Friday, May 24, 2024

Peonies And Rain

Peonies are a beautiful spring flower, yet, inevitably, it seems to rain hard every year right after they start blooming - or at least when ours at the corner of the house blooms.  And if you've had peonies, you know how discouraging this can be.  The flower heads collect the water and droop, never to fully rise again.  Hopefully it's early enough to not matter so much as there are many yet to open.  My bigger concern was seeing that my gutter was partially blocked.  Also areas of overflowing on the porch gutters, but less of a concern.  The helicopters from the maple trees have been flying, I hadn't thought so much this year but something is clogging the gutters.

It's a holiday weekend and I have a ladder.  This will be fixed.


Blue Witch said...

And that happened to us this week too.

Scoakat said...

They're beaten down even more after rain most of today. And both are supported, neighbor Jane's pink ones with a decorative black wire border fence I use to keep them off our driveway, and ours with a circular wire grid installed to support them.

We have two others, pinkish/white, that normally bloom a bit later on the back corners of the garage. The one closest to the fire pit is shrinking due to getting its roots crowded out by the lily of the valley (and soon sunflowers on the other side) and the one closest to neighbor Jane is always smaller but usually okay.

Scoakat said...

Oh, I cleared the gutters yesterday. Not much up there, but enough to mostly clog both sides at the downspout.