After a deep freeze blast in December it's been a relatively mild January regarding snow and temperature, but also mostly lacking sun. Last night we got our first bigger snow of the season. I'm not sure the official total, but it left about 8-10 inches or more on the driveway and walks. I'm sure the official total is lower, but unless you watch and catch it on the morning news it's hard to find, even with the internet. (If anyone knows where to find this kind of local, recent-past information, I'd appreciate the tip.) At least it was a lighter snow and easy to move, but the snow piles are established now. We are in the depths of winter. Temperature-wise it has been cold and will be frigid the next couple days, but otherwise look to return to seasonable and we might even get above freezing in a week or so.
It's January, what can you do? Same thing different year, but at least the days are slowly getting longer now so soon it will be better.
Aside from my gripes about the weather, here's a video to enjoy. I came across this awhile ago and have watched it now and again for a smile, so such enjoyment justifies sharing here. I worked construction when younger, and while not so much home construction, I still enjoy this. This creator has other similarly entertaining videos, too. An interesting type of animation, and a good sense of humor!
*Well, I tried to embed and it said video not available, and when I look at his channel it's not listed. My link works still, so see it while you can here or his other stuff at the link above.