It was nice while it lasted. Tomorrow morning I will be getting up at stupid o'clock and going back to work. But I still have today.
Since my last post I've gotten a few things done, but not much as my back required me to take it easy for a few days. And the weather this second half of the week has been much cooler and wetter than I had hoped for. I never did get out on the bike, which disappoints me, but we've had a rather cool and wet spring overall with just a few very nice days here and there. Even today they're calling for rain most of the day so I'll be mostly staying in and catching up on videos and articles that I never seem to be current with.
Friday afternoon I tested my back and knees by walking to our local bar to have a few drinks, and my wife would show up after work and pick me up. On the way I got a picture of Starkweather Creek at the end of the block, picture taken from the Milwaukee Street bridge. The water is a bit high as you can only see the top layer of rocks along the side (at the end of our street, further up from this bridge view), and a check on the lake levels shows all 4 lakes at (what is currently set as) the summer maximum. I've not heard anything about the lake levels lately, but they need to be lowered to prevent flooding issues like we had last year. Unfortunately, it seems we may not have learned a thing from it.
Also during the walk I passed more community gardens along the railroad tracks. There doesn't seem to be much activity yet, I'm sure due to the cool, wet spring so far. We are behind compared to last year. I hope we still have some time with moderate weather, rather than go straight from heating to air conditioning. Open window weather is very nice, and we've only had a few opportunities so far this year. After the walk we grilled out brats and I must have been in a picture taking mood as I took pictures of flowers and some of the trees over us. I'll include some after the break, along with another picture of the cats, this time they're getting tall on the back of the computer chair.
Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I had also planned on getting plants, but sleeping in late and a dreary day and forecast postponed those plans. Also, recently it occurred to me that I have an acquaintance of over 30 years that owns a jewelry store, so I got my wife a rather nice anniversary gift and we went out for a nice dinner at a more upscale restaurant in town. I know being married to me can't be easy, but I do try and I love my wife very much. Cheers to you, Kate!
Ain’t No Snow Shovel
2 days ago
Congratulations on your coming of age!
Nice alliums, and the cats seem to be getting on OK again?
If I still did the MBWLA, you'd have got one for:
"Friday afternoon I tested my back and knees by walking to our local bar to have a few drinks" :)
Thank you! I always forget the name and just call them purple puffballs. And yes, the cats are getting along again, but we stay wary.
Not sure what MBWLA means, but it can't be good. "My Blue Witch Loser Awards?" It was a good walk, I need to exercise more. The drinks were good, too. It was vacation, after all - and at least I was responsible and didn't drive!
No, they were much sought after back in the day...
"Make Blue Witch Laugh Awards".
On a Saturday, I used to do a post with the extracts from/links to every post that I'd read during the week that had a phrase that made me laugh out loud. Mentioned people could display the MBWL graphic (still in my sidebar) in their sidebars. Sounds crass now, but they loved it back then.
A mention in that post = 1 point, and 10 points = a jar of BW honey in the mail.
Sorry the archive links don't work (even for me) on my site these days (code is too old for modern servers) as there were some real gems there.
Makes me feel really old thinking about those early days of blogging... Ah...
Sounds pretty fun, actually. I'll take my point!
Speaking of the early days of blogging, I got lost in that rabbit hole the other night. I'd been thinking about how in April I've been doing this for 10 years, and May 15 was 10 years in the house, so I found myself looking through my 10 year old posts! My, how things have changed....
Congrats for your anniversary! I like the Alliums too although I was struggling to name them until I read BW’s comment!
Thanks, Delcatto! And I really like the 'purple puffball' alliums, too, but they are so short-lived. The leaves start dying as they bloom! Brief, yet nice. I do let them go to seed and disperse them in the back of the flowerbed there every year. The tiger lilies in front need to be thinned this year.
Today was our annual 'plant day,' finally. I've got lots of pics I want to post but probably not until tomorrow sometime.
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