Sunday, September 24, 2023

It's Been Awhile...

It's been awhile since I've written much of anything online since I last posted here.  It was nothing I planned but just turned into a bit of a break, anyway.  Since then, I've had a vacation and a birthday, and, well, life just continues to happen whether we write about it or not.  Nothing bad, mind you, but I did want to break the seal and catch up with writing this weekend.  But now the weekend is almost over and truthfully I don't feel like much like writing much at the moment.

The Packers just won with a fourth quarter comeback, and you can probably tell from the picture that I was much more attentive to the game than Hamish.

My wife and I both did some baking today, and often my Mom and I text during the games so I was sending her pictures as I made baguettes.  They turned out pretty good though I've been experimenting with my technique, so I may share that here soon.  Otherwise, back to the grind in the morning and fiscal year is just a week away so the headaches are coming.  

We did go out for a fancy dinner with friends Terry and Becky last night.  The parking lot was between the restaurant and the lake, so we parked right up to the lake and I got pictures of when we arrived and when we left that we found interesting, if not quite level.  I'll put those after the break.  Cheers, everyone.

This is looking across Lake Monona, the smaller of the two big Madison lakes.  For a recent reference, San Damiano would be across the lake to the left, possibly out of the picture.  It was windy and the lake was choppy, but the moonlight reflection was still beautiful.


delcatto said...

Good to hear things are ok and that moonlight picture is lovely.

Scoakat said...

Thanks, delcatto. Both pictures taken from behind the steering wheel, so could have been better but was an afterthought in the first place.

Blue Witch said...

What delcatto said.

Scoakat said...

Thank you :)

Blue Witch said...

Happy Birthday, belatedly! I did notice the reference slippe din the first time I read this, then forgot to say. It's what happens when you get old...

Scoakat said...

Thank you again, BW! :)