Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How To Measure A Year

Infinity and beyond!  It almost boggles the mind, the vastness and variables...  I love this stuff!

Thanks ZanyPickle

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Excuses and Promises

Well, there has been hardly any posting here lately and I don't know why.  I haven't been too bored or too busy, just not alot to share, I guess. 

I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend.  To me it was just a tune-up for next week when I'm officially on vacation.  Nine straight days off!  Besides the R&R I have 3 big things to do that week.  First off, my 'Garage Redo' project will get taken care of.  Although my back has been about as good as it gets the last couple weeks, I have been saving this project for my week off instead of using up a weekend.  Secondly, I plan on cleaning all the windows and screens in our 3 season porch.  Easy enough, just time consuming.  And lastly, I plan on a trip to Cuba City to see both of my grandmothers, one probably for the last time (-she hasn't been doing so well lately).  My Sis has been supposed to get back to me on this for a while now, but if I have to I will go alone.  (Get a hold of me, Sis!  The kids help fill in the quiet moments!!)

Aside from those things, I'm sure I'll keep myself as busy as I want to be.  There's plenty more to be done, but not necessarily next week.  This list will also give me good things to post about, a pic dump is due soon, too.  So thanks for checking back even though there hasn't been much going on lately.  I assure you, this space will pick up soon enough!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Point and click, create your own firworks show!

Although tomorrow is the holiday, tonight is Rhythm and Booms - a large local fireworks show.  A few hundred thousand people show up, if I remember right.  I will not be one of them.  My wife is off to watch them on her bff Terry's boat with several friends.  I would like to be there, but it will take hours to get the couple miles back to the dock then to home.  And, honestly, lately I have not reacted well at all to being in groups of all smokers but me.  I get a bit, er, testy, shall we say.  Have a great holiday, all! (Or just a great day, for those outside the US!)

Mike O'Meara Is Back On The Radio

By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 3, 2010

 Mike O'Meara, who for years was half of the "Don & Mike" radio team, will return to Washington's airwaves next week with a new morning show and co-host.  O'Meara, 51, will team with radio veteran Kirk McEwen on WVRX-FM (105.9) starting Wednesday, the station announced Friday.

 With partner Don Geronimo, O'Meara was one of the top-rated personalities in Washington for more than two decades. Geronimo left the partnership in 2008, leaving O'Meara as a solo act on WJFK-FM (106.7). O'Meara continued until last summer, when the station changed to a sports-talk format. He has produced his own program as a podcast since then.
Read the whole article here.

From what I understand, he will still continue the podcast with Robb, Buzz and Oscar.  Hmmm.  From listening to a radio show for over 10 years, it has splintered into 2 radio shows and a podcast for me to listen to.  Tough choices will have to be made soon.  After all, there are only so many hours in the day.....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Open Your Eyes

I've really not had much to say recently, so here's a thought...


Monday, June 28, 2010

A Quick Monday Note

Happy Monday!  It's supposed to be a great week ahead, no rain and temps in the upper 70's!

I haven't started the Garage Redo yet, but we have gotten a few other things done around the house.  The blinds came in for the kitchen and they look great - no more old lace curtains and ancient blinds!  Next for the kitchen will be wallpaper removal and painting.  And when we do that we may as well do the same in the bathroom.  Also, we removed the old bulky range hood and we have a new light to put up there.  I just have to wire it and I'll get that done this week sometime.

Tonight, though, I think we'll be heading to The Malt House for a few drinks with our friends, B & Z.  I hope you had a good weekend and enjoy the upcoming week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I must admit...

...I was.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Geronimo First Show 20100621

Don Geronimo's first show on KHTK in Sacramento.  Right click and save target as...

Links are stolen from the embed code on the KHTK website which is slow and hard to download from.  They say they are working on the feeds, hopefully it will be in itunes soon.  I'm only doing this for the first show to make it easy for me and others to download.  I will get some hits just from having the words 'Don Geronimo First Show Download.'  If that's you, please feel free to explore the rest of my blog as well!

**Edit 6/29.**  There is now a podcast feed here.  I've not found it in itunes yet, and I'm not sure what subscribing to a feed entails.  If I still have to manually add it to itunes, well, that's what I do now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Don Geronimo Is Back!

California time, on 1140 KHTK in Sacramento.  It's supposed to become available on itunes as well.  It has been 2 long years since he walked away from the Don and Mike Show.  Welcome back, Don!

Weekend Notes

Happy Father's Day, if applicable.  Just a few notes on the last few days...   

I forgot to mention in my rant the other day that we were having a small party at our house Friday night.  Turned out to be much fun, maybe too much.  The end of the night is actually pretty hazy to me.  Now, I am a drinker, but it's been a long time since I drank enough to be forgetful.  My wife and I were pretty dead all day Saturday.  Napping on and off, rehydrating, and just being lazy while we recovered.

We were supposed to have lunch with my Mom and her boyfriend, sorry Mom!  I also cancelled a friend coming over in the afternoon to help me with the workbench and shelves.  I somehow managed to get the lawn mowed that morning and that was all my back could take for that day.  I have rearranged the garage so my wife can park in there again, though.  The Garage Redo will take place eventually, but only when my back can stand it.

My 25th High School Reunion was last night.  No, we didn't attend.  I actually considered it since I hadn't gone to one yet,  but I really had no close friends in my class other than one.  We don't talk much anymore, but I know how to get a hold of him if I want to.

In a few hours my in-laws will be here for Father's Day lunch.  I'll grill some brats and my wife is already working her magic in the kitchen.  The sister-in-law with the hellion kids has already cancelled so it should be an enjoyable day.  Now, I best get up and do what I can to help my wife.  Have a good day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Long Days, Short Tempers

I've had long days and a short temper this week.  First off, my wife is taking a week vacation to use up some of her well deserved time from work.  I'm jealous, sue me.  My back has been bothersome again, and I have limped to the end of every day at work this week.  Usually it is easily doable, but the last half of this week I have the 'difficult' project at work.  The wrong time to move alot yet I have to do the most moving.  My boss is nice enough and seems to understand and he takes it easy on me.  Yet, I still feel humiliated somewhat in front of my co-workers.  Not everybody understands.

Meanwhile, with this back, I have run errands to the grocery store and twice to the large hardware store.  I have supplies for projects that I can't quite do yet all over the place.  I need to get my truck into two different repair shops (brakes and body) soon.  I have to fix the toilet.  I have a leak by the water softener to fix, a workbench to build and shelves to put up.  We will be seeing family here this weekend on both days (not a bad thing, mind you).   And the lawn needs mowing, but tomorrow is supposed to be 90 degrees and humid with Saturday similar, but with a chance of rain.

There. Sigh.  Thanks for listening to me bitch!*

Now that I got that out of my system, there is a bright side.  My wife has okayed me taking a whole week off of my own.  I don't have near as much time built up as she does, so it's a bigger deal.  I'm not sure that I've taken a whole week off since we got married, except for a few short times of unemployment - not the same.  So for sanity's sake I'm gonna do that soon.  Otherwise my vacation time will just be eaten up by the next time or two when my back goes 'out'.  So I most surely will have some unpaid time by the end of the year.  Hopefully not, being laid up in bed for days is no fun, no fun at all... and definitely not a 'vacation'!

* I should note that even though my wife is on vacation she has her own things going on.  What I have listed are my things to do.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Garage Redo part 2

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pic Dump 15

It's time for the latest Pic Dump!  Here's 50ish things that made me laugh, cry or cringe since Pic Dump 14.  As usual, some you may have seen, some you may not.  Click on the pic to see original size.  And discretion is always strongly advised after the break.  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garage Redo part 1

So, here's what I have to work with in the garage.  As you can see, along both sides there is stuff, stuff, and more stuff.  Before it gets out of hand and we can't get the car in there, I need to bring some organization to this mess.  The first stage will be assembling the modified workbench to be placed in the back of the garage along the left wall.  Then I will have to move the electrical box.  And finally, pull everything away from the walls and put up the shelves.  I'm also looking for a garden tool organizer to put in the back corner along the right wall.  The wood you see in the pic is the workbench and shelves unassembled.

My wife isn't crazy about not being able to park in the garage for a while, but it shouldn't be long.  Admittedly, I have been procrastinating starting the actual work.  My back sucks.


I'm not saying that it's been too wet lately, but... these are all over the yard.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Garage Project Preview

Happy Friday!  I know it's been slow around here lately, oh well.  Truth is we really haven't been doing much other than the mundane daily stuff.  Usually I don't like to post things just for the sake of posting when I don't feel like writing (though I do sometimes, anyway).

Coming up will be my garage reorganization project.  Several weeks ago I got a dozen shelf brackets for free (after rebate) and today I bought the shelves for them to hold.  (Except I have to return 2-12'  1x10's that were supposed to be 1x12's because I'm a doofus.)  I also bought a workbench kit.  I should have bought the materials and designed my own, but I guess I got lazy.  Actually the kit seemed like a real good size for the space I have in mind, so I just got it.  There will be one modification, however.  I bought extra 2x4's so I could add longer legs to the kit and raise it to my preferred height.  And doing that means I will have to move the existing electrical box to a higher position on the wall, as well.

So, since this is my space to log our projects and activities (as well as share my music, thoughts and humor), we can all look forward to how this project turns out.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Die Antwoord on Tour

Hi, how are you?  We're okay.  Not much happening lately, thus no posting.  So, here, I found this out - Die Antwoord will be in Chicago on Wednesday, July 14.  Too far away from home, middle of the week, and it would take a bigger reason than this for me to drive into Chicago.  I'd love to see them but I won't travel.  Still, some good youtube material to look forward to.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fat Cat Hiccups and Farts

Okay, I laughed when I saw this posted by Joanne yesterday and almost posted it here.  And then I laughed at it again when I heard it featured late the TMOS podcast today, and that was just the audio! So, here it is!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Clarence Carter - Strokin'

This is very inside joke stuff between me and friends I used to know and fun times on the reservation...  Enjoy it anyway, it has nsfw lyrics.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Self Indulgent Recap

Hello.  I hope you had a nice holiday weekend.  I did, mostly.  I haven't updated in a bit, so here's a short recap:

Over a week ago my sister finally came to visit. She brought her boyfriend, Dave.  It was my first time meeting him, but they have been seeing each other for quite some time now.  He was actually a real nice guy, and he'd better be - he's dating my sister!  Of course my sister's kids, James and Lindsey, came as well.  They will be 8 soon, I think.  Being the devious uncle that I am, (and knowing that it was gonna be real hot and I had already introduced them to squirtgun fights) I went with the water balloons!  We had a lot of fun!  Boy, they can tire me out, though.  I wish I had that energy sometimes.

The latter half of last week I was dealing with some back issues.  Nothing to be worried about, just one of the usual problems just popping up again.  I didn't even call the doctor.  If it would have lasted longer or been more severe, then some muscle relaxers would have helped, though.  Still would, actually...

Friday night Jerome and Lisa came over for a while to sit out by the fire.  We kind of intended to invite quite a few more, but my wife pointed out how she never gets a chance to talk to Lisa.  I agreed, they are nice, fun, relatively new friends that we enjoy lots.

Last Saturday was the first outing on our friend Terry's boat!  We went to the usual spot, and did the usual things.  It was a real nice day for it, the sun was shining and it got really hot.  I made myself go hatless mostly, so I wouldn't get the white forehead that I had last year!

Sunday we shopped. We got new hardware for the kitchen cabinets and a new light fixture for above the sink. We also bought a grill, a real, full-size, nice, gas grill. (I still want Mangrates, though!) We spent some time installing all the new kitchen hardware after we got home.  My wife thinks they look much more modern and I tend to agree.

Monday, Memorial Day, was spent mostly relaxing.  I went grocery shopping in the morning and we put together our new grill in the afternoon.  I went to bed about 7:30 and slept wonderfully until my alarm went off this morning.

There, caught up.  (Yes, I know, TMI for some, but this is for me.)  Some of these subjects deserve a more thorough look, but sometimes I just don't feel like writing.  Also, I've noticed, the longer it has been since I've posted, the harder it is to write.  Best done quickly before my memory fades...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oil Spill Deja Vu

This is an interesting look by MSNBC at the eerie similiarities between the oil spill in the gulf now and one that happened 31 years ago.  I saw this over at Bits & Pieces a couple of days ago and have been thinking of it since.  I was young and this was a million miles away to me, but I do seem to remember this happening.  I'm not going to go off on a ticked off rant, I'll just bite my tongue and state the obvious:  Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Libby's Libby's Libby's on the Label Label Labels

I came home early from work today so I (finally) went through all my labels since the beginning of this blog.  I was trying to make things easier to look up and group like items, etc.  It took about 3 hours, goddammit!!  The main distinctions I wanted to make were for pictures and music.  I wanted a clearer distinction between which pictures (and videos) were mine and which I reposted.   As for music, I wanted the music videos to stand out from regular videos that I embed now and again.

Hopefully it is a little clearer now.  I have 34 labels for about 272 posts now so hopefully I have most everything covered and won't need to add many -if any- more labels.  I've never looked too closely at other blog's labelling systems, I just made it up as I went along.  No wonder some editing was needed, eh?  Well, if you see something that doesn't make sense just leave me word in the comments and I'll see what I can do.  In the right column, I changed it from the label cloud back to just a list, as well.

I did notice some videos on some older posts have disappeared, the ones that I uploaded directly to Blogger.  I also noticed that I can no longer upload a video directly to Blogger so I will have to learn how to upload to my Youtube account then embed my videos here.  Therefore those old videos will only be reposted if I feel the need.  Y'know, Google owns it all - my gmail accounts, Blogger, Youtube, and half the known universe by now...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flowerbeds and Blooms

We got some yard and garden work done yesterday, so of course I had the camera!  Flower beds are here, but since the garden has it's own page you can read about that on my garden blog.

The Peonies are starting to open!

The majority of the Iris' are these yellow ones, but if you look close there are a couple pink ones and soon at least one purple one.  Many seem not to be flowering this year, so hopefully there will be more pink and purple next year.  The purple puffballs things on the right are pretty much done.  When they go to seed later I will sprinkle them around that same area to fill it out more next year.

This area around the tree is mostly hostas, the one Bleeding Heart bush, and lots of old mulch and weeds.  The long term plan here is to rake out all the crap and put down some fabric and fresh mulch.  I kept it weeded pretty well last year but it seems like quite the daunting task this year.

At this corner of the garage there were some lily of the valley that were not doing so well because of too much sun.  My wife replanted those further up along the garage and planted this lavender plant at that corner.  The plant was a gift from Zubin at our anniversary party.  Thanks Z!

Yes, all is right in my world today...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bill Nye on the Oil Spill

I used to love catching his "Bill Nye the Science Guy" show.  (Also "Beakmans World,"  -as an adult, yet!)   Here he is with a few thoughts on the oil leaking into the gulf.  I'm off to look for an extended version.  Enjoy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Google TV

This sounds interesting.  We still just have the 'old' kind of television sets, so perhaps a good thing to have waited to upgrade?  I'm not sure if it is really that innovative or not, I don't know the details.  And again, I don't really watch a lot of movies or tv shows to care too much, yet. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction

They'rreee baack!  CD due out in September...

ZODIAC MINDWARP & THE LOVE REACTION's story starts in the year 1985: In a musical world of hairspray and spandex, two long-haired, leather-clad rockers were introduced to each other by their "exotic dancer" girlfriends. One, a graphic artist and poet, the other, a budding philosopher. They immediately dropped everything, joined forces and created the dirtiest, wildest band of all time. One year later, they signed to Polygram, released, the groundbreaking "High Priest of Love" EP, and subsequently the "Tattooed Beat Messiah" album, containing the well received single "Prime Mover".

You know I love the live stuff, hopefully with a new album they'll practice a bit more than they did a few years ago.  Case in point, below:

Super Sexy CPR

This has been hot lately, so to speak... Enjoy!

Super Sexy CPR from Super Sexy CPR on Vimeo.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Anniversary Party

Saturday the 15th was one year to the day that we signed the papers and closed on the house.  Tomorrow, the 18th, is our 9th wedding anniversary.  This all added up to a Spring Anniversary Party at our house on Saturday!  I didn't share those plans here on the blog, maybe for my paranoid delusions of still wanting to keep a semblance of internet anonymity?  Oh well..

Hosting a party like this is quite a bit of work - a whole lot actually.  Last year I tried to get word out by word of mouth through the neighbors and just a few showed up.  So this year I stepped it up, a few weeks ago I walked up and down the block dropping off invites.  I did talk to some and just left a flyer at other houses.  We invited our small circle of friends, of course, and I actually invited my whole department at work.  Probably over 80 invitations in all, 50ish just from my work - I thought it could be fun.

Early on the plans seemed to grow beyond the party we threw last year.  We just couldn't have that kind of traffic in our little place so food tables were moved to the garage.  This year was definitely an 'outside' party.  We grilled up over 50 bratwurst and my wife spent about 6 hours prepping some great sides.  A fruit salad, bread salad that you have to try, broccoli slaw that everyone loves, and of course the incredible baked beans with apple.  Some people actually assumed we bought the sides or had them catered, I was so proud!

Hosting a party is nothing like just going to a party.  This took alot of planning and even during the party I felt the need to hop around and make sure everyone was having fun, not cornered in conversation or bored.  I'm a worrier, I guess, but I think everyone had fun.  A few neighbors stopped by early to check it out and many came back later.  Things started to liven up after about 2:00 in the afternoon and went past 11:00 pm.  If I had to guess, we enjoyed between 40 to 50 different people at different times when all was said and done.

I work with alot of nice people that have accepted me in the last 2 years, some grudgingly I'm sure.  My life has only gotten better the last few years and my co-workers may have even seen a change in me, or not, I'm pretty stubborn!  I don't put up with 'injustice', for lack of a better term right now, and have been taken to be a kind of watchdog in my own way for our rights as employees and union members.  I'm not trying to lead, I don't want credit or limelight at work, I just want what is right!  I invited my whole department and while very disappointed with the turnout from this group I'm sadly not too surprised.  I was very happy to see the co-workers that did show up though, it meant a whole lot to me.

When we had a party last summer almost every neighbor expressed how they always thought something like this should happen.  Something like a block party for everyone to meet.  And while Saturday was not really a 'block party,' many neighbors did express the same sentiment.  We met some very nice people that live on our street.  Every single one I hope to see soon again.   Although it was less than half of the neighbors on the street that came over, hopefully we can meet them all eventually.  There's already a circle of dead grass in the backyard now from the fire pit, despite the grill mat, so we may as well do this again!

I just tried to get across many feelings as concisely as possible, I hope it was understandable.  I didn't pay enough attention to get pics of all who attended, but I did remember the camera every now and again long enough to snap a few.  Click 'Read more' below to see the rest of the pics.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Farewell, Ronnie James Dio.  Dio was my first "real" concert back in the early 80's.  We lost a legend today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Man-made, remember that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Betty White on SNL

81 seconds of the best of Betty White on Saturday Night Live.  I watched it Sunday afternoon on Hulu.  She's just so likeable right now, and it's infectious.  For chrissake hit play!  It's only 81 seconds!  via

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pic Dump 14

It has been quite a while since I posted a Pic Dump.  I have been conflicted about stealing pics from sites I like and reposting them here without giving credit to the site I saw it originally.  I do not have a large readership at all, and no one has complained, but that thought along with the fact that the Pic Dump posts are kind of a pain in the butt to do is why there hasn't been one in a while.  I tried giving credit in the names of some of the pics, but I don't always remember to do that when I save the pic.  I also don't want to get in the habit of posting one pic at a time, that is what I do when I feel I should post something but don't have anything to say.

Aside from all that, I still have the need to save certain pics at certain times for some reason so here is another dump so I can delete the stuff off my computer.  I'm not sure if this will be the last, but I am sure it will be the last that is this big.  50 or so, you can count and tell me, lol!

As usual, some you may have seen, some are nsfw, blah, blah....Enjoy!

Well?  Do it! Then click Read More below.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Marijuana Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, to my Mom and all the other mothers out there!  I won't be seeing my Mom today, but I did remember to get her extra special card sent out in time!

Not reflecting my Mom (that I'm aware of, anyway), but I read about Moms4marijuana in the paper this morning.  Moms have gotten tougher drunk driving laws passed and also enacted and repealed prohibition.  Groups like NORML are hoping that if the moms get on board laws will change sooner.  Good luck, I say.

On Mother’s Day- Sunday May 9th, 2010; the NORML Women’s Alliance will introduce you to a couple of Moms for Marijuana by highlighting several stories of mothers and grandmothers who hold their heads up high and proudly say “I am a mom for Marijuana.”
See that here.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Our cat freaked out a bit when I ventured here - but I had fun... Meowmania!
Thanks Joanne!

Monday, May 3, 2010

BP Oil compared to Exxon Valdez far, anyway.


TMOS Promo

A quick, funny plug for my favorite podcast! (kinda nsfw language)

A fan made the cartoon.  The audio is from the promo for the 'TMOS Raw' pay-shows they did recently.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flora Flora Flora!

The plants are coming in nicely in the flowerbeds along the back of the house.  It has filled out moreso than earlier this spring or even last year(look close for this one).

The purple puffburst things, my own term, on the right are starting to bloom.  The peonies, by the drainpipe, already have buds, behind those are 3 day lilies that will bloom orangish flowers all summer.  In the center there will be three different colored Irises that we will enjoy for a relatively short time soon.  Speaking of short time, the lilacs in back (not pictured) are just about peaking, we brought some inside yesterday.  Another purple flowering plant hangs, we bought that and a nice red and white combo hanging plant for by the front door yesterday.  I planted a bunch of petunias in a big pot to go out front.  The petunias along with the hanging flowering plant out front help the look alot, in my opinion.  It looks nice out front otherwise, just kinda boring.  Also not pictured here, the lily of the valley along the garage have come back and are getting ready to bloom as well.  Blooms will be happening everywhere very soon it seems.

It may not be much overall, but it's all ours and we're loving every minute of it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunflower Dance

Happy Happy Happy Happy!

A beautiful Spring day today!  We have been cleaning house, tending to the yard, and planting and hanging plants.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fear The Deer!

Here's Bango, the Milwaukee Bucks mascot performing a backward dunk off a 16 foot ladder recently:

Go Bucks!  If I post tomorrow it will be late.  The Bucks can win the series with a victory starting at 6:00 my time Friday evening.  I will be watching. The last time the Bucks made a splash in the postseason I was in Jamaica getting married and on my honeymoon.  I repeat, Go Bucks!

*I don't know why I can't show the vid now, I've tried 6 times on my way to bed.  I'll try to fix it after work tomorrow. demmit. FML
Update:  It was showing html literally.  I changed the setting back but I don't know how it got switched in the first place.  Well, I know what to check first next time!

An Alien's View

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Am A Non-Smoker...

I finished the 3-months of taking Chantix a couple weeks ago.  Since then, I have had the urge to smoke and have gained weight.  I know I have been eating more and more because I want a cigarette.  I finally shaved my chin, yet  it made no difference, I just found another one! 

It gets harder and harder to lose weight the older I get.  Most often it happens when I'm sick.  That's usually in winter and I'm usually really miserable.  Not a good diet, in all.  Gaining, on the other hand, seems to happen easily anytime, but especially now.  The most I have ever weighed happened the last time I quit smoking (for 5 months, about 2 years ago).  That was just a half stone more than I weigh now.  I do miss smoking, but not enough to start again just to lose weight.  I can breathe deeper, cough deeper and laugh deeper than I could in a long time.  Mornings I still have some clearing out to do, but it is getting easier.  My sense of smell hasn't really improved much, maybe that comes later.

Sigh.  Everything I enjoy is bad for me.  Moderation, I guess.  FML

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A flood of memories when I saw this pic.  We had one when I was a kid and I loved it!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Slim Chips

Slim Chips are good and they contain no calories. Instead of getting fat you can now eat paper with different flavors. It’s like eating tasty air. The Slim Chips are made out of edible paper and pure organic tastes.
I'd give 'em a try...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I need a 'Sign-Off'

I just updated at my garden blog and realized that I usually end a post with an exclamation mark.  I know that I tend to write as I speak, which doesn't alway convey the whole or intended meaning.  I do find that I try to finish a post on an up-note.  Most often that is expressed with that particular punctuation.

Salutations have suffered in this digital age, unfortunately, but I feel the need to say 'Thanks for reading my stuff, I'm done for now,' without being formal or awkward.  I'll have to think about this a bit.
Methinks the cat was on to something...

Which reminds me - on a different note, I loved today's Garfield cartoon! (There it is again!  uh-oh!)
I'll try to edit that in here later.

Here it is - and since I blatantly stole the screencap, give them a visit here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Computer Problems?


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bye Bye Attu

Attuworld is gone from my list on the right.  I have had Attu on my list of sites that I regularly visit for over 10 years, they are one of my oldest.  But I cannot take their ads slowing me to a crawl or crashing my browser anymore and will not recommend them to anyone.  I am disappointed, but it's just not worth it.  Goodbye Attuseesall/Attuworld.

The Scale of the Universe

Nothing like a demonstration of the scale of the universe to keep things in perspective...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I don't believe in God

Not much has been happening the last few days, mostly resting and doing the mundane things.  I haven't had much to say lately so I'll share this article I've had saved for a while.  I've always considered myself agnostic, as far as I understood it.  I'd like to be trendy and say atheist but my strict catholic upbringing, I think, makes agnostic as far as I can go.  This article sums up my views on Why I don't believe in God.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Want Baconcakes!

This will happen in my kitchen... sooner than later!  via

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tree Limb Update and More

Here's what that big ol' tree limb that fell on Easter looks like now.  I have to find a place to store it now for a year or so, until it dries out and can be used as firewood.  We received a Firepit thing last Xmas that we haven't used yet, so I tried to cut the pieces small enough to use in that.

Yesterday my wife and I got haircuts  (mine was just trimmed, no difference, really) and we ran errands and went out for breakfast in the morning. So I found time to finish this in the early afternoon.  I hadn't heard back from the neighbors with the chain saw so I just did it with my neighbor Jane's bow saw and I used my circular saw for help on the bigger end.  (We gave her a bottle of wine to thank her when we returned her bow saw this morning, she's a very nice person.)

After that I took a nap for a couple hours then we got all dressed to the nines for my sister in law's wedding reception.  They got married on St. Patrick's Day in Jamaica and this was their celebration for friends and relatives.  My wife and I got married in Jamaica as well (about nine years ago) but did not have a reception when we got back.  We didn't feel the need, but alot of people really enjoy this kind of thing.  I managed to avoid the hockey score all night so I could watch it on tape after we got home.  I'm disappointed we lost, but it was still a great season.