Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Back Steps

Step 1, exercises, ice packs and muscle relaxers.  Step 2, give in and see the doctor.  Step 3, get prescribed steroids, pain relievers and muscle relaxers.  Step 4, physical therapy.  Step 5, MRI and referral to a neurosurgeon.  Step 6, steroid shot in spine.  Step 7, surgery.  Repeat as needed.  I hope these steps are a whole lot more familiar to me than any of you.

Speaking only of my lower back, I've been completely through these steps twice now, in 2000 and in 2010.  In April to June of 2018 I got to step 6, but two shots in the spine.  The first one didn't work so I was given a choice, try the shot again or schedule surgery.  I chose to try a second shot and that time it worked, until now.  Currently I'm at step 3, moving to step 4 in 12 days.  A few physical therapy sessions may be helpful, I think.  How far it goes after that is still up in the air, but I'm hoping this is where it ends this time.

I've had to write this a bit at a time as it's difficult to stay seated here at the desk.  And I had written about what I'm going through currently in much more detail, but no one wants to hear all that, so this will be a short post.  Suffice it to say that while this totally sucks, it is certainly nothing new to me and I will survive.  I'm encouraged as I think I'm feeling better already, but that also may just be the opioid in my system.  I should probably take a nap here soon.

So, nothing else to really talk about as this has been all that I've been up to since my last post.  I'm not writing this to ask for sympathy, I just have time (I'm bored) and this is what's been happening recently.  Back issues are pretty popular, has anyone reading been through any of this?  Feel free to share your own war stories in the comments.  Stay well.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Feeling the Easter Burn Today

First off, happy Easter!  To those that celebrate it, anyway.  I no longer get the day after Easter off, so it's just Sunday here.

I got a lot done yesterday, and I felt it.  While I got a pretty good night's sleep, in part due to the muscle relaxer, I was still sore when I got up.  Not just my back, but many other underused muscles from head to toe.  So no, we are not starting in on replacing any gardens today.  And this week's weather looks like we'll be wet off and on, so maybe next weekend as the forecast looks almost as good as this weekend has turned out.  Still have a few small things to do, but nothing is critically urgent.

One thing I had to do was make a quick trip to the store today, and along the way I noticed the banks of our section of Starkweather creek had been burned off.  My wife and I went on a short walk to go take a look, but also so I could try to work out some of the kinks in my muscles.  It was a relatively slow walk, and I'm not sure it helped but it surely didn't hurt.  Too much, anyway.  But enough of me whining!

We had been notified earlier this spring that they were planning a controlled burn, but we didn't know when, and were surprised to see it as we've been under a local burn ban for a few days now due to how dry we are.  That means I had no fires this weekend, though the weather would have been perfect for one, both Friday and Saturday evenings.  Anyway, for all I know, they could have done this almost a week ago or even more as I hadn't left the house in quite some time before today.  And with windows closed and working from home I wouldn't have smelled it or heard anything.

The water level is also the lowest I've seen it in years, see pics in this old post or that whole 2018 flood series here.  Probably about where it should be, actually, though it has normally been deeper since then.  And yes, work has been underway to dredge much of the Yahara river segments between this chain of lakes to help prevent floods like we had in 2018.  I've already seen canoes being carried or rolled up and down the street this year, to and from the creek and the canoe slide.  Plenty of headroom for them under the bridges this year.

The rest of the day will be spent mostly resting, sometimes with my feet up and catching up on the internet, other times sitting in the easy chair and reading the newspaper, among other things.  This evening I'll be grilling out some of the natural casing wieners we got when we picked up the cow last month, and they should be quite tasty.  Have a good week, everyone.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Back is Back

 I have two sayings when someone expresses sympathy for my back not being good; it's just part of the joy of being me, and, everyone has something, this is mine.  And I thank them for their expression.

Everyone knows I have a bad back.  I've had one neck surgery, two back surgeries and came close to having another one a couple years back ago.  I've been through this so many times, but this last episode has been a bad one.  Maybe a month or so ago I was having issues on my lower right side.  That lasted about two weeks, then moved to my left side.  I believe my left side was trying to compensate for the right side, which is why it moved over and has gotten worse since.  No sense going to the doctor yet, he would only give me muscle relaxers which I already have, and maybe some pain pills that I don't want and they don't really help the issue by just numbing it.  If I miss another day of work, though, I will have to contact my doctor for a note.

At work I have a stand up desk and a very good chair with good lower back support.  I was reminded of this when I went in on Saturday for a couple hours.  A poor decision on my part as I was so tight I couldn't even straighten my legs all the way, but I managed to get the needed work done in a couple hours.  At home I have two chairs, one with a more upright, adjustable back that I use for work and one with a fixed back that leans back and I have a lumbar roll on it that I use for relaxing.  Once it's more safe to go out and shop, I'll be trying out new chairs that will combine all these features.  No cheapie this time, it will have to be a high end, more expensive chair but it will be well worth it.

What I've been avoiding saying so far is that it's much of my own fault.  I've fallen out of the habit of doing my daily exercises and with the colder weather our neighborhood walks have ground to a halt.  Today I will start trying to change that.  I just made it around the block on a walk, though it was slow and I got slower as I went.  I have an icy/hot patch on my lower back now and will attempt my exercises when there is not a cat napping on the bed.  Exercises are basically planking and holding, and I do them on the bed because it is the most comfortable for me and getting up off the floor just ain't what it used to be.

Back problems are very common, I am not unique, and I know several others with issues and I'm sure you do, too, if you don't have back issues yourself.  Exercise is the true key, keeping those muscles in my lower back in shape while not hurting myself in the process.  Now I just have to do it and keep up with it or this will happen more often.

The picture is from a firepit last Friday afternoon.  (If you look just above the peak of the porch you can see where the branch broke off that blocked the road, from a few posts ago.)  I was trying to be careful then as I already ached, but firepits do usually end in at least a small backache for me.  The forecast does not look good for this weekend, so perhaps the last fire of the year, but not if I can help it.  Now I have to get up and move as I just can't sit here any longer.  Take care of your backs, people, you only have one and it affects everything you do.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Mask Up*

A. Do you wear a mask?  
    Yes, thank you, go to paragraph B.  
    No.  Really?  Go to paragraph G.

B. Do you wear a cloth or paper mask?
    Cloth mask, go to paragraph C.
    Paper mask, go to paragraph D

C. How often do you wash your mask(s)?
    Often, constantly, or similar go to paragraph F.
    Rarely, if ever, go to paragraph G.

D. How much wear before disposing of your mask?
    Constant, multiple days, go to paragraph G.
    Minimal, disposable is disposable after all, go to paragraph F.

F. Thank you.  You are doing well but always strive for better.

G. What the hell is wrong with you?  Clean up and respect your fellow man, for a change.

Okay, you get the idea, but there's more here and elsewhere.  Blue Witch brought up the topic recently on her blog, and she is correct, this should be talked about more and correct protocols discussed.  And I don't think either one of us is above mask-shaming.  Masks are nothing but icky things on your face if not used correctly.  And by correctly I also mean covering both your nose and your mouth.  At the same time!

On the other side of the fence is another blogger who I shall not name, but is in my right column*.  I've followed them for a very, very long time now so while I still check in over there I usually refrain from commenting.  I have a feeling I would be shouted down anyway as I'm not really debate team material. At all.

One of my favorite sayings about masks likens it to pee:  Imagine you're standing in front of someone, facing each other, and you're both naked.  If he pees, you get wet.  If you wear pants and he pees, you still get wet, but not as bad.  If he wears pants and pees he gets himself wet.  We can't help but pee, or in this case breathe.  Respect others and keep yourself contained, for chrissake.

I've not addressed my own mask wearing here yet, but I will now.  I don't wear a mask 98% of the time, but that's because I'm at home 98% of the time now, if not more.  I don't wear a mask outside in my own yard, but I don't run into other people in my own yard.  I don't wear my mask on neighborhood walks, unless we have to get near people, which is a good reason to avoid the bike paths.  I don't wear a mask in my car, I wear a mask when I get to my destination, outside of home.  Anywhere I have to go outside the home, like just regular errands, I wear a mask.

We've had exactly 10 friends over to the house effectively all of this year, and all for firepits.  Social distancing is pretty easy in the back yard as the most at a time we have over is 2 other people.  I have required masks if they need to go into the house, and all have happily complied or not had to go inside.  No large gatherings here, and not likely for the holidays, either.

When this first started I ordered a pack of cloth masks, and used them, and washed them.  But the washing made them shrink so they were tight and uncomfortable, so I bought a box of 50 individually wrapped black paper disposable masks.  Much more comfortable for my big head.  Now, if I only use one for a few minutes then I have been known to throw it in the glove box and use it again,  but keep in mind that one I used for just a few minutes one day may sit for over a week until I use it again.  I'll probably get some grief for that, and it may be deserved.  But at only 40-50 cents a pop I have no qualms about tossing them and using a new one for most things, either.

How is your mask use?   How's mine?

*Update:  I removed this link from my right column on November 18, 2020.  I can no longer support or promote his writing by leaving it there.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Virus Update, Fourth and Final?

I may have been a bit overly optimistic when I posted last Sunday.  I posted the timeline that day, and then in the wee hours of Monday I had my worst night of this whole ordeal.  I was up for almost all night just trying to continue breathing.  I was so, so cold and couldn't warm up for the longest time, then when I finally did I was so very hot.  All I could think about was getting pneumonia, and I really didn't want that.

When my alarm went off at 6 a.m. I emailed my boss and told him I had a very bad night and was still too sick to work.  We got in touch later and I said I needed to schedule the next two days off, he suggested the week, which is what eventually  happened.  So all this past week I've been off work.  Not exactly how I wanted to spend my spring vacation time, but so be it.  Better to spend the time now and get healthy than not spend the time and, well, you know.

Today is day 24 since my first symptom.  All week I've been resting and have slept a couple hours more a day than usual.  Shortness of breath and coughing has gotten better day by day, and is at its worst when I roll over side to side at night and also right after waking, but even that has gotten better day by day.  And my resting heart rate is almost back to normal.  I often still have that underlying feeling of being unwell, and can still feel the inflammation in my lungs with every deep breath.  I have a feeling this might linger for a bit, but as long as it keeps getting better and better one day I'll notice that I don't notice that anymore.  Back to work for me tomorrow.  The worst I foresee is taking a couple hours off in the middle of the day for a nap, otherwise I hope all goes well and I don't have too many things to clean up after all this time off.

One thing that I've purposely not mentioned about this whole thing so far is how I notice so many people not taking this seriously.  And I've not left the house in over 3 weeks, this is just in the neighborhood.  I've seen neighbors having friends over, one daily, answering the door for deliveries - and the delivery driver not flinching even though their restaurant is touting contact-free delivery in all their ads.  Even when we've gotten groceries or food delivered most drivers still seem surprised that we don't open the door for them.  No wonder infection rates are still rising.  Not to mention all the protests across the country breaking all social distancing and gatherings rules.  Don't even get me started on the orange idiot.  People are just being plain stupid and it'll be a wonder that we survive this despite ourselves.  Don't be stupid, please.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My COVID-19 Timeline

March 27, Friday:  First symptom, coughing up yellow.

March 28, Saturday:  Noticed a little more of the same that afternoon.

March 29, Sunday:  Woke to headache, bodyaches, and likely fever.  Much worse than should be expected for the drinks I had the night before.  I had my first thoughts that I might have this.

March 30 to April 3:  First full week working from home.  Thought I felt normal, coughing up less though shortness of breath worsened day by day.  I grew more concerned as the week went on.

April 4, Saturday:  Like a ton of bricks.  Everything.  All doubt was removed from my mind that I had this terrible virus.

April 6, Monday:  Informed work, said I would work normally as nothing else to do.  Put in a full day and it was apparent I overdid it.  Contacted my doctor's office, they had advice but it was pretty clear I was not going to be tested unless I got much worse.

April 7, Tuesday:  Relinquished all work duties but one.  Let them know I was very sick, would continue to do what I could.  Put in part time hours through Thursday but looking back it was still too much.

April 9, Thursday:  Contacted my doctor again, let them know I felt the same and requested a note for the hours missed at work.  Received note and comments, more on this later.

April 10, Good Friday:  Holiday from work.  My first real appetite since the Friday before and all symptoms, even breathing, seemed to be getting better.  I finally felt I was getting over the hump.

April 12, Today, Sunday:  Day 17 since my first symptom.  Feeling much better, I am surely on the mend.  Coughing less and breathing better, but still tired.  I have to build up my strength and stamina again.  If I had to say, I'm probably about 80%.

If you missed it, I also wrote in more detail on April 5; I Have It, and April 8; Virus Update.

There are a few things I haven't mentioned yet.  Working from home I've been wearing my Fitbit all the time rather than just for sleep, and it shows my resting heart rate went from 59/60 when I was healthy to 70/71 while I was so sick.  And the dreams I had were just outrageous.  Maybe during or caused by fever spikes while I slept, but I've never had such vivid and off-the wall dreams.  This is definitely not a normal 'flu,' and while my symptoms would be considered moderate, I can certainly see how this kills people.

My doctor's office seemed to agree that I had all the signs, and mostly they wanted me to monitor my symptoms and if my breathing got too bad to go to the hospital right away.  Thankfully, it never came to that.  On Thursday my doctor responded:  "Sorry you are not feeling better yet, but from what we are seeing, this typically starts out mild, gets more prominent, and then will calm down over another week.  Typically, people are 2-3 weeks before they feel back to baseline."  This made a lot of sense to me as that first week I mostly was fine, then it really got bad and lasted almost another week like that, and now I'm slowly getting better.

I would like to again thank everyone for their well-wishes and offers of assistance.  I hope this is my last post on my personal experience with this virus.  Stay well, everyone.  Please.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Virus Update, Blogday

Tested positive, not an actual count.
It's been a week and a half since I started showing symptoms, and when this posts it will be 5 days since all doubt was erased from my mind that this is what I have.  I'm writing this on Tuesday night to post tomorrow, on my 11th blogday.  Happy Blogday to me.  Yay.

I contacted my doctor's office first thing Monday morning and they got back to me later with advice.  Fluids, rest, continue to monitor my symptoms and go to the hospital if necessary.  I did let them know that my wife is caretaker to her elderly father and saw him on Wednesday, they advised the same; keep monitoring their health.  My wife shows no symptoms though she has been cooped up with me this whole time, and thankfully her father shows no symptoms as well.  Testing was not mentioned, and I believe I will not be tested unless I get worse and have to go to the hospital.  From what I hear, only those that go and health care workers are being tested, which means you can throw all the numbers you see right out the window.  Real counts of those infected are probably much, much higher.  And my wife is no longer seeing her father, there are others who can fill in for a couple weeks.

Second thing Monday, after messaging my doctor, I messaged those I work with.  I let them know I was ill and that I believed it was this virus, but since I had nothing else to do I intended to continue to work as normal.  I put in a full day's work Monday, even signing off for an hour to take a nap at one point, but that still turned out to be too much.  Tuesday morning I messaged those I work with again.  Except for one part of my job that no one else can do at the moment, I relinquished all my daily duties.  I let them know the day before was way too much for me and I needed a lot more rest.  They do seem to understand and wish me well, and I know they will shuffle things around a bit and manage without me.  I wound up working less than half a day Tuesday and got some good rest.

I'm still getting headaches though not quite as bad (and I'm taking Menstrual Pain Relief pills because that's all we have that has acetaminophen).  I'm not coughing quite as much, and while I'm still expectorating yellow/green sputum it does not seem to be as much as a few days ago.  Even the shortness of breath seems a little better, or maybe I'm getting used to it.  The fever spikes and malaise continue and my appetite is not good.  I have to make myself eat, and it isn't much.

So, overall, I'm in no worse shape than when I wrote about it the other day.  Thank you to everyone who sent their well-wishes and offers of assistance.  We're otherwise still in pretty good shape at the moment, thankfully.  I just need to get better, and I think that will just take time.

Make no bones about it, this is a nasty, nasty virus.  My only solace is that when I get over this I (hopefully) will be immune.

Stay safe, stay in, and stay well, everyone.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

I Have It

What's more, I believe I've had it for more than a week.  I've not been tested, but it would be an amazing coincidence to have an upper respiratory infection right now that checks off so many boxes that's not this virus.

Before I continue:  WARNING for the squeamish.  I may go into more detail than you'd like.

My first sign came a week ago Friday as I was enjoying my firepit.  I expectorated.  Not unusual for me, I often cough and have sinus issues more than the normal person.  Something I attribute to smoking cigarettes for close to 30 years.  But this time as I expelled it I was shocked at the bright yellow color.  Having felt something in it, I just dismissed it as perhaps a piece of food got down the wrong pipe and this was my body getting rid of it.  The next afternoon I noticed more of the same yellow color.  At this time I did not suspect anything related to this virus - yet.  Saturday night I had several drinks and woke Sunday to a terrible hangover, highly unusual and much more than one would expect for the amount I drank.  I had a terrible headache and, looking back, probably a fever.  I also think I was getting just a little shortness of breath, and my sputum became more yellow/green.  I was getting concerned, and shared this with my wife.

Over the course of the week my sputum seemed to return to a more normal color, but the shortness of breath continued to get a little worse day by day.  It's hard to say if I was really feeling normal otherwise or not as it was not a normal week.  Working from home had really thrown me off from what was normal and what was not.  But as the days passed my concern grew.

Two days ago, Friday, I again stayed up and had several drinks.  I woke up in the middle of the night in a coughing fit, and my wife awoke and noticed my fast, shallow breaths.  My alarm went off at 8 a.m. Saturday morning as I was going to go into the office to do a few things for work that cannot be done from home.  Again, I awoke in a fit of coughing and expectorating, this time it was a dirty, pale yellow/brown/gray.  Not the best description, but the best I can do.  I felt like I had been run over by a truck and my head ached terribly, I didn't even want to move it.  We also took my temperature this time and I had a fever of 100.8ºF.  I emailed my boss, telling him I would not be going into the office as I think I have it.

I spent most of the day in bed yesterday, alternately sleeping and watching TV, which is part of the reason I'm up so early today writing this.  I felt absolutely terrible.  I didn't want to move, everything hurt and I had no appetite whatsoever.  The shortness of breath has been the worst part.  Not too scary for me yet, and as long as I stay calm I can control it.  Most of the last several hours in bed I was awake enough to avoid the uncontrollable coughing fits by making myself expectorate when I felt it was coming.  And the feeling of malaise has continued.

That brings me to now, 5:30 in the morning on Sunday.  My head hurts and I feel generally terrible, but I had to get out of bed as laying down so much has just been killing my back and I don't need my back to go out on top of this.  Today will be very interesting to see how I feel and if I will even work come Monday.  I'm sure I'll have to answer a lot of questions for my work, and I do plan on contacting my doctor's office, but what more is there to do but ride it out?

Monday, March 23, 2020

Local Updates, More

Madison is in Dane County
It's been over a week since I last posted and it's still going to get worse before it gets better.  Since that time, schools have closed, retail has closed, restaurants are carryout or delivery only and gatherings of over 10 people is barred.  Now, as of tomorrow, all non-essential businesses in the state are to be closed.  Still not sure if that would only leave grocery stores open or what else.  We're one step away from a stay-at-home order.

The good news is we were finally able to get a grocery order in on Thursday, for Saturday morning delivery, and the toilet paper actually came.  Truthfully, we were still probably a week away from being out, but it was on our minds due to all the hoarding.  We're pretty set for food, if need be.  With the full freezer we could probably eat for months, but that's normal for us.

I forgot one key thing I needed for Friday to work at home so I had to go into work.  Today I went in for a little more than an hour then came home and worked the rest of the day - and made sure not to forget anything this time.  This was the first time I worked from home.  Tomorrow I'll have to go in again at least for a little bit to get others up to speed in the change of our procedures due to everyone working at home and not being able to print or scan anything.  (This is due to the nature of the work, not printing or scanning capabilities from home.)  Like today, I hope to be there for only a little while but it may turn into a half or all day as I know there are some things that need to be done that can't be done at home.  The good news is it's even more of a ghost town at work so at least there's much fewer people to come into contact with.

That's the state of things now and, like I said, it's going to get worse before it gets better.  Screenshots are from the site everyone has likely seen by now, CSSE/JHU.

On a different subject, I considered a fire on Friday and again on Saturday evening.  Friday was too breezy and Saturday was pretty cold.  Plus, the grass has not started growing yet and even though we got an inch or so of rain since my last post the rabbit pellets in the back yard are intact.  I think my only hope is for the grass to grow and hide the pellets until they can break down.  I've been yearning for good weather and a good fire but I think I need to put that hope back on the shelf until it is actually a more realistic time.

Overall it was a pretty cold weekend with highs just over freezing, but the extended forecast looks much better, thankfully.  Last night it snowed some, so I woke early to a light dusting still showing on cars and in grassy areas.  It may officially be spring but, indeed, winter has not left the building.  And neither should you, if you can help it.  Stay well, everyone.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pandemic Panic?

The sudden burst of evening sunlight that comes with daylight saving time has been nice.  The mornings are still dark when I get to work, and once there I'm too busy to note when the sun rises, even with plenty of windows in view.  In fact, I shouldn't say I don't notice because I remember noticing a few times this last week. It was the orange reflecting off the next building's windows.  If not for that glare, though, it's no matter to me.

The warmer temperatures have been very welcome lately.  Almost all the snow has melted so now we are in the time of dirty grays and browns, waiting for the green to burst forth.  While it was above freezing yesterday evening the breeze was a bit much to have a fire.  The dirty brown lawn was also still pretty soft for lawn chairs and still covered in rabbit poop.  We need a couple good rains to wash away the remnants of winter and encourage growth and greenness.

Everything seems to be just about on track this spring, so why not drop everything and panic?

Okay, maybe not everyone is panicking, but many people seem to be.  And I saw it come to a head on Thursday, when seemingly every sporting event, concert tour and other events were canceled.  I've heard the stories of hoarding toilet paper and other toiletries, empty shelves and limits on items, and now we're advised not to go out to eat or order food in.  I even heard a bunch of people were lined up outside a local grocery store this morning waiting for it to open.

Also on Thursday, everyone at work who had the capability of working from home was required to stay home.  A friend at work was going to fly to Texas soon for vacation, he was told if he did he would have to self-quarantine for two weeks when he got back before they'd let him come back to the office.  It was a little odd at work on Friday as only about half the people were there that would normally be in the office.  I'm not set up to work from home, and there's much of my job that I can't do from home, so it looks like I'll be going to work as normal.  It was certainly the topic of discussion on Friday, and many jokes were made, but I guess if you don't laugh you'll cry.  "Social distancing" was discussed, and while I normally wash my hands several times a day I found myself using a big bottle of hand sanitizer a whole lot more.  This huge bottle was bought for my 50th birthday party and sat in a closet for a while and has now been on my desk at work for a year.  I had to hide it now so it won't get stolen.  Seriously.

Locally speaking, we had only one case in the area several weeks ago until another one was confirmed about a week ago, and now I hear several more in the last week.  Sorry, I don't know many details as I tend to not watch a lot of news.  I seem to get a lot from hearsay, the newspaper a couple times a week, or my wife who is much better at keeping up on things than I.

How else has it changed our life?  Well, normally my wife and I like to go out for food and drinks on the weekend, but we will most likely stay in this time.  And any stops at the local bar and grill any time of the week may end for the time being.  Otherwise, not a whole lot.  I can be content at home, home is my favorite place to be anyway.  At least I don't work in the service industry - what will all those people do?  They don't have a choice but to mingle with the great unwashed and take their chances.

Stay in if you can, wash your hands and don't touch your face.  Not a whole lot else to do - but panic!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sick Musings and Funny Videos

It's been over a week since I posted that I had the flu and I'm still sick.  No longer the flu, but the upper respiratory stuff, while much better, continues.  I still have a bit of a rattle in my lungs when I cough and still going through tissues like they're going out of style.  Other that, I've just been trying to stay rested and hydrated.  I really hope this goes away soon.

I've been around the internet while sick but haven't chimed in or commented anywhere.  Ghosting, you could say, as I've been feeling miserable and my attitude has often matched.  Best not say much until I feel better, I think.  With that thought, this will be a short post.  In fact, I'm not sure what else to say right now.  Let me take a quick look to see if I have anything to share.

All I can find or think of at the moment are two YouTube channels I recently found and have been enjoying lots.  They've both been around for a while now, but they're new to me.

First, the Manitowoc Minute.  A comedian from Wisconsin makes fun videos about, well, Wisconsin things, usually.  I featured one of his videos in a post last month.  Always fun to laugh at yourself, I find.  His channel is here, his latest video is below.

Second is a channel I'm still discovering.  It's by an ex-pat Englishman living in the Midwest U.S., currently Chicago, called Lost In The Pond.  That channel is here, and his most recent video is below.  But for a real good laugh see the video I first found of him called '5 U.S. States With Way Colder Winters than Britain.'  You just know Wisconsin is on his list.  In fact, that will be the video below, from just about a week ago.

Fun stuff.  Good times.  Hope I feel better soon.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Man Flu Is Real

Last week Thursday, and especially Friday, I felt a cough/cold coming on.  If I only knew how hard it was about to hit me.  I have been so miserable.  Everything hurts, I feel disgusting, have an abundance of mucus and everything smells like the sickness.  Now, if you've been properly grossed out then I successfully conveyed just how absolutely terrible I feel.  Man flu is real.

Man flu is the idea that men who contract the same virus as women suffer from it much more.  I truly believe this to be the case, and a quick search of google seems to confirm it.

But does it matter?  No.  Proof won't make me feel any better.  Nothing actually will, but time.

Try to stay well, everyone.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Here Comes The Snow

We started off the season around Halloween with several snowfalls but have not had much since.  Well, that will all change this weekend.  Tonight we are to get a few inches but tomorrow night we are to get several more, this morning they said 7-12 inches overall by Sunday.  With temps right around freezing right now I was considering getting one last fire in, but I'm just too tired tonight.  With the new year came the return of mandatory overtime.  It was nice not having it over the holidays, but the holidays bring their own kind of fun, too.  I don't want to think too far ahead, but hopefully we can get off overtime soon.  It's been a year and a half for me and over two years for the department of 50 hour weeks more often than not.  (The union requires a couple weeks off overtime after several on, thankfully.)  It's been so long and I'm so tired of 10 or more hour days.

Well, that took a turn.  Anyway, several weeks ago I made sure the snow blower started and it did easily.  I'm sure I'll be using it at least once this weekend, maybe more.  There's no way my back could take shoveling 7 inches, let alone 12, unless I want to end up in the hospital.  Overall, my back has been pretty good this last year, but all it takes is one snowstorm.  One movement, actually.  I have a spot in my lower back that has twinged a bit from time to time lately, just reminding me how close I am to having my back go out at any time.  Thankfully it hasn't, and I try to be careful so it doesn't.

The screenshot here is from a site I found that compares geographical sizes.  I found it a while ago actually, and for some reason thought of it now to share.  For my UK readers (hey guys!) I put Wisconsin over England with London right about where Madison would be.  It was a fun little waste of time, the site is here.

Sunday night the Packers have a playoff game and I intend to enjoy it fully.  I even took a vacation day on Monday to sleep in and relax all day.  Lose and it's over, win and they go to the NFC championship next weekend.  Win that and they're off to the Superbowl!  But one game at a time.  The Packers have had their issues this season but still managed to pile up the wins.  And the Bucks have the best player and best record in the NBA.  The Badgers are pretty average this year, but it's still pretty good to be a sports fan in Wisconsin.  Go Pack Go!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Starkweather PFAS

A few days ago I posted about the new signs down by Starkweather Creek, which raised a few questions about PFAS.  A day or two later I was catching up on my newspaper reading and came across a December 11 article I missed that had some recognizable pictures of the sign and creek near our house.

Don't squint, you can read the (rather lengthy) Cap Times article here.

Basically, a mile or two north of here is the airport with Truax Field, home to the Wisconsin Air National Guard.  Adjacent are also two former firefighting training sites and a former sewage treatment plant.  The Department of Natural Resources has been after the Guard and the county to clean up the sites due to the high presence of PFAS, which are mainly from the firefighting foam that has been used in training for decades.  You can take from the article what you want, but it is the latest thing to get people excited and just one of many contaminants that has infiltrated our soil and groundwater.  Don't get me wrong, I agree that these man-made 'forever chemicals' cannot be good for us and I'm glad we have people such as the Friends of Starkweather Creek pushing for cleanup and reform, but I do not think they should try to get the public to panic.  And this is not just a local problem, this is everywhere.

This sign is one of about 30 that have been placed on Starkweather Creek at the beginning of the month.  It seems designed to scare people out of the water at the same time the city is encouraging its use, having added the steps and canoe/kayak slide just recently.

We've filtered our drinking and cooking water for a long time now.  We, as a species, have been poisoning our planet - knowingly or unknowingly - for a lot longer.  Yes, clean it up.  No, perhaps don't eat the fish.  But certainly don't panic or let this change how you live and enjoy your surroundings.  That's what I think.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

October This-And-Thats

With no real subject to write about and knowing I've not posted much of anything aside from the creek in some time, it's time again to sit down and start writing about whatever comes to mind.  You know the drill, now here I go!
  • I got sick for the first time this season, starting over two weeks ago.  I was so miserable, and for so long.  I think it was just a real nasty cold virus, but it may have been a bit of the flu - even though I got my flu shot less than a month before.  (Some say that's what got me sick, but I think they use a dead virus for the vaccine.  What do you think?)  I was off work for a whole week and it's been lingering in the week since.  At least my boss felt sorry enough for me that I wasn't required to do the mandatory overtime this past week.  Yay.
  • I was poking my nose around in blogger and I just happened to notice that Delcatto's comment on my last post was my 1,000th comment!  Doesn't mean much unless you're a numbers geek, and I'm sure about half the comments were me.  That's my random fact for today, I guess.
  • The trees are turning colors and some leaves are falling already.  It seems odd in places because some trees are almost bare while others are still green.  Some trees just drop their leaves earlier than others.  Also, it's time to clean up the yard and gardens, which I have a small start on but hopefully will have more done by the time this weekend is over.  This is not my favorite time of year, it is the time of impending winter to me.  I much prefer spring and the time of impending summer!
  • We just put in the order for our next quarter cow.  This will be the fourth time we've done this, and the meat seems to last us a little over a year.  It's nice to have all that meat in the freezer, and it's cheaper in the long run.  Plus, we enjoy it more than the meat from the grocery store.  Lots more, it's just a higher quality meat.
  • Without much else going on, I did enjoy my last 3 posts.  I enjoyed the walks and getting outside, and trying to get good pictures.  I'm sorry to have stretched it out a bit, but I was busy/had nothing else to really write about anyway/was in no particular hurry - take your pick.  I actually feel a little guilty if I don't post anything for too long, but it can be hard when not much is happening.  Even this post was pretty much put together over several days of wondering what I would write.
I can't think of anything else to say right now.  I guess that's why I've not posted anything recently.  Oh well, no news is good news, I guess.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Fall Vacation

Hello everybody, welcome back.  I hope you've been well.  I know I've been more absent than normal lately.  I had a vacation and, well, it was different for me so I guess I've just not been sure how to write about it.  But that never stopped me before, so here goes!

I took last week off as I've done for several years now.  Long after I had secured the week off my wife found out she was being flown out to the east coast for work for much of that week.  My first thoughts were that it would be kind of nice.  In actuality, I got kind of depressed and lazy.  Now, the weather had much to do with that, being overcast and/or rainy most of the time (despite the pictures I have here), and my back wasn't that good so I couldn't do much of what I had planned, but my mood certainly lifted when she got back home late in the week.

The weekend before was a pretty normal weekend, and I got up early Monday morning to take her to the airport.  That wasn't such a bad day, I made some rather large but necessary purchases (new bed and glasses) and grilled out brats for dinner, but scrapped plans for a fire due to impending rain.  Tuesday was much warmer and very humid, but the heat and humidity broke in the evening so I did spend a good amount of time by the fire that night.  Over the course of these two days I also got another piece of wood cut and painted for the cat box project downstairs, but with my back acting up I did not get any further on this project, disappointingly.  Wednesday was also hot and humid, even more so than the day before.  By this time I was sleeping about 10 hours a night and that felt good, but the weather was just so damn gloomy and if it wasn't raining then rain was coming soon.  I figured it was just a matter of time until water got in the basement, another excuse to put that cat box project off.  Thursday was pretty much the same, gloomy and wet, but the storms stepped it up a few notches that afternoon.  I felt pretty crappy that day, probably due to drinking too much and sleeping too much the previous few days.  I can see now I had fallen into a bit of a funk.

On Thursday night I was supposed to pick my wife up from the airport, but her first plane was delayed due to the weather in Chicago, then her next plane actually tried to get to Madison but the thunderstorms and lightning we were having here were too much and they had to turn back.  My brave wife ended up getting a rental car for her and her coworkers and made the drive from Chicago to Madison in the middle of the night and through the aforementioned severe storms.  The airline was of no help and the next plane was the next night so she didn't have much of a choice, unfortunately.  But thankfully she made it back safe and sound and the cats and I were very happy to see her.

All that, and before she could return the rental car and pick up her luggage on Friday a branch fell from a tree out front and smashed the rear window of the rental car as it was parked in our driveway.  Alas, just the icing on the cake of a very bad travel night and day for her.

Since then the weather got a bit nicer and I got a few more things accomplished, like power washing and water sealing the back steps and washing all the windows.  But the cat box project, the one I've been mulling for several years now and finally got a good start on, still stalled.  But that's okay, for now.  I have all the hardware, wood and paint that I need so I'm going to run out of excuses eventually!

So that was pretty much my week of vacation.  I wasn't at work and I got a lot of rest so it was still a positive for me.  One thing I didn't mention yet was the several walks I took up and down the creek as they worked on the steps and canoe/kayak slide.  It seems everything was completed on Saturday, so that will probably be my next post, with a pictorial of the process.  See you then!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Vacation Wrap-Up

It was nice while it lasted.  Tomorrow morning I will be getting up at stupid o'clock and going back to work.  But I still have today.

Since my last post I've gotten a few things done, but not much as my back required me to take it easy for a few days.  And the weather this second half of the week has been much cooler and wetter than I had hoped for.  I never did get out on the bike, which disappoints me, but we've had a rather cool and wet spring overall with just a few very nice days here and there.  Even today they're calling for rain most of the day so I'll be mostly staying in and catching up on videos and articles that I never seem to be current with.

Friday afternoon I tested my back and knees by walking to our local bar to have a few drinks, and my wife would show up after work and pick me up.  On the way I got a picture of Starkweather Creek at the end of the block, picture taken from the Milwaukee Street bridge.  The water is a bit high as you can only see the top layer of rocks along the side (at the end of our street, further up from this bridge view), and a check on the lake levels shows all 4 lakes at (what is currently set as) the summer maximum.  I've not heard anything about the lake levels lately, but they need to be lowered to prevent flooding issues like we had last year.  Unfortunately, it seems we may not have learned a thing from it.

Also during the walk I passed more community gardens along the railroad tracks.  There doesn't seem to be much activity yet, I'm sure due to the cool, wet spring so far.  We are behind compared to last year.  I hope we still have some time with moderate weather, rather than go straight from heating to air conditioning.  Open window weather is very nice, and we've only had a few opportunities so far this year.  After the walk we grilled out brats and I must have been in a picture taking mood as I took pictures of flowers and some of the trees over us.  I'll include some after the break, along with another picture of the cats, this time they're getting tall on the back of the computer chair.

Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  I had also planned on getting plants, but sleeping in late and a dreary day and forecast postponed those plans.  Also, recently it occurred to me that I have an acquaintance of over 30 years that owns a jewelry store, so I got my wife a rather nice anniversary gift and we went out for a nice dinner at a more upscale restaurant in town.  I know being married to me can't be easy, but I do try and I love my wife very much.  Cheers to you, Kate!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Vacation So Far

So far it's been a good vacation, mainly because I've not had to go to work, but also because I've been getting lots of things done.  And that's despite coming down with a pretty nasty cold on Friday.  I didn't do much Saturday or Sunday other than lay around and be sick, but I steeled myself and powered through it on Monday and Tuesday, and finally started feeling like myself again yesterday.

First project was getting the basement steps painted, and it took two days because I did it in halves.  If anyone knows a better way I'm willing to listen for next time, but no, I did not feel every other step made sense as I know I would step on one I shouldn't while it was drying.  They had to be painted last at least several years before we bought the house, and we've been here 10 years now (yesterday).  I knew I wanted to paint them but didn't know how badly it was needed until I saw the side by side.  Drying time was mostly while the cats napped so there were no issues with them wanting downstairs.  I had a baby gate to keep them out and a temporary litter box upstairs if needed.

Aside from the stairs, I power washed and water sealed the back steps, washed and waxed the car, got lumber and hardware for the cat box area and did a plethora of smaller projects and tasks around the house that either needed to be done or I wanted done.  It feels good to mark things off my list, but unfortunately there's still just as much on the list as I've crossed off of it.  Mostly things that are not urgent and will not get done this week but I do want to keep them on my radar.

Yesterday evening my Mom and her husband Dan came up to see us.  It was a beautiful day yesterday, maybe the warmest day of the year so far as it made it up to the low 70's F.  We spent the hours around the fire pit talking and ordered out pizza and ice cream for dinner.  It was very nice to see them - and finally exchange Christmas gifts!  Yes, it had been too long as we didn't make it down there on Easter.  Thankfully, both seem very well and happy and it was a very nice visit.

Today is a different story.  I got a few things done early, then the rain moved in.  It should be gone by midday easily though there is a chance for more later in the afternoon.  In between the rains it's supposed to get even warmer today, into the upper 70's F, and my guess is it will also be very humid.  That leaves me to do a few inside chores today, but also a lot of resting as all the early week projects have left my back needing a break.  I've had some issues with my back recently, but thankfully not near as as bad as this time last year when I thought I'd be getting another surgery.

Tomorrow and the weekend looks like a few more showers expected, but hopefully I can get some more things done.  I don't plan on any projects over the weekend other than my wife and I want to get plants and fill pots on Saturday.  I've always enjoyed my spring 'plant day,' but it does get to be a little much so it will be nice having her help.  There are a couple other things planned, as well, but that's for a different post.

There's some more pictures after the break - with a little bit of captioning. ;)

Saturday, March 2, 2019

More Snowblower, Winter Daze

Since there's nothing else to write about yet, here's a little more about the new snowblower.  On paper, the new snowblower is 208cc, same as the old one, despite the size difference you can see in the picture.  The new one seems better so far as I still have not used the electric start because it starts easily with just one pull, which never happened with the old snowblower.  Also, it just seems more solid, a better built product, and more powerful despite the same size motor as the old one.  My only complaint is that it's currently on sale for forty bucks less than I paid, but I needed it right then and couldn't wait for a sale.  I've only had to use it a few times so far, but there's still snow in the forecast.  We got an inch or a little more last night, too little to get out the snowblower.  It was the light and fluffy stuff, and my wife took care of it easily this morning with a shovel.

You can see where the auger separated from the axle on the old snowblower, and how worn down the rubber was.  In fact, metal was hitting the ground and peeling it back, seen at the bottom, so it was just time to be replaced.  I still have the old one in the garage.  I looked into leaving it out for pick-up with the trash and it will cost 15 dollars for a sticker so the city will pick it up.  I think I may set it out for a few days and see if someone will take it before I buy the sticker, which I can easily get a few blocks away at the public library.

I also took a spill last week in the driveway.  Ice has built up between the back door and the garage with the rain a week ago and snow melting and hasn't drained normally with the snow and ice and frozen ground on the side.  I'm okay, thankfully, I mostly hurt my pride and got a wet ass, but I still have an ugly, tender knot on the outside front of my right knee.  I didn't have to buy sidewalk salt last winter (and maybe the winter before) because what I had had been plenty, but I used up the last of it this morning and bought another two forty-pound bags today.  With any luck I won't have to buy anymore this or next year, but the way things have gone this year it has been needed often.

I wish I had more to say, but not a lot has been happening with mandatory overtime at work and being stuck indoors at home.  Everyone here is grumpy and tired of it.  It's March now, so we need a sign of spring to help us get through the last of winter.  Hopefully that will come sooner than later, but there's no sign of it yet in the foreseeable forecast.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sick This-And-Thats

There's not been a lot to write about so far this new year, but I've had some unexpected time off work again so why not start complaining typing and see what happens.

I've gone through hundreds of these.  Ick.
  • Last winter I didn't get sick at all.  In fact, I don't think I've been sick in two years - until this winter.  I was sick with a stomach virus (I since learned that stomach flu is not an influenza, but a different virus) a week or two before Christmas and now I have something upper respiratory.  I was miserable Friday, but had no idea I was getting sick.  Waking up Saturday there was no question and I have been absolutely miserable ever since.  It seems to be centered in my right sinus, though both are plugged often.  Breathing has been a struggle.
  • Cold medicine does not work.  I've tried many different kinds over the years to no avail.  Some may work a tiny bit, and I can remember at times thinking that I should remember this particular one - but I never do.  And there's only so many different kinds, anyway.  Still, I take them and hope for the best, but usually you just have to suck it up and let it run its course.  What do you use for a snotty cold?  Does it really work?  Really?
  • Of course, being sick means I have missed more work.  It's been busy so I would rather not miss time but I also wouldn't want to sit next to me, either.  Best to stay home until I can keep all my bodily fluids in check, though I don't want to lose ground at work, either.  There's been talk of me moving up already, not quite six months into my new position.  While I do want that, I wouldn't mind some more time at the level I'm at now.  We'll just have to see what happens in the coming weeks and months.
  • Wow!  I just started typing with my hands in the wrong place and discovered emojis.  Windows key + period = 😎🎶👌👣🦇🥓 and tons more.  Playing with it for a minute shows me that it's a windows thing, not just in blogger.  Not that I'm a big emoji guy, but how come I never knew about this before?  Did you?
  • Now I forgot what I was going to say, so let's go with weather.  We've been relatively warm for January here, with no snowfall.  A week or so ago it rained and melted most all we had, so it is very gray and brown outside these days, not pretty.  On the upside, no shoveling, snowblowing or salting has been needed.  In fact, if the weather stays similar, the ground stays firm and once I feel a bit better then it may be time for a winter fire pit!
Okay, that's enough typing.  Actually, I don't feel well and want to wrap this up.  If you were paying attention, I asked a couple questions above.  Leave me a comment below, I've got plenty of time to read them as I'm just sitting home sick - if you haven't heard.  😩🤧