Thursday, May 11, 2023

Duck Update

Well, so far so good, as far as I can tell.  I got a pretty good look in the nest today while the mother duck was elsewhere for some reason, and there's at least 6 eggs in the nest.  This picture was from an open window and I'm not sure why she left them uncovered for a bit.

After work today I brought in the trail camera to empty the SD card and see what's happened so far.  I saw all the critters previously mentioned poking around the nest area, some while the mother duck was right there.  Apparently squirrels are slightly afraid of ducks.  

But I did also see a mother opossum come around, which I was hoping I wouldn't as we suspect it was an opossum to get at the eggs the last time.  It doesn't appear she went after eggs this time, but there is a short period between when the camera will take these short videos so it's possible if she was quick about it.

But mostly so far has just been mother duck fussing about her nest.  I put a handful of dead plant I picked from nearby and she used that up quickly.  Later I put some of the failed nest from in back of the garage nearby and she's used some of that, too.  I'm not sure why the video is so pink/purple now.  I thought maybe because the sun was on it but that can't be all the time.  When I replaced it I put it under the other side of the steps so we'll see what it looks like next time.

The duck seems to leave the nest in the evenings before sunset and come back in the early morning to spend all day.  So later yesterday evening I was finally able to get out and plant sunflower seeds in that corner.  But now today I'm waiting for her to leave so I can water them.


Blue Witch said...

Fingers crossed for a successful hatch and ducklings! Not very sensible things, ducks, are they?

delcatto said...

I'm surprised the duck isn't around more as the eggs sadly are fair game for any critters looking for food. Hopefully some if not all hatch and survive.

Scoakat said...

I guess mama duck has to eat sometime, so that must happen at night. But yes, the nest is very vulnerable overnight when she is not there. I've tried to think of what I can do, but I fear nature will have to take its course. I still hope for ducklings, but it's tempered.