Well, this is a post I have been putting off for a while now. I have been thinking of this blog, what it is, has been, and should or should not be.
When I started this blog I had no plan. There was no thought involved, really. As I have said before, it really was drunkenly accidental. Anyway, at the time we had started our search for a house - so that's what I posted about. Then we had our little changes, home projects, and of course the catbox saga. With summer, more personal posts about being on the lake, some family and holiday stuff. But as time went on, more posts about, say, music and odd/funny things that I liked. Less personal, more of what I once described as 'filler posts'. All that happened is that we just settled in to a more mundane, everyday lifestyle so there is less 'news' to share.
Also, when I said to myself, 'Aww hell, I can do this!', despite any preparation or planned focus at all, I envisioned it being more interactive. I figured that since I never really reach out to anyone, they could check up on me here and easily get my attention since I check the comments every time I log on. Alas, that hasn't been the case. My expectations were high, I was naive. I am not that important - My blog will not save the world.
I have followed my general stats since the middle of June, and I have seen them steady, rising, and recently go very low again. I have also realized that I paid too much attention to how many visitors I had each day. I had to turn O.F.F. my O.C.D.
So, Waaah. Things didn't turn out as I hopefully envisioned at the start. Hell, I had no vision at the start. I winged it, and still am, kinda. Does this mean I throw in the towel? No. It's a big enough internet that I can have my little corner of it. Eventually maybe more people will like my sense of humor and taste in music and come to see what I think. Or maybe I may as well send my words straight into oblivion when I hit 'publish post'. It doesn't matter as much anymore.
So, what will be here? There will be more posts on what I like with some personal posts when appropriate. The main difference is I will be doing it more for me. I won't try to impress anyone, feel obligated to post anytime, or try to emulate other blogs. (Speaking of which, no 'via' tags anymore for just viral things I pass on, and the like. I will give credit when credit is due.) I do plan on keeping all things SFW and Kids, except perhaps a clear warning before the break sometimes. ;)
I have been learning, I have been humbled, and I have relaxed about it all.
Well, that's what has been on my mind the last couple of weeks. Please leave any thoughts or questions in the comments. Or not.
The Pie is Falling
6 days ago
It's good to keep at it and to ignore the stats. I do my blog for myself and there are times when I have little or no inspiration or I just can't be bothered. But there are no deadlines and it is purely for fun. So it is good to hear you'll keep up the blog.
Thanks Delcatto. I guess I just needed to redefine what I'm doing here now, more for myself than anyone else.
Keep it up! I like checking in on you guys and seeing your updates. :) I know I don't check it everyday anymore. I just started a 3rd job and with the kids--life is just crazy! Of course we wish we could see you more, but that's life. It's easier for you to keep in touch with everyone too with this. (Phone and email chatting is just not your deal. lol) I love you guys, care what you are up to, and like your thoughts and opinions! :) And J likes your fish. lol!
Thanks Kel. 3rd job? When?
Quitting wasn't hardly considered, I'm just adjusting, learning, and moving ahead. We'll see how it evolves.
I hope you keep it going! Do with it what you want but keep it up! I love checking in on you periodically and getting glimpses into your life! I always like to know you both are doing well and having fun! I'll love you both forever!
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