I have two sayings when someone expresses sympathy for my back not being good; it's just part of the joy of being me, and, everyone has something, this is mine. And I thank them for their expression.
Everyone knows I have a bad back. I've had one neck surgery, two back surgeries and came close to having another one a couple years back ago. I've been through this so many times, but this last episode has been a bad one. Maybe a month or so ago I was having issues on my lower right side. That lasted about two weeks, then moved to my left side. I believe my left side was trying to compensate for the right side, which is why it moved over and has gotten worse since. No sense going to the doctor yet, he would only give me muscle relaxers which I already have, and maybe some pain pills that I don't want and they don't really help the issue by just numbing it. If I miss another day of work, though, I will have to contact my doctor for a note.
At work I have a stand up desk and a very good chair with good lower back support. I was reminded of this when I went in on Saturday for a couple hours. A poor decision on my part as I was so tight I couldn't even straighten my legs all the way, but I managed to get the needed work done in a couple hours. At home I have two chairs, one with a more upright, adjustable back that I use for work and one with a fixed back that leans back and I have a lumbar roll on it that I use for relaxing. Once it's more safe to go out and shop, I'll be trying out new chairs that will combine all these features. No cheapie this time, it will have to be a high end, more expensive chair but it will be well worth it.
What I've been avoiding saying so far is that it's much of my own fault. I've fallen out of the habit of doing my daily exercises and with the colder weather our neighborhood walks have ground to a halt. Today I will start trying to change that. I just made it around the block on a walk, though it was slow and I got slower as I went. I have an icy/hot patch on my lower back now and will attempt my exercises when there is not a cat napping on the bed. Exercises are basically planking and holding, and I do them on the bed because it is the most comfortable for me and getting up off the floor just ain't what it used to be.
Back problems are very common, I am not unique, and I know several others with issues and I'm sure you do, too, if you don't have back issues yourself. Exercise is the true key, keeping those muscles in my lower back in shape while not hurting myself in the process. Now I just have to do it and keep up with it or this will happen more often.
The picture is from a firepit last Friday afternoon. (If you look just above the peak of the porch you can see where the branch broke off that blocked the road, from a few posts ago.) I was trying to be careful then as I already ached, but firepits do usually end in at least a small backache for me. The forecast does not look good for this weekend, so perhaps the last fire of the year, but not if I can help it. Now I have to get up and move as I just can't sit here any longer. Take care of your backs, people, you only have one and it affects everything you do.