but its probably the same. And no, I've still not heard the story behind how it came to be there.
- Covid numbers are going down and my cabin fever numbers are going up, so I want to start venturing out again. Last weekend was the first time I've gone out to lunch since before Christmas, and today I'm going to make a useful but not absolutely necessary trip out to the hardware store. Maybe I've been too careful about it since it started getting bad again last fall. I know lots of people are pretty much acting like normal now and have been for quite some time. I guess I'm just very wary.
- I have an appointment with the surgeon again tomorrow about my ongoing diverticulitus issues. I've not had a flare-up since the last time I wrote about it, but I did have a scare a little over a week ago that thankfully did not progress. My diet has pretty much gone back to normal except for minor changes. And I started eating dairy again without taking lactaid and seem to be handling it as well as I did before all this. If I'm ever on antibiotics again I will be very, very cautious about it, though.
- We recently decided it was time to order another quarter cow again and from the same place we got it last time, then they had a devastating fire. It was mostly the offices that were lost, but they're still in the process of reorganizing and completing their existing orders with the help of other meat processing companies in the area and will not be ready to take any more orders until at least next week. We liked them and want to support them, so will wait until they are ready.
Friday, December 24, 2021
Christmas, Fire and More
I did not get to have a firepit on the solstice like I have the last two years, it was cold and just way too windy to consider a fire, and that day the city picked up the stick pile before I could burn it. Yesterday, however, the temperatures were above freezing and the winds were mild. I started the fire about quarter to four in the afternoon and was out there until about six. Long enough, and with sunset before 4:30 it was getting pretty chilly by then. Last year my last fire was December 28, so we'll see what the weather does, if there's any more. The fire picture was taken right about sunset, and I had to remind myself to take a picture. I'm sure I have thousands of pictures of the firepit by now so I don't always anymore, but every one is unique.
About a half hour after sunset it occurred to me to also get a picture of the tree that was cut down as a follow up to the last post. There was no more activity over there since and the trunk still stands, and stands tall. It's twice as high as their garage and about as tall as their house, it was a very big tree to begin with. You can kind of see the fences that would require the use of a crane parked in front of their garage to get the branches out. But the biggest surprise is how this picture turned out. Again, this was about a half hour after sunset, the first pictures I took were pretty dark so I tried using the 'night sight' feature on my phone camera. Quite the difference, I thought, this fully looks like daytime! But it was not quite completely dark out yet so turned out quite a bit brighter than actual.Another takeaway is though I lament the loss of the tree, the dozen or more in this same picture, both near and in the distance, shows that we are not in any danger of being treeless in the area anytime soon.
Have a great holiday and stay safe, everyone. Go Packers!
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Last Tiger Lily
We have two different kinds of tiger lilies in the flower bed along the porch. One kind that was here when we moved in, a little larger and later-blooming, pretty much on each end, and another kind along the middle that is earlier-blooming. They've all been done blooming for some time now except for one stalk near the far corner. After all the rest were done this one still showed a few flower pods yet to open, so I've been watching it to see if they all actually would bloom and, somewhat surprisingly, they have.
When there were 3 or 4 pods left on the stalk I started taking pictures of them, anticipating each to be the last. I didn't believe the small ones would grow in the cooler weather. Even now there appears to be a very small flower bud there but I just can't see it being able to grow enough to bloom, so this, I believe, is the last tiger lily of the season for us.
On one of my recent walks I picked a gourd that was growing wild along the bike path, not in one of the community gardens, either, but along the creek. I saw the vine growing all year, and this last time it was roughly cut back and I saw two left that looked ready, so I took one with me. Not sure why or what I was going to do with it, it just seemed like an autumnal thing to do, maybe place it somewhere as a fall decoration. I expected the squirrels to mess with it, but so far they haven't.And the flowers we have left in the stump area are still doing very well. We've had several cool days recently, this weekend being the exception and maybe our last summer-like temperatures. The days are fast getting shorter and leaves are starting to change and fall, though it will still be some time before raking and gutter cleaning is due, thankfully. Stores are all decked out for Halloween, and we have a few houses in the neighborhood that have pretty impressive displays. Maybe later in the month I might try to get some pictures to share here. I do like Halloween, it may be my favorite holiday.
Today, my wife is out and about tending to her dad and his matters, which has taken up more and more of her time recently, so I have been doing chores around the house and checking things off my list. Soon here I think I'll take the bicycle down to the Harmony Bar and Grill for lunch. I've been doing lots more walking than biking this summer, and this may be the last time I get the bike out. Hopefully I keep up with walking even as the weather turns, but I admit it has been more difficult to make myself do since my back has been better. I used to walk to make it feel better, so now I should walk to help it continue to feel better, I think.
The Badgers play later this afternoon, and shortly after they start the Brewers play game 2 of the opening round of the playoffs, and before that's over I hope to be out by the fire. I've not done that in a few weeks due to the weather and also allergies started kicking my butt again, so I'm hoping the wind and weather will be on my side. Whatever your plans, have a great weekend, everyone!
Sunday, July 18, 2021
This Week, In Pictures (Mostly)
I don't think I have many words to say, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I do have several pictures of our area from this past week that I'd like to share.
For the sake of keeping the home page tidy, see the rest after the break!
Thursday, January 14, 2021
January This-and-Thats
We're well into the new year now and other than for a little insurrection review I've not posted in 2021. We are entering the doldrums of winter here, and during a pandemic still, so there's not a whole lot going on for us lately. Despite that, there must be a few things I could say so time to start typing and see what happens.
- First, let's get this out of the way: I hope he gets the book thrown at him and dies alone in jail. I don't care if it's from taxes to insurrection as long as he gets locked up. He went from sideshow to embarrassment to disturbing to criminal psychopath and wanna-be dictator. Enough said.
- That reminds me of a saying I heard recently. "It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they are being fooled." I thought that made a lot of sense, from what I've been seeing.
- Now, for a totally different thought, why does this rug seem so much harder to keep clean back here rather than when it was in the living room?
- I may have said this before, but I don't read books anymore. Not really a conscious choice as I used to read every day on my breaks at work, now I don't go to work and I have different habits at home. Probably just as well, I read mostly 'rock star' autobiographies and while some are very good some are very not. I'm thinking of this because I was excited to see another one the other day and almost bought it - until I read the very unflattering reviews.
- I splurged on my computer setup. I returned a 24 inch monitor to work and bought a computer stand with 2 heavy duty arms and a 32 inch monitor to match the one I already have. It certainly helps for work having two same-size monitors, but my desk looks like a gamer station now. I don't play a lot of games but I do watch a lot of videos, concerts and even sports on the computer. Maybe concerts not so much anymore, but there hasn't been many new concerts now in a long time.
- And my 'good back' chair gave up the ghost recently, so now I work in lowrider style in my 'relaxing' chair to save my back until the new chair arrives in about a week. Had to spend more this time for quality to support my back while I work and I want just one good chair that meets all my needs.
- Does it seem like I use too many commas and also not enough contractions when I write? I think so. I've been a little hyper-conscious of these things lately, for some reason.
- We've not gotten much snow since the last storm I wrote about, just a few overnight dustings, some of which was rime frost from the 10 straight days of fog and freezing fog we had. Anytime now, though, it will start snowing and we're expected to get 2-4 inches through tomorrow. We are fully in winter now, and this is what winter does. On the bright side I got my vacation weeks for the year approved today, in May and September.
- While the Badgers football team had a disappointing and disjointed season during this pandemic, the Packers are the number one seed in the NFC for the NFL playoffs. Hopefully two wins in Lambeau Field so they can go win the Super Bowl, starting Saturday afternoon. Go Pack Go!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
September This-And-Thats
Barring small mammals and firepits there's not been a lot to write about over here the last several weeks. One day blurs into the next as we work and rest while barely ever leaving the house. But life moves ever forward and I needed a vacation from, well, work. Not working for a few days will be the only difference as I still will barely leave the house. Good times, eh? Well, here I go typing again, so onward we go.
- We set a record yesterday with a high temperature of only 57ºF and expect to set another record today with the same high temperature. Both days have been cold, gloomy and wet, most especially for the date. I've now worn socks, long pants and long sleeves again for the first time in several months. Not the best week to take a vacation and try to get things done, but at least I'm not working.
- It doesn't always happen that my birthday falls the same week as Labor Day. Usually it's the week after so I benefit from a short week in addition to a week off. This year it is the same week, this week, so while I am using up less time I will miss the extra day off. And my Mom's birthday is a week and a half later.
- For the holiday weekend I drove down to Dubuque on Sunday to spend some time with my Mom. We enjoyed talking and relaxing, spending much of the evening sitting by her (gas) firepit. Yes, we tried to social distance. I know she's been careful and so have I, but it was nice to talk in person and not on a video call. I left for home late the next morning, very thankful there was not the usual holiday traffic. Thanks for having me over, Mom, it was a lot of fun.
- The above is one of my favorite pictures from spring, I used it as my background all year. On another of our walks recently I got an updated view, below, and now I use that as my background. If you look all the way down to the end of the street you can just make out the yellow left turn sign, which is right next to the canoe/kayak slide on the creek.
- The rest of Monday was spent being lazy, and looking back I wish I would have done more but the driving is tiring. Yesterday, being so gloomy, the laziness continued. And while today is much like yesterday there is no water in the basement so I got to work on the cat box area. I have the structure of it as square as I can, installed the drawer slides and took all my measurements needed for building the drawer. Hopefully with a little nicer weather I'll be working in the garage tomorrow. Cutting and assembling should go quick but the paint may take longer to dry.
- I've been watching the Bucks again since they restarted the season, but I stopped when they were down 3 games to nothing in the playoffs. Why put myself through the anguish? I told myself that if they come back and win 4 straight then maybe I'll watch the next series, but, of course, that didn't happen. And after a short training camp and no preseason games the Packers will play this Sunday. It will be interesting to see them play in an empty stadium, but I don't think the home viewing part will change much, especially if you've already been watching other sporting events without in-person fans.
- We had another couple over for a fire last Friday, the sixth and seventh people we've had over for essentially all year. The most we'll have is a couple at a time so social distancing is easy, and masks are required if they need to go into the house. I do miss seeing other people, socializing and catching up. This Saturday, Terry and her sister Becky are coming over to celebrate my and Terry's birthdays, just days apart. Eight and nine, and there are others I still wish to have over this fall at some point.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Winter, Packers and More
I want to wish my wife a very happy birthday today. Not only is it very cold outside, it got off to a rough start by me waking her early by snoring, then she's off helping her dad with lots of stuff, and soon we will be meeting out for a birthday dinner with her dad and sister's family. Then later she has to listen to me yell at the television for a few hours tonight. I love you honey, I'll make it up to you soon.
This evening is the NFC Championship game with my beloved Packers at the San Francisco 49ers, hype video below. Again, I took a few hours off tomorrow so I can eat terribly and drink too much tonight while enjoying what I hope is a real good game. Go Pack Go!
Monday, January 13, 2020
Friday, January 10, 2020
Here Comes The Snow
Well, that took a turn. Anyway, several weeks ago I made sure the snow blower started and it did easily. I'm sure I'll be using it at least once this weekend, maybe more. There's no way my back could take shoveling 7 inches, let alone 12, unless I want to end up in the hospital. Overall, my back has been pretty good this last year, but all it takes is one snowstorm. One movement, actually. I have a spot in my lower back that has twinged a bit from time to time lately, just reminding me how close I am to having my back go out at any time. Thankfully it hasn't, and I try to be careful so it doesn't.
The screenshot here is from a site I found that compares geographical sizes. I found it a while ago actually, and for some reason thought of it now to share. For my UK readers (hey guys!) I put Wisconsin over England with London right about where Madison would be. It was a fun little waste of time, the site is here.
Sunday night the Packers have a playoff game and I intend to enjoy it fully. I even took a vacation day on Monday to sleep in and relax all day. Lose and it's over, win and they go to the NFC championship next weekend. Win that and they're off to the Superbowl! But one game at a time. The Packers have had their issues this season but still managed to pile up the wins. And the Bucks have the best player and best record in the NBA. The Badgers are pretty average this year, but it's still pretty good to be a sports fan in Wisconsin. Go Pack Go!
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Thanksgiving Weekend 2019

Weather-wise has been gray, gray and more gray, but I'll take the time away from work! The rest of the weekend will be pretty easy, with football games this afternoon and tomorrow. Otherwise, I've been doing what a holiday is for - resting. I'll need it as overtime starts again on Monday. It will last until the next holiday week and then for at least a time after that (sigh). But better stop that before I get started on it...
I don't have a whole lot to say, but I do usually post for the holiday and I've not done that yet so wanted to check in. Again, I hope you are enjoying the time off and are thankful for that which you should be thankful. Cheers!