Monday, June 3, 2024

Cable Update

So, I had called earlier in the month of May to cancel my cable and you know how that turned outhow that turned out.  Well, I called again on Thursday afternoon to get my cable turned off.  I spent around 45 minutes on the phone and was assured it would go off at midnight that night.  Guess what?  In the morning we still had cable.  I had to get this taken care of before they pushed me into the next billing cycle.

Friday after work I called again.  I spent a half hour on hold before finally getting someone.  We went through the usual routines but I was having none of it.  I could not be swayed, I did not believe their lies and assurances that it will be turned off.  It got to the point I just let them know, over and over, I would not end this call until my cable was off, internet was left alone, and I could verify everything to my satisfaction on my end.  They kept trying to tell me that the order was submitted but I didn't care.  I know they can turn it off immediately and I would not hang up until this was done.

Finally, after almost two hours and 4 different levels of their 'customer service' workers, I got the cable cancelled.  So a total of 3 phone calls and almost 4 hours to do a simple thing that could have been done in minutes, if they wanted.

The very next day I returned the equipment, but my receipt showed the returned equipment and one mysterious piece of equipment (I only have a serial number) that I supposedly still have.  Sounds like someone there wants to give me another headache.

While I was dealing with that last phone call my wife ordered the equipment to get internet from a different provider.  As soon as we get it we will set it up and as long as everything goes as expected I will get to go through this all over again to get our cable internet cancelled and try to completely cut ties with this company, Spectrum.

Stay tuned.


delcatto said...

Customer service certainly sounds like a misnomer. Good luck!

Scoakat said...

Exactly. We have the equipment now for the new internet provider, but I'm beat right now and I'm getting a second flare-up in just over two weeks. So maybe tomorrow.