I've a few things on my mind and I have a new keyboard to get used to so I need to do some typing to see if I still like full size keys, so here we go!
- New computers come with a keyboard but they are cheap ones with flat, "chiclet" keys and I can't stand those. For the last few years I've had a keyboard with actual keys, about half size keys, but keys. There's nothing wrong with that keyboard but it is filthy, as keyboards get over time, so I ordered a new one that has full size keys. What size keys do you prefer?
- The bird food we have now is good but has some large dried fruit and lots of peanuts, and sometimes those clog up the feeder so I've been going through it and removing those dried fruits and many of the peanuts. Now, without the clogging, the birds have been emptying the feeder in just about 2 days. Plenty of entertainment for the cats, for sure, but tiresome to keep going through the bird food and refilling so often. My wife knows more about bird food so will get something different soon, but there's still a few pounds left. The dried fruit and peanuts that I remove I've been putting on the stump around the gnome for the critters. I put the trail camera there to watch and while there's a few entertaining videos they are all pink still, hard to watch so unusable.
- Because of that, I ordered a new trail camera, this one. I spent a bit more hoping it's worth it, and it should be here anytime, actually, maybe by the time I'm done writing here. Then a few hours later a new SD card is scheduled to arrive, as well. I know BW bought the same trail camera as I had, and I hope she has better luck with it than I did. And I'm hoping I like the new one better since it has been very interesting putting it in different areas and seeing what happens when we're not around.
- Early this afternoon I want to paint the front door, so if the trail camera and SD card arrive in time I was thinking of trying a time lapse. The door is currently a dirty white, and so we picked out a shade of purple to add a little color. If I don't do it today it will be at least 2 weeks until I can get it done because we're going to be hot so very likely will have the air conditioning on for much if not all of that time so the door will have to be closed.
- Because I just touched upon the weather, since I last reported on it we've had some very cool days and some comfortable days recently, but just a very little rain. And while there is a small chance of rain today I don't see it happening and there's no real chance for the next week or more. We've officially moved from "dry" to "mild drought" again.
- So we've still been watering the gardens and sunflowers every day. One sunflower has really taken off, the pair seem to be doing okay still, just younger. And the other seems to have been struggling a bit, so I hope it makes it. I feel I should take the cage off the bigger one but I'm afraid a critter will fell it with one bite. Precedence was established long ago.
- I made baguette again yesterday, and my latest baking purchase was a UFO lame for making the cuts. I hate it. It doesn't work as well as a sharp serrated knife and seems very dangerous when loosening/tightening as one slip and your finger would slip into the razor blade. I'll stick with the knife, see the difference in the picture here.
Someone also mentioned the state of our street recently and I noted how there are worse. In fact, the next block over is much worse. Well, there's been a surveyor in the neighborhood recently and little pink flags started appearing on the lot lines, see bird feeder picture. I talked to him the other day, and the city is looking to update our street and that other street, and I'm sure the sewer under it while they're at it. He surveys and creates a 3D model which then is used for the planning. Our two streets create a horseshoe so it makes sense to do them both at one time, and likely next year, he said. It won't be fun while it's happening but will sure be nice when they're done.Top two serrated knife, bottom UFO lame.