Monday, July 18, 2022

284-7624 and Nuts!

Cheers to everyone who can remember their childhood phone number!  I can remember this from very young when living in the 3rd house I remember growing up in, in Illinois.

There was a white house we lived in the upstairs, I believe - my first memory of a place I lived.  Then a pink house on a street called Steinman, small and one story with a separate garage and shared driveway.  Then a red house on the corner of Jefferson Avenue (1135 - still remember the street number, too) and another street, two stories with a big yard, huge willow tree, and a tire swing.  I think we moved there about 1973, so I was about 5 or 6 years old.  This is the house that I remember most and we had that phone number until we moved to Wisconsin. 

It was a party line when we first had the phone there, meaning the whole street shared the same phone line.  You could pick up the phone and hear a neighbor on a call so have to wait your turn.  I don't remember the party line lasting long, and then we had our own line and this was the number.  It was taught to me at that young age just in case I was abducted or, much more likely, gotten lost as an oblivious child sometimes will.  I've now remembered a phone number I've not had for about 44 years, yet I can forget why I entered a room a minute ago.

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I found the above as an old draft from last year and figured why waste mediocre writing?  I just cleaned it up a bit and here it is.  I sat down this afternoon after work to write about the creek thing I did on Saturday morning and got distracted with finding that and another idea I had more recently, below, so I'll write about the creek monitoring later in the week.

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The other day I cleaned up some downed live branches from one of neighbor Dave's three black walnut trees in his back yard.  At the time I noticed the walnuts were pretty much full size already, and I have a feeling this year is going to be a bumper crop, so I decided to keep a running total of the number of walnuts I pick up with my grabber and send to the corner behind the lilac.  I've done this before, informally, both daily and cumulatively one year but gave up at about a thousand.  This time I'll note the counts in my garage notebook and update the total here whenever I post.  As the count goes up, remember, these are just from my small yard, next to the yard with the walnut trees.  I'd imagine Dave gets at least 5 times as many as I'll get, and probably more.

And before you ask, no, I do not try to save them, shell them, dry them, crack and eat them.  I leave that for the squirrels, they don't seem to mind fattening up on them.

Walnut Count:  22


Nic said...

Ha yes, our phone number up until I was almost 7 was.....2949. What is the use of me remembering that 55 years later? The next one was easy so I can see why I remember it... 44449.

Actually, I remember all the phone numbers from my childhood but have to think about what our current land-line number is! Don't know about the US but land-lines are starting to get pretty rare for actual use these days in the UK in domestic situations.

Blue Witch said...

I still know mine too. I just rung it, to see if it still existed and it does. Luckily I only got an answerphone.

I think that party lines were only ever shared between 2 houses in the UK, and had become extinct before the 1970s.

Walnuts - pickled walnuts? They are a pain to do though, involving stabbing them, brining them, changing the brine twice, before pickling them in vinegar, and leaving for 6 months, but they are delicious (if you like that sort of thing). I have just one jar of 2016 vintage left, and that's all I'll have, until the walnut tree we planted last year grows (about 30 years then...), oh wait... that's the last jar I'll ever make I think. Also good for dyeing wool and cotton. I can see you yawning already ;)

Scoakat said...

I guess it's pretty common, actually. I know there are lots of better things to remember that I won't, though.

Land lines are still somewhat common here, I'm guessing, but surely not as popular as it was and dying out. We had our phone line taken out when we had the tree removed in 2015 as it was in the way. I believe we had canceled that service shortly after I caved and got my first cell phone in 2014.

Unfortunately, not much of a pickled anything fan here, except pickles! :)