Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

I hope all out there have a happy and healthy new year!

Fortunately I am feeling better. Sorry about the lack of posts. I made it through work today, but I'm still trying to fight off the last of my (rather nasty) cold. My wife just left to go out with our friends- and I'll be asleep by midnight. Oh well. I'm still having a few drinks and pretending I'm well, for now! I haven't even unloaded our christmas photos yet. Three more days to get back on track, though. Happy New Year!

Edit: Did you know it is a 'Blue Moon' tonight? It's the second full moon this month.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Funny Father Xmas Apology

This is funny - as long as he did all that for his kids when they were young. Mine didn't, but I'm sure he justifies it to himself.

I've become ill. I'll recap the holidays later. Maybe if I'm home sick tomorrow, or maybe not.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My New Favorite Xmas Song

I've purposely been avoiding the topic lately, but I'm not big on holidays. The most I like is the extra time off from work. There is no major reason that I could name, unlike others (condolences DG!).

I found a new favorite song for the season! Only because I have no favorite song for this season. Have a wonderful day!

(My first link to hulu, I don't think it will fit. Here's a direct link to Eat Me Daily, where I found it.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pic Dump 6 - Doubled

Here we go again! Some you may have seen, some you may not. These are just some pics that caught my fancy for one reason or another. I have an abundance this time so twice as many as usual. As always, discretion may be advised after the break. Remember to click on the pic to see original size!

Doesn't this look like the bestest most delicious cupcake ever!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Simon's Cat

If you have not come across Simon's Cat yet, then you probably should check to see what you're missing.  This is alot more entertaining for cat people, I'm sure, but all could enjoy it.  Here is the first one that I saw.  It's probably still my favorite!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Updates, Bricks, and Holiday Sweets

It's been a long, somewhat trying week around here so I haven't been posting much.  I've had the 'difficult' project at work, while still trying to get my back back to feeling normal.  Not much sunlight brings on minor seasonal affective disorder.  Tensions were high between me and my wife holiday shopping on Saturday while dealing with all the people and traffic jams.  Still buried in snow and a bit more expected soon.  

Remember when I fixed up the bricks at the corner of the house?  Yeah, well somebody actually walked up, brushed the snow off the top, then walked away with one of the bricks.  The fourth one up in those pics.  Who would do something like that?  I can get the same ornamental brick for just a couple bucks come spring, but not weathered the same.  I'm just a little flabbergasted.  I try not to speculate since that just makes me want to blame our 'bad' neighbor.  It was probably just some kids and the brick is probably in the creek at the end of the block.  I hope it broke the ice and made a nice splash/kerplunk for them.  Who knows?

My wife is off to her friend Terry's tomorrow at noon to make holiday cookies and sweets with her and her sister.  Sadly, their mom died a year or two ago, but they are keeping up a family tradition.  My wife has been bff's with her forever, so its just a natural thing to do for them.

Meanwhile, I guess I get the day off.  I  will sleep as late as I can since the Packers don't start until 3:15 this afternoon.  I will clear snow, maybe wrap presents, and do little things around the house as needed, but mostly I plan on sleeping in then relaxing with the Sunday paper before football.  Maybe prepare a supersize pic dump for early this week, as now that I'm doing that as a regular post I all of a sudden have a ton of pics saved just from my recent surfings on the web.  I must be more selective in the future, oh well.

It's late, I'm sleepy.   Good Night...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Male v Female Brains

This has been going around for quite some time, but still worth a watch.  My wife and I watched this together quite a while ago.   Earlier today we had a small spat and when I explained how I was thinking, using this example - she understood!  Reason enough to pass it along if you ask me.  Guys should enjoy this, file it away, and possibly get your point understood with your significant other with this example.  It makes hilarious sense to me!

Mark Gungor explains the difference between the male and the female brain:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Mike O'Meara Show is Back!

Yes, The Mike O'Meara Show is back. After being fired about 5 months ago, the gang is back at it, in podcast form. They started up again last Monday, December 7, with Mike, Robb Spewak, and newsman Buzz Burbank. No home radio station, they are doing the show from Mike's living room. They do have at least one affiliate radio station carrying the show, and hopefully more to follow.

On the down side, gone are Beth Ann McBride, Joe Ardinger, Katie Powers, and other odd personnel. But joining the show is Oscar Santana of the Big O and Dukes show, fired at the same time 5 months ago.

I've been listening to Mike (and his former partner of 20 years, Don Geronimo,) for a long time, so the last few months I've had to find other things (link nsfw) to listen to. I'll continue with the other podcasts, since The Mike O'Meara Show is only 1 hour a day instead of the old 4 hour show. Boy, it's just nice to hear those old familiar voices again!

If you're unfamiliar, it's just guy talk. Check out The Mike O'Meara Show website where a quick listen is as easy as hitting 'play'!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pic Dump 5

Again, some of the odd things I have come across. As always, discretion may be advised after the break. Remember to click on the pic to make it bigger (or in some cases - readable). Enjoy!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just Playing With Audio

I'm checking out odiogo to read the posts aloud. So far it only says the first paragraph or so. I think I have it set now, so this is a test. But I have to add much more writing, so put up with this for a bit and I'll make this post go away.

Edit: All seems well with odiogo now. So you can listen while you read, just listen, or ignore it. The audio seems to be available about a day after the article is posted, though. Also you can subscribe to the feed a number of different ways, even with itunes! See the link in the lower right column.

I don't know what I'm doing. I'm playing with new (to me) things that I stumble across, usually found randomly on some other blog. I like them and play with them a bit. I am showing that I'm just a noob blogger playing with toys. Tell me, what do you think about the audio? Anyone?

First Blizzard of the Season

Wednesday was spent on snow removal. Off and on all day. I did get to use my new snowblower, with difficulty. I got a single stage, so the snow was mostly three times deeper than it was designed for. It took longer than shoveling but was much easier on my back. I knew we would get this much snow occasionally, but I didn't expect it so early. I heard we got 18", 14.1" at the airport, but it seemed like much more.

I took a few pics (from indoors) when we were mostly done. About all you can see is white, though. If you're in this region I know you got it, too.

I think I heard of 8 finger amputations in Madison from unclogging snowblowers in the last few days. Wow. Even I knew to grab a stick!

So the snow beat us up Wednesday, and Thursday we stayed home (and off the roads) to lick our wounds. My back held up pretty well using the snowblower, but I had more than enough sore and aching muscles. My wife got the worst end of it. She did all the shoveling out front. It was alot of help, but her back was killing her. There was alot of moaning and groaning going on here Thursday, and not the good kind.

If you got hit I hope you got it taken care of well - kept all your fingers and vertebrae attached and aligned! Feel free to pass on your stories in the comments!

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Christmas Cookies Recipe

I don't feel like blogging yet, though I do have the snowstorm to tell you about. I'll probably post about what happened with that tomorrow. In the meantime I feel like making cookies:

Jack Daniels Christmas Cookies

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jack Daniels

Sample the Jack Daniels to check quality. Take a large bowl, Check the Jack again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, Pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter In a large fluffy bowl.

Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it’s best to make sure the JD is still ok, try another Cup just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup Of dried fruit.

Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry It loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Jakc Daniels to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves A sheet. Check the Jack. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can Find.

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall Over.

Don’t forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the JD and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.

Cherry Mistmas !

Via Bits & Pieces and altered here to my tastes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bacon, I Want It NOW!

If you love bacon (Jerome!), you must check this out. Let's get together to make one. That way we can split it and have a 50% better chance of surviving the heart attacks!

Spent the day digging out from a snow storm. I'll have more to say on that later on.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friends and Badgers, Packers

Yesterday was a lazy day. We slept in, it was 11:00 am when I got up! I haven't slept that late in ages. We did have a few people over for the Badger game late Saturday night. The game was in Hawaii so it had a 10:30 pm start. It was alot of fun! I'm glad the game was a blowout because I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it.

Although more were invited it was the same 6 of us that got together for a game a couple months ago. Everyone seems to be more comfortable every time they come over - and they should! We had table and chairs set up in the back room for an overflow area that wasn't needed, and plenty of food and drink. I think we always over estimate that stuff. I hope everyone had a good time. It was a late start to the evening, so understandably it ended relatively early. Around the beginning of the 4th quarter. The game had long since been decided.

And tonight is the Green Bay Packers v the Baltimore Ravens on Monday Night Football! Last I heard it was Packers favored by 3. Sounds about right to me. Though they will make it the hard way most likely, I think the Pack will pull it out. GO PACK!

Here's a very good article today from ESPN Milwaukee on how Packer Mark Tauscher is enjoying his comeback. If you read it you'll see why its easy to like him. I wish I could be more easy going like that.

I deleted a couple spam comments today. I hate to do it, but if more start showing up I will have to add that security box to comments. You would just have to type a few letters that you see. It keeps out automated spam comments.

This morning there was enough snow for me to try out my new shovel. And according to the weatherman I'll get to use my new snowblower tomorrow night and Wednesday morning.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pic Dump 4

I just keep finding odd and funny stuff and I like posting the pics that catch my eye. So I think Pic Dump will continue as a feature here on Scoakatsblog. I see it as a regular feature of 10 pics that have caught my eye for one reason or another. As always, viewer discretion advised.

Remember to click on the pic to make it bigger. (double click on videos to watch them at youtube.)

Friday, December 4, 2009

W.A.S.P. Recently

I don't think I've ever posted a W.A.S.P. video yet. Since I'm having a couple drinks watching some of their latest posted, I thought I'd share. This is not a brand new song, but a good one. It's not even the complete song, but the sound is very good! Try it, you might like it! If not - tough, my blog. ;)

Edit: a bit later
I can't forget CKY. I've also been enjoying their music alot lately. Here's a recent one, and naturally, another band I like is playing overseas. *sigh*

The whiskey is tasting good, but my wife is not happy with me tonight and we are entertaining tomorrow night. I haven't wanted to be grumpy but sometimes it happens.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Excuse me, but DUH!

When they say 'hampered in its original aim', it means they couldn't find -any- who have not partaken for a control group.

You'll understand if you read the article, this news story is adult oriented - warning.

I've heard more detailed accounts so I could search for and find one of those to post, but if you're that interested, you know how to use google.

No further comment except to remind you that someone got a lot of grant money for this study. I don't care what country it originated in, waste is global.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hello, just thoughts

Hello. I've not much to say, but let me start typing and we'll see what happens.

I'm still looking for a name for my new kitty. I know at least one of my nieces and nephews enjoyed the fish. I was hoping maybe mom or dad could get them to give me some ideas? Maybe some nominations then a poll so they can vote for their name? I'm open to suggestions from anyone, I have only one so far!

Speaking of, there have been times I wanted to show off the nieces and nephews in pics here, but I'm afraid my sibs would say no. Just a special occasion type of thing. I was tempted when I got halloween pics but I was too chicken to ask. K and K?

My new snow thrower arrived Monday. When I first looked online, I saw one I liked pretty quickly. Then I decided I had better do some more research, so I did. I finally decided on that same snow thrower, just a size up enginewise. I ordered it through searsdotcom. I hate winter.

I've also added a buzzfeeddotcom widget on the right. That's where I come across many virals, some reposted here. I like the amount of posts I have on my front page, and I still usually have alot of room in the right column at the bottom of the page, so I may as well do something with it. As I see it, why not, but as always my views are subject to change. I've been thinking of a new template as well, but I should learn more first. It'll turn out kinda like the snow thrower thing probably.

The city assessor stopped by today. We expect a certain amount of taxes since we're right in Madison. Any closer and we'd be on the isthmus it seems. We'll see what comes of it.

That's it for now, time for dinner. Good night!

Edit: Also the youtube links at the bottom seem to be acting up. I'll get to that soon.

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Monday. Where's Rob?

I know I just had most of the last week off. The problem is it doesn't feel like it. I feel used and underutilized often at work. I need to work on my disconnection. Find, or create, a better on/off switch for myself. Give up my free thinking and do what I'm told. Become a better drone. Just a means to an end.

Anyway, I got home and saw this and it made me happy again. During a New York Knicks game this guy gets 'lost' and his friends get 2 whole sections trying to get Rob's attention. From Improv Everywhere, this is hilarious!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

UDO is on Tour

U.D.O. has opened their 'Dominator' Tour in Oslo a few days ago on Monday. Here are the opening two songs for the show, as well as being the opening two songs on the new album. Good stuff, not even the best they do.

It is with a far-fetched wish that I ever get to see them. I feel fortunate that I've seen Accept twice on the Metal Heart tour, back in '85 or so. Back then I was aware of who I was seeing, and appreciative of their music (They - Kicked - A$$!!)! But this band is not american, and not appreciated here. So, of course they play where they are, essentially the other side of the earth. To be able to enjoy Udo and Stefan, with Fitty, Igor, and Francesco, right in front of me playing... well, that would be about as good as the Ace Frehley show to me. They Rock!

Really, I never thought I would go to an Ace Frehley solo show here in Madison, since that would be something good for me (things don't usually happen for me like that). U.D.O. would be a band that I would love to see, but never expect to. W.A.S.P., as well, spends most time overseas these days (I saw them on their first big tour with KISS, in late 1984 I think. Americans seem to be missing out on some good things, however, everything is so niched these days that ... yada yada my opinion is long past irrelevant and I've had too many drinks to explain.

I'm gonna like the music I like and appreciate the rare live performances that I find fewer and farther that much more.

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Blog Pet!

Well, unfortunately my fish seemed to have died. I guess you didn't feed them enough! So I have upgraded to a cute little kitty. You can pet him, make him purr, and even feed him or play with a toy with him (found in the bottom right corner)!

The only thing is, I'm not sure what to name him. Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Muppets = Goodness

Here the Muppets perform Bohemian Rhapsody. Very cool video. Do kids still watch or know of the Muppets? Or do they live only for adults who remember them nostalgically? Are there any younger readers who can tell me??

This is all over the internet right now, so if you haven't already seen it, enjoy!

Happy Gobbles!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dr V back on Friday Nights

I got word from Doctor V that he is back on Friday nights! This is good, I never saw the show the last couple months when it was on late Wednesday.

The Doctor V Show
Friday Night, 9:30 - 10:30 pm CST
WYOU Charter regular-95 digital-unavailable

Or simulcast live and other times reruns at:
Link is in My Other Favorites on the right as well!

This is a good reminder to myself to watch online, I try to catch it live when possible.

Pic Dump 3

Again, cleaning out my files. Some discretion may be required! Remember, you can click on the pic to enlarge. Enjoy!

More after the break.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sick Day

A rare middle-of-a-weekday post here. If I'm bored later I may do another Pic Dump.

I left work early yesterday, and stayed home sick today. Sunday night I slept for over 9 hours, went to work as usual, but had a real hard time functioning. More than usual for a Monday morning, anyway. Within a few hours it was evident I wasn't feeling well, so I went home and proceeded to sleep for about 4 more hours. No fever last night, though it felt like it.

This morning I started out feeling ill so I stayed home. I think I'm feeling better now but it comes and goes. I tried napping again, but I think I'm all slept out for now. I've been taking Airborne ("no more than 3 times per day") since I got home yesterday. I've been using this product as needed for a couple of years now, and I think it helps alot.

What is unusual though, is that this is the second time I can recall that using this seems to be heading something off. My symptoms have not progressed past head and body aches, and a little nausea. The kind where I am most comfortable being very still, staring at the TV.

Another theory is about the (regular) flu shot. I received mine about 2 weeks ago. If my memory serves, I went through the other situation last year similarly after the flu shot. (Before then, my employer at the time didn't offer it.) Maybe some sort of reaction and all my preventive medicine is for naught? I don't know.

All I know for sure is that come hell or high water I must be back at work tomorrow, or else I need a doctor's note and I won't get my holiday pay. I'm (hopefully) feeling better already!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Da Bares

No matter what the Packers do, it's still fun to watch the Bears get humiliated. Devin Hester got pantsed during the game last night - insult to injury.

Bare Bear butt after the break.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pic Dump 2

Again, cleaning out my files. Some discretion may be required. Enjoy!

I see 7 people, do you?

More after the break.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Earth Rings?

Here's a view of Earth if it had Saturn's rings. Fictional, yet fantastic. Just imagine, if it were real we wouldn't think anything of it. Besides, what else are you doing for the next 3 minutes?


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Outside Packer View

This is a good article for Packer fans. An outside view of the game day experience.

"I was in Green Bay over the weekend with BBC 5 live sports extra - as part of the first ever British commentary team to broadcast live from the US - to witness the hometown Packers record a much-needed win over the visiting Dallas Cowboys at Lambeau Field.

And from the moment I arrived in the tiny town with a population of just 100,000 people, I knew I was in a special place rich in American football history."

Read the whole article here.

I have not been to one myself. I'm not good in large (10-15,000+) gatherings. I start to bug out a little. I'd like to visit in the offseason sometime, though. You know, take in the whole tour and hall of fame thing and then remember it fondly from my recliner while watching a December, 17 degree game at home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cigs Vacation

It's that time again. A little over a year ago I quit for five months. I wish I hadn't started up again, but I did. Shoot me. I started the Step 1 patch on Monday. I had 3 cigarettes Monday, and 3 today. It may be a rough week.

I need a vacation. With the new job I've pretty much started all over. I haven't accumulated enough time for any real time off. My back kept me out for six days early last spring. Then, with the house purchase, came a half day for inspection, a half day for closing, a half day for the tree trimming... You get the idea. Throw in some illnesses and a back spasm or two and there goes my time. I'm looking forward to a 4-day weekend coming. I really don't want to do anything, but I may have to be with the in-laws while the Packer game is on. Oh well, minimal travel, I gotta remember to take beer, and focus on the game... The rest of the weekend I want for us here at home. I'm selfish. My batteries need recharging, more often than has been able this year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pic Dump 1

I've been cleaning out my computer files and deleting alot of old things I don't want or need. I have a lot of pics that I saved to share later, with whom or where I have no idea. But I don't need to keep them, so I will be dumping a few here every so often.

More after the break. Some not for kids. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Madison Ace Show - more vids

This is not turning into all Ace - all the time. That just seems to be the hot topic with me lately. These videos were added the other day. I can see myself kinda, mostly just my spastic arms every now and again, though, but I am right there!

Old KISS Magazine

I came upon this while browsing Youtube. I actually still have this 30+ year old magazine! I remember every picture here perfectly.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Popular Fails

Boy, the one at the end is a tough one.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Wife Made Chili...

...earlier this week. I absolutely love her chili, but I can't have any more on a school night. Maybe I'll have some for dinner Friday. I think I have Saturday morning free. While all this is true, I've really just been looking for an excuse to post this pic. :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ace Video Found!

I found a video on Youtube from the show. This was the opening song,'Parasite'. It just doesn't quite pan far enough right to see me. I'm sure my hands got in there somewhere, though!

Saturday Night's Ace Show

Well, I should never say I'm gonna post the next day. Inevitably, it ends up being a day or two later.

This is a pic that my friend took with his camera phone of me with the Majestic marquee out front. You'll just have to believe me that it says 'Ace Frehley'. It was just too dark to capture a bright sign, I guess.

It turned out to be a fun evening. My friend S.H. and I got downtown a little early to have a few drinks before the show. There turned out to be 2 opening bands, so we had time. We did catch the second band but they were mostly forgettable. Ace was the star tonight. I hit the floor in front of the stage to watch Ace. Like I said last post, I spent the whole show 7 feet in front of his mike stand (the stage was elevated about 3 feet). That's not an exaggeration, I actually thought about it during the show, too far for 6 feet but not as far as 8, 7 feet is what I determined.

The show moved well. No real lulls in the action, and boy, it was LOUD! For such a small place it was very loud. Oh, I loved it at the time, but when I got home my ears were just screaming! Still a tiny bit of a ringing now, almost 2 days later. It's been a long time since that has happened to me after a concert. Probably the last time I saw KISS. They're always very loud and that's one thing Ace obviously still does. I'm not going to recount the songs he played, but he got to most of the hits and some KISS songs. He doesn't lack for any material to draw upon, that's for sure. Off the new CD I know I heard Outer Space, Sister, and maybe Fox On The Run. I wasn't worried about keeping track of what he played, just enjoying the moment with him creating his music right in front of me.

A very nice evening, indeed.
Odds and ends and afterthoughts after the break:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just Home... Ace Concert

I just got home from the Ace Frehley concert at the Majestic here in Madison.


It was alot of fun! I spent the whole show about 7 feet front and center in front of the Spaceman himself! I'll say more tomorrow after my ears have stopped ringing. Good night.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I made the news!

I'm sorry you had to hear about it like this.

Thanks Joanne

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Wonderful Ace Frehley Surprise!

Monday afternoon I started to look through the newspaper from Sunday that I hadn't gotten to yet, when I noticed a picture of Ace Frehley in an upcoming column teaser for Thursday's 77square section. It seems he's playing at the Majestic this Saturday night. I can't believe I hadn't known about it yet. I'm not sure when it was announced, but it must have been very recently. Short story shorter- I had my tickets 20 minutes after I noticed. The first ten minutes was frantically looking for where I could buy tickets!

Yes, I'm excited! Ace Frehley is my first, favorite rock star. Going on 35 years or so. Solo, I have only seen Ace in concert once before. I was on my way to a friend's house in Chicago for the weekend. I heard the show advertised for the next night on some radio station as I was almost at his place. One of the first things I said to my friend was, "Guess what we're doing tomorrow night!"

At the end of the show, I met a girl who was a friend of Ace's girlfriend who got me backstage to meet him. It was fun, just us and the 2 girls in the room, But I'm not sure really who was drunker, him or me. (Me, actually. Also quite starstruck.) In fact, I went down to this girl's place several weeks later when there was a Kiss Convention where Ace was making an appearance. I got to meet him again briefly and even got a real poorly taken pic of me and Ace! That was all about 13-15 years ago.

I'm not planning on meeting him Saturday night, but who knows?..

Here's Ace performing the new single "Outer Space" exactly 1 week ago:

He's done alot of drugs in his time but he claims to be sober these days!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloweekend Recap

First of all, the Badgers looked great blowing out Purdue and the Packers looked bad in losing to the Vikings again. Acknowledged. I'm not making this a sports blog, so that's enough of that.

Saturday night we went to Terry's house for horse devours, before all heading out to the Hodie in Middleton to spend Halloween. Almost everyone went with the pirate theme. Mrs Scoakat and I abstained this year. Of course, I forgot my camera so no funny pics to share. We got to Terry's place a little later than everyone else because I wanted a nap after the Badger game. Otherwise we were to be picked up at 4:30 and would have gotten a cab back later with B & Z, who live just a few blocks away from us. Since no cab, I stayed below the limit and finished with water so I could get us home alive. Probably a very good thing, otherwise we could have been out for up to 10 hours. Too long.

On Sunday, the Packer game was a late 3:15 start, which I usually hate but I had things to do. Things involving leaves. I raked the whole yard for the second time this fall, and cleaned the eaves troughs. The only leaves that I've put to the curb, though, are just the front yard leaves. Still a big pile for such a small front yard. In back I found other uses for the leaves. There's a square pile of leaves behind the garage where we plan to put in a garden next year. Others went to the base of bushes and along the back fence where all hostas and ferns grew in the summer.

So it was almost noon when I finished, and Mrs S and I were to go shopping for a snow thrower/blower/whatever and out to lunch. Unfortunately, Mrs S was still a bit under the weather, but hungry so we did go get lunch locally. Then I had a recurring nightmare... oh nevermind, that was the Packers game.

I hope you had a nice weekend (overall) as well!
... and yes, I purposely misspelled hors d'oeuvres.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Just got home from being out with friends. Had a good time, but I had to stay okay to drive. Actually a good thing, I have alot to do tomorrow before the big Packers/Vikings rematch at 3:15. I ran into Roger, a friend from the past, and Larry, a guy I used to work with -and had a lot of fun along the way! I'll write more about this weekend in a few days. It is a busy one! Good night.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Heavy Post

Well, this is a post I have been putting off for a while now. I have been thinking of this blog, what it is, has been, and should or should not be.

When I started this blog I had no plan. There was no thought involved, really. As I have said before, it really was drunkenly accidental. Anyway, at the time we had started our search for a house - so that's what I posted about. Then we had our little changes, home projects, and of course the catbox saga. With summer, more personal posts about being on the lake, some family and holiday stuff. But as time went on, more posts about, say, music and odd/funny things that I liked. Less personal, more of what I once described as 'filler posts'. All that happened is that we just settled in to a more mundane, everyday lifestyle so there is less 'news' to share.

Also, when I said to myself, 'Aww hell, I can do this!', despite any preparation or planned focus at all, I envisioned it being more interactive. I figured that since I never really reach out to anyone, they could check up on me here and easily get my attention since I check the comments every time I log on. Alas, that hasn't been the case. My expectations were high, I was naive. I am not that important - My blog will not save the world.

I have followed my general stats since the middle of June, and I have seen them steady, rising, and recently go very low again. I have also realized that I paid too much attention to how many visitors I had each day. I had to turn O.F.F. my O.C.D.

So, Waaah. Things didn't turn out as I hopefully envisioned at the start. Hell, I had no vision at the start. I winged it, and still am, kinda. Does this mean I throw in the towel? No. It's a big enough internet that I can have my little corner of it. Eventually maybe more people will like my sense of humor and taste in music and come to see what I think. Or maybe I may as well send my words straight into oblivion when I hit 'publish post'. It doesn't matter as much anymore.

So, what will be here? There will be more posts on what I like with some personal posts when appropriate. The main difference is I will be doing it more for me. I won't try to impress anyone, feel obligated to post anytime, or try to emulate other blogs. (Speaking of which, no 'via' tags anymore for just viral things I pass on, and the like. I will give credit when credit is due.) I do plan on keeping all things SFW and Kids, except perhaps a clear warning before the break sometimes. ;)

I have been learning, I have been humbled, and I have relaxed about it all.

Well, that's what has been on my mind the last couple of weeks. Please leave any thoughts or questions in the comments. Or not.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Origin of the Universe

I watched this last night as well. A very comprehensible talk on the origin of the universe. This fascinated me.

Spooky Halloween Prank

This video almost had me in tears I was laughing so hard. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter Home From A New Marine

Dear Ma and Pa,

I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine-Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.

I was restless at first because you get to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. But I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing.

Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there’s warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food, plus yours, holds you until noon when you get fed again. It’s no wonder these city boys can’t walk much.

We go on ‘route marches,’ which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it’s not my place to tell him different. A ‘route march’ is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.

The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don’t bother you none.

This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don’t know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don’t move, and it ain’t shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don’t even load your own cartridges They come in boxes.

Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain’t like fighting with that ole bull at home. I’m about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake . I only beat him once.. He joined up the same time as me, but I’m only 5′6′ and 130 pounds and he’s 6′8′ and near 300 pounds dry.

Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.

Your loving daughter,


via Bits & Pieces

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The New W.A.S.P. album

I pre-ordered mine a while ago, then the release date got pushed back a month. New arrival date estimated November 9-16. I have already heard the whole album by now, but only once, I'm waiting for the actual cd to play before I focus on it. See, Record Companies, even though it is widely available for free online, I love the band so I am buying the cd! There still is nothing like having the product in your hands for a band you want to support!

I know Blackie's music, I have followed him since the early 80's. My preliminary thoughts on the album, after 1 listen and 1 view of the following, seem to be similar to this video review. But again, I am waiting for the physical product in my hands before I will let myself fully enjoy it.

I know I've been absent lately, post coming soon.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cat Betrayed

This cat is getting bawled out by his girlfriend! The captions are hilarious!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ace Frehley National Anthem 10/4/09

Ace Frehley performs the National Anthem in Kansas City before the Chiefs football game.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Peter Criss had Breast Cancer

Haven't heard much from him lately, maybe this is why. Click the link to read the whole article.

(CNN) -- "A year after beating breast cancer, Peter Criss, a founding member of the rock band KISS, calls himself "the luckiest man in the planet."

While some men feel embarrassed because of "this macho crap," Criss said surviving breast cancer -- yes, men get it, too -- was actually a blessing. He was treated before the tumor could spread and said he's speaking about male breast cancer now -- during National Breast Cancer Awareness month -- to raise the profile of this rare disease....

...The 63-year-old musician is now cancer free."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Mark Tauscher is back with the Pack.

Number 65 has been one of my favorites for a long time. I followed his career here in Madison with the UW Badgers, then through all his years as a Green Bay Packer.

I recently bought my first Packers jersey. I got number 12, Aaron Rodgers. I like Rodgers alot and I think he is gonna be good for a long time. Which is why I got his jersey and not, say, Donald Driver who is getting to the end of his career. Except for a few items the last couple of years, I have never spent really hardly any money on sports clothing for myself. If I had been one to indulge way back then, I'm sure I would have had a 65 jersey a long time ago.

Now, he's not the saviour for that offensive line. Those problems run deeper than one position. Ten months rehabbing is a long time, but as long as his (twice blown-out) knee holds up -and once he gets into game shape- he has to be an upgrade. GO TAUSCHHHHH!

Grocery store deals that make sense

Monday, October 12, 2009

U.S. National Debt Clock

Wow. Check out the U.S. National Debt Clock. There's a lot to see here.

Lazy Corner

What a lazy weekend. My wife even called it a lazy weekend, and she does alot of weekly cleaning. I guess I really only have one thing to show for my time. A small project at the front corner of the house. As a condition of buying the house the electric had to be upgraded. So the outside electrical box was moved to the other side of the house, so its not next to the driveway anymore. I can't remember what this corner looked like before, but it obviousy was altered for that work. So I fixed it up a little.


...and after. I think it looks alot better, and it took less time than Mrs S cleaning the bathroom!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Piano Stairs or Escalator?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Snow Of The Season

It's snowing outside. Barely flurries actually, but the first snow of the season nonetheless. I wanted to post a pic but it would be almost imperceptible. At least the only jobs I have left outside this fall (that don't involve leaves) are cutting down the plants and trimming the lilac bush. I have been waiting to do the lilac. Some say to trim in the fall, some late winter. I just want to do what is healthiest for the plant. I'll research it a bit more.

We were talking about projects last night, and again being thankful that this house has been kept up so well. All my projects are just little things here and there. I love our new house!

Wisconsin plays at Ohio State this afternoon. GO BADGERS!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


He was a bastard then, why wouldn't he be one now? In family safe terms, to heck with him!

It's a nice mash-up.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

KISS on David Letterman last night

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Packers Future and Past

Here's a good pic from after last night's game. I don't think there's any love lost between these two.

Petunia, Sticks and Packers

About halfway through the summer a lone petunia popped up out of the mulch. We have watched it grow all year, counting six at a time, eight and more flowers on it as it thrived. Now I believe the end is near. It had one lonely flower left this cool, windy and damp day. It will probably be the last with more cold temperatures coming.
I did say windy, and we have big trees. Here's a zoomed-in (blurry) pic of the sticks gathered from the shedding trees in the past 2 weeks or so.

Yes, last night's game was a bummer. The Pack lost 23-30 and showed how bad their offensive line really is. Good news: They brought Tauscher back in for a workout today. Expect him to be signed in the next few days. That will only help one position, however. Oh well, we get the Vikes here in less than a month! Hopefully that game will turn out differently.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Packers v. Vikings

Here it is, big game night.

If you take out the quarterbacks Minnesota has a little better team, I think. QB's are probably even at this point. The game is at the Metrodome, where thay had that big game winning pass at the end last week. It's gonna be a tough one, a close one early. Then the Packers need to adjust to keep the game from getting out of hand later to hopefully pull one out.

Enjoy the game, I'll be back tomorrow. GO PACK!

Friday, October 2, 2009

100 Posts!

Hmm, 100 posts, my first blogging milestone. I almost missed noticing. Aw what the hell, I'm having fun. Here's to maybe 100 more!


Yes, I have been playing around in Blogger and making a few little changes. The most obvious being the header picture. It may change again, we'll see. I plan to explore and learn some more this weekend when I have the time as well. Though, the less it rains the more I plan to get done outside. So if its dry I can actually get necessary things done.
Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October!- New Alice Cooper

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The New Ace Frehley and Kiss albums

Well, I've been thinking of what to say about both of these new albums. This sums it up: Both albums are exactly what I would have expected. That's not bad, mind you, I have been listening and liking them most of my life (Ace was always my fave). If you like them you should know by now, 35 years later. If not, you may not enjoy these new CDs.

Much more after the break.

5 Amazing Holes!

My Mom used to send me all sorts of odd emails until I got her to stop. She did pass this on today, though, and I thought it was funny enough to share here. I read an earlier email from her last night (which reminded me that my wife told me about a phone message last week!). She has news to pass but not here or by email or by phone message so I guess I best call now. Enjoy!

5 Amazing Holes! - These holes are not only amazing, but some are really terrifying! The sheer scale of these holes reminds you of just how tiny we are.

Kimberley Big Hole - South Africa

Apparently the largest ever hand-dug excavation in the world,
this 1097 meter deep mine yielded over 3 tons of diamonds
Before being closed

The rest -and the punchline- are after the break.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Easterns Motors Jingle

Back before The Mike O'Meara Show ended, whenever I wanted to listen to the live stream I had to watch and listen to this commercial first. And I'll be danged if this was one commercial I didn't mind waiting through. I came across this original one that I sat through (sang with) often:

Is that catchy or am I nuts? Don't answer that.
More after the break

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Packers Win! and Absinthe last night

The Packers Won! As they should have. The Rams are regarded as one of the worst teams in the NFL right now, so that was a good game to bounce back after the loss to the Bengals last week. The worst part of the game was losing the video. With my service only that particular channel got stuck on one frame for almost an hour. From shortly after 1 o'clock until shortly after 2, from about 5 minutes left in the first half - through halftime - until about 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter I got only the sound and that same still frame of when it last showed video. I wanted to call and complain but I would only get a machine sending me in circles, I'm sure. I hope you got to see all the game (if you were watching).

So last night we had some friends over for a couple hours. I'd say it went pretty well except for one stubborn cork in the bottle of wine. It broke our corkscrew so we'll need to get another. Later, we all walked down to the local tavern to meet up with more friends. All was well, I had a couple of drinks by then. I noticed they had absinthe.

Now I've never before partaken of the green fairy. But I decided then that this was the night. I have heard many things about it, though. On the old Don and Mike Show they had a few 'absinthe shows' and got all loopy by the end. Then they would come in the next day to tell us what happened after the show. Mainly they just got real drunk off the absinthe.

I had the original absinthe with the wormwood and prepared traditionally. Overall I had three over the course of the night (at $7.50 a pop!). While it was a little different buzz, the fact that it was like 140 proof is what got me drunk. No great poems written. No artistic masterpieces painted. Just me, inebriated, walking home, saying our goodnights and settling in.

My wife went to bed very soon after getting home. I stayed up for a bit, still surprisingly lucid for what I had drunk. Then shortly after, while out for a smoke, I realized I needed to go to bed NOW. So I did. I got up, put out the smoke went in and shut everything off and went straight to bed.

This morning I got up around nine. I felt like hell for about a half hour, but after a shower I felt fine. I even mowed the lawn this morning for the first time in about a month. No rain = no growing = no mowing. Now, we have gotten record rain a few days ago (the first rain of September btw), rain since, and it is raining now. Feast or famine, I guess.

End of Fish Poll

Friday night was the closing of the Fish poll. 5 votes. I'd lie if I said I wasn't disappointed. Especially since I can see that I usually get at least 10 different visitors a day.

The 3-2 winner is to get rid of the fish. However, with that low amount of votes and hearing that my nephew likes to feed them, I will keep the Fish. They will be moved lower down the page, though. Also, I think I'll get rid of the google search box on the right. I like it better than the blogger search in the top left, but it is redundant so it is gone.

I'll be back after the Packers game to write about my first absinthe experience last night.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Badgers Win, Dinner Plans, etc

The Badgers won! They lapsed late again, making the final score much closer than it should have been. Hopefully they'll learn from it.

It's Saturday afternoon and about all I've done is watch football. My wife has been busy all day and much of yesterday. A couple friends are coming over for dinner tonight and then we're going to go out for a little while. Mrs Scoakat says she's not doing much for dinner, but you know it'll be an impressive spread.

I have been thinking about what to write about Ace and Kiss' new albums, since I have been saying I'm gonna do a post on it. I still will, but I want to hear them more. My project last week at work kept me from my ipod all week, but I should be able to use it much more next week.

Now I think I'll go downstairs and put a blanket on our water heater. I bought it a while ago and need to do it anyway, but I feel guilty when my wife is running around and I'm not doing anything.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jay Cutler hit by Ref...

...and tries to play it cool. I actually remember seeing this, do you?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Health Care Reform

I'm for it anyway, but when you put it like this I like it even more!

Safe and funny for (most) all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fish Poll

The deadline for the Fish poll is now Friday at midnight. Come on people, 2-2 doesn't help me decide! I'm not asking you to actually type, just two clicks! Tell me what you think!

Weekend Birdsongs, etc.

Saturday turned out as i predicted a few posts ago. Not a hectic day, just planned out, I guess. Before the concert we had dinner at a mexican restaurant about a half a block from the Overture Center. Bland. Not bad, just no spice at all. Even the salsa was more sweet than spicy.

This kind of concert was actually a first for me. It was held in a very nice venue with good sound. It was a sit-down concert. Everybody sat until the end of the show and waited for the last note before applauding at the end of every song. Of course, inbetween songs someone yelled 'freebird' once. Andrew Bird started solo for the first song then was joined by the band until towards the end, with a few more solo. I enjoyed the performance very much. My only disappointments are that I thought it was kind of short show, though I did not pay attention to actual start or finish times. And, unfortunately I did not hear my favorite Andrew Bird song, 'A Nervous Tic Motion Of The Head To The Left.'

I'm not sure if any of you have watched the Andrew Bird videos that I have posted. If not that's okay. I think it's beautiful music, and it's my blog. ;P
I highly recommend watching this fascinating video of him set up in some huge church that I recently found online. Just him in the middle playing his music. That's a wall I'd like to be a fly on.

Badgers and Packers? Ehhh. I still feel the same as I did and see the same things you and everybody else does. But, what can you do? GO TEAMS!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Updates postponed...

Well, I was planning a bigger post tonight but our friends B & Z finally got us to go out to one of the neighborhood taverns tonight. It was fun! Usually mondays are a pretty low key night for us. Now it's almost 8:30 and we need dinner then bed.

I received the new Ace Frehley album friday, post coming soon. Weekend activities with the Andrew Bird concert review also coming soon. And my views on the Packers and Badgers will wait.

Good night for now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Superhero Personality Quiz

Go on... do it.  Which are you?

Your results:
You are Superman

<><><><><> <><><><><>
<><><><<> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><>


Green Lantern

Iron Man




The Flash



Wonder Woman


You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Busy Saturday

Here's a look at our busy day today, with visual aids, after the break.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

School phone message

I just saw this here and had to share it.  Listen to the end.  I wish it was real.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weekend Football Insulation Ace

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and start to the week.  I know I've not posted the last few days.  My back had been acting up on me, so I wasn't up for most usual things.  I considered another 'filler' post, but I have done alot of those lately, posting almost every day.

I didn't do much over the weekend, except watch football.  I did get handrails up around our little stairs and landing area.  Now I need to see if I can find a stain to reasonably match the trim in the house or else I'm thinking of just spray painting them with some kind of offwhite semi-gloss or gloss.  I may stop at Ace Hardware tomorrow to look, or then again, maybe this weekend.  While Ace is on my way home, the traffic at that time of day at that area....  hmm, I'll probably wait for the weekend.

Much more after the break.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ten cutest cat moments

Because I don't have much to say today, enjoy these kitties.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Andrew Bird Coming Soon!

Andrew Bird will be at the Overture Center in Madison on September 19.  I can hardly wait!  If you thought you knew me, then this may be a surprise:  I listen to more than just Heavy Metal!  Andrew Bird sings, whistles, and plays the violin, guitar, glockenspiel, and of course his looping machines.  I would be more than happy to see him solo, but he does have a band with him on this tour.

This is my earliest favorite song of his, that first got me interested.  The song (at least in this incarnation) is circa 2004, this video is from earlier this year in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Yeah the light is annoying, but the sound is good and I wanted to put up a recent one.  Also, no band for this one.  I think he'll do a few more solo during the show here as well.

There is more to this post. From now on, some posts may be continued to another page, so if you are interested, you can continue reading.  Also, it allows me to post as much as I want in one post without filling up the front page.  Just look out for the 'read more' below.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unique Stepfathers

A bit ago I left a comment on Uncle Bill's Canadian Blog. He was talking of putting together notes he has written over the years on raising his two stepdaughters. Into book form, I assume.

I know he is a good writer, I have read his blog(s) more on than off now for several years. When I went to explore the 'follow' button on his blog, that is how I got this blog (I had a wee bit to drink that night, too, as I recall). And I may not have had the confidence to do this if I hadn't read Bill's and several other's blogs over time. He offered his assistance right after I started, but I didn't want to be a bother. I don't do much here, and shouldn't.

Anyway, I left a comment on that particular post meant to encourage, and I think he was surprised. I used the word 'unique', but of course it is not unique to him at all! He lives it. So I hammered out a comment on his follow up post, then, well, thought about it.

A couple years ago one of by best buds from high school got married, now is stepfather to two children, I think. He lives quite a distance, though, and for several years now we have only spoken a few times a year, unfortunately.

My Sis has a guy now that she's really been wanting me to meet. She sounds very happy so eventually he may be a stepfather to my niece and nephew.

If(when?) my Mom gets married, I'LL have a stepfather!

2 possibles and 1 distant. So as of now it does seem pretty unique to me. I welcome those 2 possibles to make it more common in my life, though!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

7. Madison, Wisconsin's Official City Bird:

The Pink Plastic Flamingo.

Here's the whole list of The 12 Strangest State Symbols.

I was aware of this happening recently and other than thinking about how much this is a waste of time, I thought little else of it. Now here it is showing up on a list already. Maybe that was the plan all along. Madison does seem to like all the lists it has been on the last several years.

I noticed everything else on the list is a state item. Madison is a city, yet it still made this list? Be careful what you read on the internet...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Honest R&B Song

This is hilarious. It's kinda like Regular Everyday Normal Guy.
Kid warning for lyrics.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Updated 4/28/13.  I effed up while trying to upgrade the video in this old post because I sent a link to friends and wound up losing the original post somehow.  Don't edit when drunk is all I can say.  I lost all my text from the old post, my only save is to post the video again, that's all I can do now.

This was Labor Day 2009, the original vid was uploaded to blogger, when you used to be able to upload vids to blogger.  It still worked but was small, in 2010 I put stuff on youtube and was just trying to upgrade the post tonight and it went bad.  Sorry.  But the video from our dinosaur camera is still pretty neat.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Deep Fried Butter

Deep Fried Butter could push the grease-o-meter to a new high. "100 percent pure butter is whipped 'til light and fluffy, then specially sweetened with a choice of several flavors." It is then surrounded by a "special dough" and quick-fried.

Raw butter. Deep fried. Cheese curds weren't bad (good) enough. Also, mushrooms, jalepenos, pickles, snickers bars, twinkies, etc... We now have to deep fry battered raw butter? What The Hell, People!!?? And No, Wisonsin does not need to respond to this atrocity from Texas. I seem to remember Texas being not far behind Wisconsin in a list of fattest states, but I could be wrong. But if they eat like this, it won't be long!