We still tested positive for Covid this morning. I woke up on Friday without a fever, finally, but overwhelming fatigue, which lessened over the weekend and up to now. I think we both may have a little tiredness and sinus left, but are feeling sooo much better than last week. Thank you everyone for your concern and well-wishes. It's been a hardship not being able to do what we normally do, mostly and especially for my wife, but she's managed by directing others. Her family had their holiday celebration over the weekend and we're planning to go see my Mom upcoming, though we may be masked.
Also thanks for Dave, but I'm just a neighbor. I hadn't even been inside his house until several weeks ago. Been all around it and even on it a few times, but not in it. The services are on Wednesday, but I don't think I'd feel right going since I'll be just testing negative - hopefully. I told his son I had Covid to stop him from coming closer on that day (I was on our property on the front walk to the door, he stopped at the property line, so maybe 20 feet), so he knows I have or just had it. I would be uncomfortable though masked, and I don't want to make them uncomfortable or even sick. He texted me the details and later a link to the obituary. I thanked him, gave him my sympathies again and offered my help with anything he needed, but haven't heard anything back. That's okay, and I shan't text him again.
In a cold spell here, no chance to see above freezing for the near future. No fire pits, and none since the last. Hasn't been a good year for that, either.