Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Comfy New Chair

Last weekend I finally bought (with my wife's permission) a new chair for in front of the computer and I love it!  The old chair was getting pretty creaky and would make my butt sore if I sat in it too long.  The new chair has a nice cushy leather seat, great lumbar support and a taller back to support my taller back.  The old chair will be relegated to downstairs for projects like putting together another shelf kit.  Since I can't really crawl around on my knees anymore the plan is to wheel around it in my chair to put it together.  I hope it works!

I just wanted to mention this before I forgot and it got lost in the shuffle of all my medical stuff.  Plus, I needed one more post posted.  Why?  Well, you'll see me waving my geek flag early tomorrow.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Post-Surgery Notes

Me during surgery
 I survived!  The surgery seems to have been a success.  We had to be at the hospital by 5am to check in for the 8am surgery on Wednesday morning.  All went as expected beforehand, and probably as should be expected afterward.  I see a trend after surgery as me being one grumpy old cuss!  I hear the surgery took almost 3 hours.  The doctor told my wife that the disc herniation was much worse than the previous MRIs had shown, which doesn't surprise me.  In fact, it would explain the sudden recurrence of symptoms last week.  They took 3 x-rays during the surgery and they showed me them yesterday.  Unfortunately you can't see much of anything because my shoulder is in the way so it may be until my next x-rays for this (I think in 12 weeks) before I can actually see the implant.

Mom, putting up with me.
 My first memories after surgery are at about 1:00 in the afternoon but all I did was listen to my ipod and snooze as best I could until about 4:00.  Then when I saw a nurse I asked her to show in my mother.  I knew she was there, but I still don't really understand why.  All I hear is that it's a 'mom' thing.  She drove 2 hours to wait 8 hours, see me at my worst briefly, then was on her way.  When I'm in pain I'm ugly and when my Mom is around I can turn back into that angry, rude teenager that I hate, not a good combination.  I'm not proud of my behavior at those times yet it still happens.

Kate, doing the same.
 My wife stayed with me until about 7pm, then she went home while I ate jello, watched crappy television and wished I could sleep until it was time to leave.  She managed to get a few hours of work in on Wednesday afternoon after the surgery, but on Thursday she had just gotten to work when I called her to pick me up.  That may have been a bit premature since the hospital has their own pace, but we did get out of there eventually then she had to go back to work after dropping me at home.  I was an impatient bear trying to get out of there.  Looking back, I last had pain pills at 4:45 that morning so that may explain some of my anxiousness, even rudeness, while awaiting discharge.  Sorry I can be an ass, everybody, but I do thank you for your well wishes!

I'm just glad it is done.  No more constant pain, it really does mess with your head.  I hope I'm done with all this medical stuff for a while now and can just live, be happy and not have to worry about meds and appointments and all that jazz.  That time may come around by July.  Cross your fingers for me!

Now, to end on an up-note, here's my view from the hospital room window.  (There's no snow but no green yet, either.)  On the left is Lake Wingra and to the right is Henry Vilas Zoo, one of Madison's treasures that we take for granted.  We'll have to try and take some nieces and nephews there for a day this summer!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There's Nothing Like The Smell Of Surgery In The Morning

If you were paying attention, I referred to myself as 'broken' the other day.  Well - surprise! -  tomorrow morning at 8am I will have surgery on my neck.  My main symptom I can only describe as the same pain you get from hitting your 'funny bone',  from my neck to my fingers except it never goes away.  It is better some times and worse at other times, but it is constant.  Though my shoulder and arm feel most of the pain, there is nothing wrong with them physically.  The nerve is being pinched in my neck by a herniated disc between c6 and c7.  That disc will be removed and an implant will fuse those two vertebrae together - and they go in through the front and push my throat and soft tissue aside!

The pic above I found on google images and it looks almost exactly like what I will go through tomorrow, as I understand it.  Click on it for a slightly larger version.  I called the office on Friday, because of my pain and knowing the next step was surgery I want to get that process started as soon as possible, and I was given an appointment for this morning.  So today I spent 2 1/2 hours sitting in the doctor's office hoping they could throw this together for me.  See, turns out my surgeon is going on vacation, so if not tomorrow then April 11 is the next date available to have this done - so this means about 2 weeks of pain that I won't have to endure.  Thankfully, I think they saw the pain I was in and they didn't want me to have to wait.  Maybe my doctor would have felt guilty going on vacation knowing I was in pain, waiting for his return.  Maybe.  I'm just thankful they were able to pull it off.  I think they needed to secure the operating room first, then they had to pull some strings to secure an anesthesiologist.  That's just the gist I got, but no matter what I'm thankful to my neurosurgeon, his physicians assistant, and their hardworking nurse who I have talked to the most these last few months.  She's the one who has the huge job dealing with my insurance company and coordinating the scheduling of everything.

Unfortunately, and this speaks to the whole system, one of my biggest worries is not having any sick or vacation time to use for almost a whole year after I return to work. I had everything wiped out when I was out with my leg last fall, now I'm just about to get all my sick and vacation time back and I'm afraid they'll take it all away over the next few weeks. That reminds me of this pic.  Anyway, I'll see how that unfolds after the surgery.  The faster I get back to work the less I have to worry about that.

Hopefully I will sleep away most of the day tomorrow after the surgery, have an uneventful night, and be discharged by noon, I expect, on Thursday.  Due to the late notice my wife will have to work part of the day at least tomorrow.  All she has to do is drop me off in the morning and pick me up on Thursday morning, but I'm sure she will worry and come back to the hospital as soon as she can.  In those situations I always want her there with me but then I feel guilty because there is nothing she can really do but hold my hand and I know she is needed at work right now.  Everyone else, please don't worry about me, it is a pretty routine surgery I'm told, but I may not be blogging or talking to anyone for a few days.  I know I will feel better eventually but, man, surgery always sucks.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kate's Paint And Tile - Part II

Today my handy wife did the grouting on the tile under the cabinets.  I'm proud of how she just took it upon herself to research how to do it right and then get in there and get her hands dirty.  I've been broken again lately so my role has been more to shop, advise and reassure her that she's doing a great job.  It wasn't a very large space and the float trowel was pretty big so a kitchen spatula was sacrificed to help in the smaller areas and around the edges.  In a couple hours we can sponge off the tile, then the next step is to get caulk and run a bead along the lower edge of the tile and perhaps the ends of the counter.

Below is what my wife did to our kitchen - I think it looks a hundred times better than when we moved in!

Of course, this is only one view in the kitchen, but I looked through some old pics and found similar views so go ahead and click read more below to see somewhat of the progression.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pic Dump 27

It's that time again, and I have a whopping 70 pics this time!  I need to be more discriminating again.  Some may be nsfw, click read more below and enjoy!

As always, a big thanks to the fine sites on 'My Other Favorites' list in the right column!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kate's Paint And Tile

Aside from recent work outside on the garden and yard, the past few weekends and some weeknights have been spent remodelling the kitchen.  My wife has done most everything for this project, sometimes getting frustrated with me and my lackadaisical approach.  Truth is, I found out when we did the bathroom that I really hate painting and I hope we don't have to do it again for a long time.  Unfortunately, though, the bathroom needs some touch up work done, so that will have to be done soon as well.

Anyway, the last of the wallpaper was removed a few weeks ago and the walls have now been painted a new shade, aganthus green, and the ceiling has a new coat of paint as well.  There have been several touch ups needed and that's fine, it is looking better and better.

Sunday afternoon she was looking at putting up the tile backsplash and just jumped right in.  I had to make a quick rainy run to the hardware store because we were short on adhesive, but otherwise it seemed to go up pretty smoothly.  it really changes the look of the kitchen for the better.

The adhesive must dry now for a couple of days before we grout it.  Tonight we can pull out the spacers and sponge it down, though.

More paint and tile pics after the break.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Horns Up!*

I had my 'Horns Up' all day yesterday celebrating my favorite pastime.  Shortly after I got to work I just felt the need to do some serious rocking out via ipod.  At times, I was expecting someone to shoot a rubber band to tell me my headphones were too loud, but no one complained.  (From what I heard in between songs they were probably too busy gossiping and such to care about my sound leaks.) I did listen to some talk podcasts to give my ears a break but still managed to listen to many of my favorite thrash albums while still churning out more work than is expected of me.  Jamming to my favorite music probably even made me work faster.  That feeling followed me in the car on my way home and I played concert DVDs on my computer until my wife went to bed.  I can't literally bang my head anymore with my bulging neck disc so I have to do a more subtle full body sway as I rock out, but I still enjoy the hell out of my music!

In other happenings, my wife tells me the peas need to be planted today so expect an update or two over at the garden blog.  Today is supposed to be sunny and in the low 50's and tomorrow cooler and rain so today is the day to do it!

*Edit: June 16, 2022, over 11 years later.

I received what was basically a cease and desist email for using the 'devil horns' pictures I did, just a left and right cartoon version of that popular metal/ rock hand sign, sometimes typed as:   \m/ 

So I removed them.  Eleven year ago, who cares?

What I found much more interesting was the memories of a drone job that allowed me to listen to loud music and how enjoyable I found it.  Just 11 years ago, but I haven't had that in a long time.  I have to concentrate more on my job now and just can't often listen to music at the same time, and otherwise just don't turn up the volume near as loud as I used to.  That's not all that's changed about me in that or less time.  Older, wiser, and I'm quite more relaxed, I think.  At least for me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

George Carlin - The American Dream

My gosh, it's true.  Every word he says...   Miss You George!         language nsfw

Monday, March 14, 2011

If You're So Lucky....

... enjoy the holiday!  March 14 is Steak and BJ Day!      NSFW!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

X-Rays And Other Loose Ends

Here's the newest x-rays of my leg from earlier this week.  The cracks in the bottom of the femur (my knee) have healed and above that it is healing well in the back of the bone, but the front of the bone still has much filling in and healing to do yet.  So instead of releasing me from care I must go back in another 6 weeks for yet another follow up.  Also, he said he would order more physical therapy for me.  My last scheduled appointment is next week so I'll see then exactly how many more times I will be allowed to go.

Also, my B is back!  I noticed a few days ago that I was getting the orange B by my blog in the address bar again.  I don't know if it was just me that saw it change for a while, only Delcatto let me know what he saw, but I'm glad it's back.

Finally, a belated Happy Birthday to my dear sister, who I just don't see enough.  I'd like to spend more time with all my family in theory, in reality we all live in different cities and I don't like to travel.   Sad, but true.

I'm as guilty as anyone, but I know they all have computers and an email or a comment here is a better way to get a hold of me than by phone, hint hint!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Starting To Get Ugly Downtown

I'm not sure exactly when this happened, last night or while I worked today.  It's not that I don't care, but I am trying to keep this mostly in my peripheral vision.

Listen, I have my own views and I'm used to keeping them mostly private (but I'm sure you can tell how I lean).  Unless there is something spectacular happening I'm not going to keep posting on this topic.  I'm sure there are plenty of political bloggers that would be happy for you to read their take.  I'm not a political blogger like I'm not a sports blogger but local big events I will comment on, but only briefly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bastards Did It...

...They jammed it through, effectively busting up the unions in Wisconsin.  This is breaking news, read about it here.  I'm sure this is blowing up the internet here right now.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I had another follow up visit with the orthopaedic surgeon this morning.  Everything is fine but, honestly, I just don't feel like writing about it tonight - but I will leave you with this pic of a small (3-4 inches high) container that was in my exam room. No, I didn't have the nerve to look inside.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A New Project And PT

Yeah, it's finally Saturday!  I've had a slow posting week as you can see.  My site traffic has slowed back down to the usual teens per day.  It was interesting getting so many hits last month, yet no one left a comment.  Heck, my family doesn't even comment anymore.

Estimates are starting to come in for a project we want done this spring.  There is one more contractor coming out early next week to take a look and get us one more estimate before we make a decision on who to hire.  The project is a door and steps for the back porch.  We want to put in a door where one of the windows is, then have a little landing and steps going down towards the driveway.  Easier access to the back yard will make grilling and entertaining much easier.  Right now we have a front door and a side door only.  I'm sure I'll have much more on this as we get closer to getting it done, first the ground has to thaw.

Thursday was PT again, my knee bend is now up to 114 degrees.  I have only one more PT visit approved by my insurance coming up in 3 weeks.  My therapist is going to ask for more, but neither of us is very optimistic knowing how my insurance company is so cheap.  Still, there are things he can do for my knee that I just can't duplicate by myself at home so it is worth asking.  Also, next week I have what may be my final x-rays and follow-up with the orthopaedist.  I'm still using the cane, less and less at home lately, but it is still necessary.  I lurch without it but I have to learn to walk with my knee bent slightly again and not do the peg leg thing.  But I'm getting there, still progressing even though it feels like slow progress.  It has been over 6 months now since I broke my femur, I never thought it would take this long to get back...

Monday, February 28, 2011



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lost My "B"

The little symbol by the blog name in the address bar has changed from the orange B for Blogger to a black square with red letters CM and something underneath.  Does anyone know why or how this happened and how I could change it back?  Any ideas?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Time Management Revisited

Happy Friday!  Unlike last week's drunken Friday night at the local establishment, tonight is being spent at home ordering out pizza.  I didn't really feel like writing, but since it has been a few days I thought there was at least one thing I could follow up on.

A few weeks ago I was worried about how I was spending my time.  More accurately, what took up so much time in my day that wasn't work or sleep.  I was having trouble getting my newspaper delivered in a timely manner for a few days and that made me rethink my time spent reading it every day and if it took up too much of my time.  What I have concluded is that while I do spend time on it every day, mostly it is breaks and especially lunch at work that I read it.  Without it, that would be empty time I would otherwise have to fill.  In the mornings I could get myself to get up as much as a half an hour later, but in the end I think this is not the biggest time stealer I have and shall continue getting the daily paper for the time being.

The biggest time stealer I have is, of course, the internet.  I have trimmed my time on the internet somewhat lately, but it's usually preferable to television to me unless there is a sports program on or I am uncomfortable in this chair (which, by the way, needs replacing).  The more I can get around on two legs the more I realize the projects that have been put on hold because of my busted up leg so I think this area will take care of itself eventually.  Especially as the weather warms.

So again I was stressed about something that will take care of itself with some minor changes, time and priorities.  I hate OCD.  Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Um, I Am So Busted...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Some Link Updates

Onward, upward and ever evolving, I have a couple links to update on the right.

Brian Kellett doesn't drive an ambulance anymore, so since Random Acts Of Reality is mostly related to that subject he has decided to archive the site and move on to Brian Kellett (dot) net.  I look forward to getting to know him more there.

My fave cartoonist, Dan Piraro, is moving his Bizzaroblog to a different site at the request of King Features.  I'm not sure exactly why and I'm not sure he knows either, but his new site is Bizarro Blog! by Dan Piraro.

The new links are added to the list on the right, I'll remove the old links later. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rallies Down The Road

Wisconsin has been national news lately as our new governor, Scott Walker, tries to pass a budget repair bill that effectively takes away the rights of most public employees to collectively bargain for their compensation.  Just a mile and a half or so from my house rallies have been taking place daily, closing schools for most of last week (yet not really affecting our lives unless we drive down the isthmus).  Senators have actually left the state to block passage.  Well, you can easily find the story online if you wish to know more.  Here's some pics from the last few days as rallies continue downtown, inside and outside of the capital building.

As for me, well...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Drunken Baby

My wife and I met friends at a nearby tavern last night to celebrate a birthday.  It was a lot of fun, in fact, a bit too much fun for me and I'm paying the price today.  I think last night ended up kind of like this:


Thursday, February 17, 2011

110 Degrees In, 55 Degrees Out

Meanwhile, on the physical therapy front, I managed to reach 110 degrees tonight, barely.  It took a lot of warming up and stretching to get the last few degrees.  Progress is slow these days, just a few degrees a week, despite my hard work.  During the day I do knee bends at my desk and I try to tuck my leg under my chair when I'm sitting to push on it some more.  When I get home I do another exercise with a big rubber band around a pole and the back of my knee as resistance to help strengthen it, then I get on the bike and go a mile and a half or 2 miles with very little resistance while slowly moving the seat up closer to bend my knee more and more.  All this for a few degrees a week, but any progress is good progress at this point.  I may not get the range of motion back that I had before but I sure as hell don't want that to be for a lack of trying.

In other news, temperatures got up into the 50's today.  Much snow has melted and people are loving this weather greatly.  I, too, enjoy temperatures above freezing for a change but my excitement is tempered knowing that we're not done yet.  Mother Nature surely has more winter in store for us.  It is, after all, only the middle of February in Wisconsin!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

(click for bigger)

Update:  I spent about 70 bucks, but I couldn't find the Godiva liqueur she wanted so I got Bailey's and Tequila Rose instead.  Also, no decent chocolate was left so I got a bag of Hershey's Kisses.  It will have to do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pic Dump 26

It has been over a month since I've dumped all those pics I come across that tickled my fancy for one reason or another so I guess it's time to do it again!  Remember, there is no real rhyme or reason for this collection of pics.  Don't judge me!  Same as always, click the pic for original size, some are nsfw and more after the break!

Of course, thanks to the fine sites on My Other Favorites list on the right!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ever Been This Drunk?

Jonco's betting you've never been this drunk.  Maybe not, but I have been embarrassingly close a couple times.  All I really know right now is that I have not laughed so hard in quite a while, but I am in a mood.   Nsfw, at your on risk, et cetera.  Click here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Bowl and Time Management

Yes, I have been ignoring the blogosphere the last few days.  If you somehow haven't heard, the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl Sunday night.  Since then, most of my computer time has been for soaking up anything and everything Packers with a little trying to keep up with my podcasts.  Anyway,  I'm back... And the Green Bay Packers are Super Bowl Champions!  Woohoo!!

I have noticed these past few days how I've been too busy.  Too much of my time is taken up reading the paper and scouring the web.  Enough so that I'm actually considering discontinuing the daily paper and just getting the Sunday edition (or I think they make you get Sunday and Wednesday minimum - because of the ads, of course).   I have read the daily newspaper since I was a kid almost continuously so that would be a much bigger change in my lifestyle than it sounds.

I need to scale back on my computer time as well.  I don't follow nearly as many blogs as I used to, but some of the inane timewaster sites can go.  Yet I browse those while listening to podcasts.  Hmmm, I'm going to have to give up something I enjoy, most likely.  I have an addictive personality with big OCD tendencies, which is probably how I got into all these things.  Giving something up shouldn't be too hard for me once I put my mind to it.  But deciding what goes is gonna be a killer.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

One Day Until The Big Game!

The Black And White News has put together a very good motivational video for Packer fans.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

UK, Great Britain, England...

This is one of my 'I think I know it when I see it but don't ask me to explain it' things, explained.  Still, how does that go again?


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard '11

If you haven't heard, much of the midwest and northeast have been pummelled with snow, ice and wind.  Our neighborhood is no different.  The snow and wind were nonstop last night and we awoke to the last snow showers and falling winds that became sunshine by midday.

Once more I must praise my wife for tackling this challenge with minimal help from me.  She really is wonderful, and will be not wonderfully sore after this.  This is looking towards the end of our driveway:
Before:  blinding white masses.

After:  some perspective now, eh?

Click for full size, or just click read more for these and some more before and after shovelling shots.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mystery Shoveller And Traffic

The mystery shoveller has struck again!  It again snowed this morning starting about the time I left and ending sometime around noon.  When I got home a bit ago the whole walk, steps and driveway were shovelled, except for a small bit in the middle of the driveway.  I did not surprise anyone off, but there is some ice in that area so I wonder if the mystery shoveller slipped and said 'enough'.  I, oddly, talked to 4 different neighbors on the street when I got home and, of course, no one saw a thing.  Hmmm.  Well, there will be more snow in the next few days so I guess we'll see if it happens again!  I'd like to know who to thank!

In another odd happening lately, my traffic has jumped significantly lately to well over 30 hits a day average for this past week and a half.  Hi everyone!  Set a spell, take your shoes off.  Seriously, I get a lot of hits because of my pic dumps and as far as I can tell some popular site must have linked to the 'People In Animal Costumes' pic dump since that seems to have drawn the most attention lately.  Also, if you ever make it to the bottom of this page you will have noticed a few trackers in the right column.  Those were added early New Year's Day and are kind of neat, I think.

Well, thanks for visiting and if I find out who you are, mystery shoveller, you're going to get the biggest most heartfelt 'thank you' you've ever received!

*Update:  Today's shovelling was done by my father in law.  But he is still adamant that he did not do it the first time, and with more snow coming we'll see what happens!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Cat Who Lives In A Tree

via here and here

Friday, January 28, 2011

Teach Me How To Raji

...9 more days              GO PACK GO!

The original 'Teach Me How To Bucky' here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

PT And A Mystery

Only gained a small amount of degrees of knee bend again this week, despite all my exercises and miles on the recumbent exercise bike downstairs.  Yet it is progress, no matter how slow.  I have gained strength in my damaged quad muscle yet I'm still hobbling around on my cane.  Shovelling snow now would be difficult for me, and perhaps not smart, but not impossible. 

This morning we received a couple inches of snow, starting with my morning commute and ending sometime before lunch.  Both my wife and I went to work all day and did not get home until this evening, yet when we arrived home we found the entire sidewalk, steps and the whole driveway shovelled.  Now, neighbor Dave would have used his snow blower, my wife's dad says he didn't come over and do it and neighbor Jane's sidewalk wasn't touched.  We can't think of any friends who, first, had the day off or, second, would be thoughtful enough to do something like this for us.  No offense to any, just saying that this isn't something most people would drive over to do, at least not for these few inches, but I may be mistaken. 
So, it seems we owe somebody a huge thanks for clearing all that snow for us, and actually doing a great job of it, too!  I'll let you know when/if the mystery gets solved!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Boy Least Likely To

It was a normal day today, during a normal week at work.  I listened to a few podcasts straight through in the morning, then after lunch I usually rock out anywhere from AC/DC to Megadeth to Zodiac Mindwarp, but today I felt different.  Not sad, just maybe a little melancholy.  Why?  Well, I think maybe I've learned to care a little less at work.  Go along to get along.  Sigh.  So, anyway, this afternoon I listened to The Boy Least Likely To's two albums.  They have an innocent, soothing sound.

And I can't forget this fun little ditty!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Day

Happy Birthday to my brother, I hope you get a great present in 12 days!
This would be even better if your name was Brian!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Brand New Car!

Well, brand new to me, anyway.  I traded in the truck this evening and bought a smaller used car, an SUV, actually, which is still technically a car, legally.  Got it?  I don't.  (Not the car pictured.  No real details will be posted here, I'm still keeping some semblance of anonymity.)  Way back when I bought my old truck (a bigger SUV) I really wanted this small SUV but just couldn't afford it.  I just liked the way it looked and the reputation of the company.  I've never really wanted a certain make/model when car shopping before.  Money was the number one factor in my mind most times.  I'm really not a car person, usually.  Anyway, Mrs. Scoakat has driven another model of this make for several years and we have had no major trouble, only maintenance.  Now, several years later I can afford a nice used one so I finally got what I originally wanted!  Yea Me!  And thanks to Mrs. S, without whom none of this would be possible!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

NFC Champions!

Packers Win!

Da' Bears Still Suck!

If the Packers had happened to lose...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

32 Became 12...

...became 8, became 4...
...become Super Bowl participants.  The Packers play the Bears tomorrow afternoon for the right to go to Super Bowl XLV.  I will be a little keyed up all day and either ecstatic or crushed by Sunday evening.
Go Pack Go!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brent Favre - What Should I Do?

I vote for the 'just go away' option.  At least for a while.  Please?


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

100 Degrees Of Knee

Just got home from PT.  Only gained a few degrees again.  I'm in a crappy mood.  I know you may tire of hearing about my rehab and doctor appointments but that is what I got right now.  I can't do the things I want and when I can my wife has a list for me as long as my arm.  That's enough for now.  I need an attitude adjustment in liquid form right now, and I don't care how I feel in the morning.  Ta.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Best Cee Lo Green Cover

This is the best Cee Lo Green cover you will see, if not hear!  nsfw


Hmm, the video became restricted.  I guess you'll have to take my word for it and see it here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Snowy Happy Monday

The drive home from work today took almost twice as long as normal due to the snow that continues to fall.  I heard 3 to 5 inches but that's what it looked like when I got home and it is still expected to continue snowing overnight.  My wife also arrived home safe but once again toils outside shovelling our walks and driveway.  She's been real good about it, though.  I tried shovelling on Saturday, that was much less and the real light fluffy stuff.  I managed to clear the front walk, the stoop and the sidewalk, using the shovel as my cane.  Eventually I had to go in and sit down because, while I am getting better with my right leg, my left leg is still holding up most of my weight and can do so only so long at a time.  Kate finished it for me in short order.

I feel bad that my wife has had to do so much that I used to do for us, but for a while now I've been able to do more and more and I'm sure I'll be able to return to full duties soon.  I would take a pic of the snow but it is already dark out.  Enough rambling, I should just grab my favorite sweater, sit in my rocker and shake my cane at the TV.  You damn kids!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

You Need To Get Off Facebook

A bit longer than the non-music videos I usually post, but of course I don't post anything not worth watching...  Enjoy!  You might even get convinced to ditch facebook, if you're one of them!!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tuesday's X-Ray Follies

There's a funny story about those leg x-rays earlier this week.  Luckily, I was the first appointment of the day.  When they were ready for me they suggested I change into shorts but, just like last time, I convinced them to just let me pull my pants down around my ankles for the x-rays.  I told her how it is a big pain yet to get a shoe on my right foot and besides, I was wearing clean drawers and was not shy.

So I get all set on the x-ray table and she goes to turn on the machine. Now, you know how it shines a light with the crosshairs where they intend to take the picture?  The light bulb was burnt out.  I spent over a half hour laying on that table while they would take a picture, check it to see how it looked, then move the machine accordingly and try again.  All while stopping to make and get calls to see about fixing the bulb.  So most of the pics were not exactly centered well, but with all the pics they took they got everything covered.

Later in the exam room, the doctor finally came in and apologized for all the trouble.  A major backup was happening in the x-ray department (again, I'm glad I was first!).  They even had trouble with the computer program to view the x-rays so some of the pics he couldn't make screen size, like the one on the right in the earlier post.  I did notice, however, that half the pics showed my package plain as day.  Really, I don't think she had to take that many x-rays that high on my leg under any circumstances.  Maybe she liked it?  Hahaha.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Corn Nuts Radio Ad

Absolutely hilarious! Kind of like the Johnson commercial.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Leg X-rays

I know I've described it pretty accurately, but pictures speak louder than words.  Here is the leg I broke on August 27 as of this morning, over 4 months later.  These pics are taken with our new camera of the x-rays as shown on a computer screen at the doctor's office.  Click the pic for the large version. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pic Dump 25

It's that time again!  Another regurgitaton of what I found interesting for one reason or another in my recent internet travels.  Discretion advised after the break. Enjoy!

The Packers play the Eagles in a playoff game later today...  GO PACK GO !!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Updates, Medical And Otherwise

Finally, eh?  Where the hell have I been?  Well, I have no excuses other than I just got a slow start to the new year.  With so little evening daylight we have been going to bed at about 8:00 anyway, throw in holiday strife, a few medical appointments and general cold weather laziness and all of a sudden we are more than a week into 2011!

I hope everyone celebrated the new year safely.  I had fun, mostly.  Drama happened that I didn't understand and took personally at the time, but I'm happy to say I later found out I was just collateral damage and not the target!  Still, I will pay better attention and not trust some friends word so much in the future maybe.  After all, by our age we're supposed to be the professionals on amateur night* (among other times) by now.  That's all I'll say about that here.

Medically speaking, my knee bend has only increased to 96 degrees, but I found out that I can just fit on the recumbent exercise bike we have downstairs so I will hook up the TV down there this weekend and try to spend some time on the bike to try to loosen up my knee some more.  Maybe a little bit every day after work.  Also, I had another MRI on Tuesday morning followed thereafter by an appointment with the neurosurgeon (plenty of waiting room time in between, of course).  The disc herniation is actually fractionally smaller than my last MRI about 3 months ago and the nerve medication has been working satisfactorily so far.  Enough so that even though the surgeon said that the bulging is enough that he would operate if I said so, but as long as the medication can stave off the pain my body still may re-absorb it.  Now, let me pause and consider this.

This first started acting up on me last June or so, giving me enough pain in my arm to not be able to lift it above my head long enough to tape or paint a bathroom and interfering with my work, progressing to limit me in all aspects of my life.  I tried drugs, muscle relaxers and pain meds, and had an appointment scheduled with my doctor about it when one day I came home from work and horrifically broke my leg.  Ignoring the leg for this moment, one doctor tried a mild steroid that was less than ineffective, then I progressed through a few different appointments, an MRI, and my first consults with the neurosurgeon.  Now, back then they wouldn't do anything because of my recently badly broken leg.  No surgery on my neck while I can't walk and no strong steroids while my bone is still healing, so I suffered with this nerve pain in my neck and arm while trying to concentrate on healing my more serious injury.  In early December I had another appointment where I said Help Me a little stronger and was given this pain medication that took two weeks to get started but has finally given me some relief.

The point is, had I not broken my leg I would certainly have had surgery on my neck several months ago.  Now, being forced to wait, I have some hope that the bulge may be reabsorbed some more, maybe enough to not cause me any symptoms and no surgery will be required.  That would be my 'best case' scenario, otherwise surgery is just delayed.  I'll determine that in the next couple of months.

*New Year's Eve.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Confuse An Idiot

I loved this, you should look!

I'm off to a slow start to the new year.  I'll take the time to post something more substantial soon.