Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mysteries of Mud and Thunder

Been a pretty lazy Sunday around here.  We got a few things done this morning, but I spent way too much time playing games on my phone.  My wife and I went out to lunch at a Venezuelan restaurant we've not been to before (more Americanized than authentic, surely), then a few drinks at the local bar we frequent.  I got on the $5 add-up pool for the Brewer game the day before and won, so was handed 50 bucks when I sat down.  I hadn't known my number so glad we stopped in!  Now back home we baked a loaf of bread for my lunch sandwiches this week and are just relaxing now, me watching the Brewer game and typing this.

There is one picture I forgot to post yesterday, but I took better pics today.  It appears that some animal left their muddy imprint on the window of our back door recently.  Had to be a larger animal, probably attracted by seeing the cats on the porch, and our recent weather would explain its muddiness.  Realistic possibilities when considering the height of it could be another cat, a rare loose dog, raccoon, opossum, or possibly a fox.   But what animal and/or behavior would leave this kind of mark?  Wide view to the right for context, and close up below.

The symmetry and splatter marks are curious, so now I'm thinking maybe a muddy bird hit the window?  I'd like to hear all theories!

And we had an interesting phenomenon later last night, we heard a constant thunder for at least 15-20 minutes, maybe even longer, from the storms passing just north of us.  

There was a tornado watch at the time, but none reported.  Have you ever heard or heard of this kind of continuous thunder?


Blue Witch said...

Only in the Caribbean.

Not sure about the mark - I'd say a bird probably, but would expect a mark that strong to have broken its neck, so there'd be a body.

Blue Witch said...

And hope the 50 bucks came in useful!

Scoakat said...

I mis-spoke, there were 6 tornadoes reported but none in the immediate area. Closest would have been at least 20 miles away, so not sure if it could have been that, or even if it happened around that time.

The more I look at the close up pic the more I think it had to be a bird.

And ye$! I'm probably about even from betting on the Brewer games this year, at best. :)

delcatto said...

I'd like to say it's Big Foot or a Dogman! Lol.

It looks like a bird as the outer marks might be from its wings.

Congrats on the fifty bucks win.

Scoakat said...

Thank you. A bird hit a window at work this afternoon. I shuffled clients along hoping the bird would recover, it did not. Did you know chipmunks eat birds? Opportunists, I guess.

Blue Witch said...

It saved anyone having to dig a hole for it!