Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flowerbeds and Blooms

We got some yard and garden work done yesterday, so of course I had the camera!  Flower beds are here, but since the garden has it's own page you can read about that on my garden blog.

The Peonies are starting to open!

The majority of the Iris' are these yellow ones, but if you look close there are a couple pink ones and soon at least one purple one.  Many seem not to be flowering this year, so hopefully there will be more pink and purple next year.  The purple puffballs things on the right are pretty much done.  When they go to seed later I will sprinkle them around that same area to fill it out more next year.

This area around the tree is mostly hostas, the one Bleeding Heart bush, and lots of old mulch and weeds.  The long term plan here is to rake out all the crap and put down some fabric and fresh mulch.  I kept it weeded pretty well last year but it seems like quite the daunting task this year.

At this corner of the garage there were some lily of the valley that were not doing so well because of too much sun.  My wife replanted those further up along the garage and planted this lavender plant at that corner.  The plant was a gift from Zubin at our anniversary party.  Thanks Z!

Yes, all is right in my world today...

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