Monday, July 25, 2022

July This-And-Thats

Well, things happen and you get too busy or just too tired to write anything, then a day goes by, then a week.  Before I get any more backed up with thoughts let me try to get them in writing.

  • The air conditioning was turned off yesterday, so back to windows open for what looks like a good stretch.  I took what was probably my longest single walk of the year so far, today.  I've been really good about walking this year more than ever, but my bike hasn't come down from the garage rafters yet.  I'll make that happen before summer is over, though.
  • Oh yes, I went to that creek thing a week ago Saturday morning and I had meant to write about that sooner.  Basically a volunteer couple comes out every month but winter and monitors the creek.  Other than them and me, two women showed up separately, so a small group.  They showed us how they check for volume, clarity, chlorides and oxygen.  The most interactive part was looking for different invertebrates he'd scoop up from the edges.  It was informative and kind of fun, but too much information about the creek's PFAS situation that I already knew, if not the exact numbers.  If you come and fish in a Madison lake, catch and release - do not eat.  Forty minutes after the posted 90 minute session and I thanked them and extracted myself to get on with my day.  Maybe that's why I put off writing about it.  
  • Pics from that day aren't the best and it would take many to show full context, so here's some kayakers I caught on my walk today.  They're just about by the canoe slide on their left, but many trek upstream as far as navigable then turn around.  I think that's pretty much the road bridge at the top end of this stretch of the creek, but I've never specifically looked for that so will have to on my next walk.
  • Thursday was a bit stressful for us, though much more so for the cats.  It was time for the vet, and this time we tried taking them at the same time.  There was howling and hissing and the smell of pee, but the vet was very nice and very good with them.  Basil was a little bitch, but Hamish took it much better.  The rest of the afternoon and evening the cats didn't exactly get along.  No fights, but some hissing and growling if Hamish got too close to Basil.  Once they had cleaned themselves thoroughly things seemed to get better.  All in good health, Hamish at 7 pounds and Basil at 15!
  • Friday was very stressful for me at work, having to perform a task for only the second time ever with no training just some written instructions that half didn't apply with other situations that arise and then an hour-long meeting about something else but same deadline.  In the end I got everything done on time with assistance from a coworker, and we pledged to overhaul the process.  That's been one of my roles at work, learn the task thoroughly and then improve it.
  • I was thinking that I may have started my walnut count a bit too early, but not after seeing neighbor Dave's yard.  He's still recovering from his torn achilles so can't pick them up, and son-in-law mowed over them so now you can see them all, just everywhere.  Dave told me he also complained about almost twisting his ankle at least 5 times as he mowed (Imagine that!).  I've been helping by getting Dave's sticks and bringing in his garbage cans, and I was hoping his kids would pick up the walnuts before they mowed.  They might not have a choice next time, though.  Dave agreed with me, it's going to be a banner season for walnuts this year.
  • Not a walnut tree pictured here, but the base of the maple that will be coming down.  I realized that in front of neighbor Dave's house will be the last maple on the street, but my wife noticed a red maple toward the top.  How many years did it take to look like this, 50, 70, more?
Okay, that's enough typing.  It's Monday and I'm tired and want to move on to other things.  Have a great week, everyone.

Walnut count: 36

Monday, July 18, 2022

284-7624 and Nuts!

Cheers to everyone who can remember their childhood phone number!  I can remember this from very young when living in the 3rd house I remember growing up in, in Illinois.

There was a white house we lived in the upstairs, I believe - my first memory of a place I lived.  Then a pink house on a street called Steinman, small and one story with a separate garage and shared driveway.  Then a red house on the corner of Jefferson Avenue (1135 - still remember the street number, too) and another street, two stories with a big yard, huge willow tree, and a tire swing.  I think we moved there about 1973, so I was about 5 or 6 years old.  This is the house that I remember most and we had that phone number until we moved to Wisconsin. 

It was a party line when we first had the phone there, meaning the whole street shared the same phone line.  You could pick up the phone and hear a neighbor on a call so have to wait your turn.  I don't remember the party line lasting long, and then we had our own line and this was the number.  It was taught to me at that young age just in case I was abducted or, much more likely, gotten lost as an oblivious child sometimes will.  I've now remembered a phone number I've not had for about 44 years, yet I can forget why I entered a room a minute ago.

*          *          *

I found the above as an old draft from last year and figured why waste mediocre writing?  I just cleaned it up a bit and here it is.  I sat down this afternoon after work to write about the creek thing I did on Saturday morning and got distracted with finding that and another idea I had more recently, below, so I'll write about the creek monitoring later in the week.

*          *          *

The other day I cleaned up some downed live branches from one of neighbor Dave's three black walnut trees in his back yard.  At the time I noticed the walnuts were pretty much full size already, and I have a feeling this year is going to be a bumper crop, so I decided to keep a running total of the number of walnuts I pick up with my grabber and send to the corner behind the lilac.  I've done this before, informally, both daily and cumulatively one year but gave up at about a thousand.  This time I'll note the counts in my garage notebook and update the total here whenever I post.  As the count goes up, remember, these are just from my small yard, next to the yard with the walnut trees.  I'd imagine Dave gets at least 5 times as many as I'll get, and probably more.

And before you ask, no, I do not try to save them, shell them, dry them, crack and eat them.  I leave that for the squirrels, they don't seem to mind fattening up on them.

Walnut Count:  22

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Another Tree Going, More

We found out yesterday that we're losing another tree on the street, very close to home.  Right by the driveway, in fact.  The city deems it dangerous so it will be removed.

About when we moved in back in 2009 we lost a couple large trees toward the bottom of the street, removed by the city.  Between then and 2021 we lost at least a couple on the street, including one just across and a house up and one just two houses up, but I don't think I posted about them.  Then, in early 2021, while snow was still on the ground, we had 3 large trees removed toward the top of the street.  After that, in June 2021, we lost the big tree directly across the street from us.  Now, we're going to lose the large tree just to the left in front of neighbor Jane's house.  It does have a dead branch hanging pretty much over our front awning, but we hesitated to report it because we were afraid they would remove the whole tree.  Now that will happen anyway.

My wife overheard the guy from the city talking to neighbor Jane about it, and it seems he pointed out some good reasons.  He also said it may be some time before it actually gets removed.  A few weeks ago we had some strong storms come through, causing damage with sticks, branches and whole trees coming down.  Last I heard, about a week or so ago, they had already removed over 3 million pounds of debris from across the city and it seems they still have a ways to go.  I know my stick pile just got picked up recently.  It was a rather large pile, but thankfully just sticks and I picked them up from both my and neighbor Dave's yards as he is recovering from a torn achilles (at 84!).  That was a lot of trips to the curb (but no bending over thanks to my trusty stick grabber).

I'm always sad to see big trees go, especially in our own neighborhood, but I do understand the dangerous situations they can sometimes create.  We still have a similar tree on the other side, in front of neighbor Dave's house, and if that one is removed my heart will break again and we will not have any large trees left in front of the house.

In other news, during a walk around our section of the creek today we saw all the wildflowers that were blooming or getting there.  Some get very tall so they just take some time to grow.  I also noticed how the steps and canoe slide, installed in September 2019 (parts one, two, and three), were looking.

The steps look like they have not been used at all, but for the ducks, while the canoe slide has seen a bit more action.  It's not uncommon to see someone get dropped off or carry/wheel their canoe down the street to the slide for summer fun.  Certainly not every day or even weekend, but not uncommon and good to see it does get used.

But at least these are summer happenings, much more fun to write about than winter happenings.  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.  Don't let it slip by, it will be cold again before we know it!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Fourth Of July, 2022

I've not felt like talking about it much lately, but this being Independence Day weekend is a good time to break my silence.  I have not felt very patriotic at all recently.

It started well over 4 years ago.  I'll never forget that sick feeling in my gut when the orange one got elected.  At the time, I could only imagine the destruction and havoc that would create.  We survived those 4 years, barely, but the ramifications of it are still being seen and I fear will continue for quite some time yet.  An attempted hostile takeover of the government, prospective judges lying under oath to achieve a position on the high court to do what they said they would not, lame attempts at gun control on the face while loosening legal restrictions in actuality, telling women they have no control over their own bodies, and religion becoming emboldened once again to force their beliefs on every person whether they agree or especially if they do not.  I've been feeling that same sick feeling in my gut more and more, with each figurative (for now) bomb that drops.  Soon, I expect the orange one to announce he will run again in the next election and I won't be surprised if he wins again in 2024.

I'm not one to normally delve into deep discussion of these topics, and I've always had the belief that the current times are always viewed as the worst of times, so tried to take everything with a grain of salt.  Every generation had its own crises in their own times and all believed it had it worse than ever before.  Now, instead of having faith that common sense will prevail in the end, I'm believing it, too.

Fuck you Trump, and fuck each of your far right followers.  Fuck you religion, and fuck you overbearing entitled religious zealots.  Fuck you liars, and fuck you to all who make decisions based on what is best for themselves and not for other people, the environment or the future.

The way I'm feeling right now, fuck you America.  At least 50% of you.  Fuck.  You.

Friday, June 17, 2022



Sunday, June 12, 2022

20,000 Days Old

In exactly two days from when this posts I turn 20,000 days old, on Tuesday the 14th at 8:20 p.m. local time.   This is posted ahead of time due to the emails can take a couple days to go out now, but at least they're still going out.

Aside from being a nice round number this doesn't mean much of anything, except maybe that I like numbers.  I've had this site saved for some time and I look at it once in a while.  A couple months ago I looked and noticed I had this milestone coming up, and they also have a widget for a countdown so I added that in the right column of the website at that time.  Not sure if it will stop or go negative when it gets there.

I have an aunt that created this painted plaster memento for my parents after my birth and this is how I recalled what time I was born.  I know she signed up to get the emails several years ago, and her email still shows as active so I hope she's still getting them.  Thank you, Aunt M! 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Two Mow May

No Mow May was a two mow May for me, plus some thatching and seeding and pulling weeds.  Many in this area subscribed to the aforementioned idea gladly, I think, whereas I guess I like it tidy.  I did notice most of the lawns that were left to grow were a high percentage of non-grass, and I'm sure dandelions and other flowering weeds are better for the pollinators than grass that's gone to seed.

I had the thought of taking a walk and collecting pictures of those tall lawns but, like Halloween, I decided not to photograph others' properties.  This was a few days into June so some had been cut already, anyway.  We did happen across this neighbor who appeared to be struggling to get the mower through the tall grass and weeds and I just couldn't resist trying to get a stealthy shot.  I know they succeeded eventually, but it really looks hacked up.

Did you let your lawn grow all May? 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Trail Cam and Updated Walk Pictures

Due to random piles of poop and unusual snow tracks we decided some time ago to buy an inexpensive trail camera to see what interesting creatures would inhabit our back yard when we weren't around.  I just have it strapped to the back stairs right now, you can catch a glimpse of where it is at the end of the Eeyore video I posted the other day.  It has captured trees waving in the breeze and my wife or I doing yardwork, grilling or just walking around back there.  But so far the most interesting thing it's captured is this gathering of local fauna performing a native fire ritual on Friday night.

It also took several before the night vision took over, but the black and white looks more dramatic here.  This is the only night vision pic (not video) that everyone was clearly present and could be seen.  I'm still figuring out what the best settings would be, and at the same time I'm hoping I do and don't capture something interesting or unusual in our yard.

*     *     *

Five weeks ago I posted pictures of a nearby greenway before the plants, grasses and trees began to grow and fill in.  At the time, it was noted how the views would not be visible when that happened and also that it would be interesting to compare.  Today we walked that way again so I actually remembered and got some similar pictures to show that difference.  All those are after the break!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Drop Ceiling and Clean Glass

I caved and started up the furnace yesterday afternoon.  It was pretty chilly in the house and I do like to be comfortable, and just a few degrees made a world of difference.  The heat was turned off again first thing this morning, hopefully for at least 5 or 6 months this time.

So today being a much nicer day and windows open again, it was time to get back to work on the drop ceiling in the porch.  They had been there for a long time and, especially the full-size tiles, had quite a sag in the middle, not to mention cracks and old water stains.  I removed all the old full size tiles last weekend so I could get them in the garbage, but the old tiles around the edges that will need to be cut to size remained.  As the 128-second video starts you'll see me remove them before going to the garage to cut the new piece.  To do the room would take 15 tiles so I bought 17, just in case since they were pretty cheap.  Toward the end you'll see me doubling up a couple so they're stashed up there in case anything happens and one is needed in the future.  

All in all, it went pretty smooth and quicker than I thought it would.  And too bad the camera was just a little too high to catch Hamish, who watched me do most of it from the top of the cat tree.

After the tiles I had to try to get that glass door clearer.  Thanks for the suggestions, we always have a good supply of vinegar here.  One other thing I forgot is that over winter we had one of those humidifiers that creates a fine mist but also creates a fine film on everything.  I cleaned all the other windows in the house as soon as the weather allowed, but did not do the sliding glass door at that time.  

The first picture is the 'before,' with two panes of glass on the left, one in the middle and none on the right.

This second picture is the 'after,' cleaned twice with vinegar and newspaper.  Much more clear than they were, yet still a bit cloudy.

Up close in the third pic you can see the spots still on the cleaned windows, one kind or side of the glass spots is visible more along the top and the other kind/side below, but throughout the picture and all over the glass.  It was like this when we bought the house and I still can't clean it off, but it's better than it was so I probably won't think about it again until fall when it is time to clean them again.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Eeyore In The Rain

My wife is an Eeyore fan and acquired this stuffed singing version many years ago.  Seemed an appropriate thing to do today.