Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fire Pit Visitors and Zoo

Shortly after starting the fire on Friday night I had two interesting visitors, as a welcome distraction.  A Brown-headed Cowbird couple came by, he to keep watch while she foraged along the flowerbed, not many feet away from me and the fire.  A good start to the weekend.

I visited my Mom again on Saturday, and we've kept busy today with a brunch downtown with friends and getting some more plants to cover the bare ground patches still along the fence and between the new bushes.  New batteries installed for new solar lights that came with bad batteries, and more spikes installed on the fence to discourage squirrel damage.  Four on top of the fence in strategic areas and now four on the cross bar beneath them as they would just go around the spikes on top otherwise, I hope this helps.

I got the opportunity to visit our zoo for work last week.  It had been several years since I last visited, one of those things that are so close and easy to do yet neglected, taken for granted.  It's still an animal jail but they do continue to make improvements to their habitats.  Two of us had several clients to keep an eye on and wheelchairs to push, but I still managed to take several pictures, I'll put some after the break.


delcatto said...

I haven't been to a zoo for years although I did go to a safari park back in the early nineties. I think I prefer the safari park with more space for the animals.

Scoakat said...

Early 90's was 30 years ago. I just bought a new band t-shirt for a tour that I saw 40 years ago. Egad, time flies.

Our zoo is continuously improving, well regarded, and still free to visit. One of those local things that we can take for granted, and we're a relatively small city to others that have zoos.

delcatto said...

The zoo is free? Wow, it's astonishing and good to hear that. Yes, time certainly flies by.

Blue Witch said...

A free zoo? Wow! The worst zoo I have ever been to was the Durrell zoo on Jersey. Truly awful conditions for the animals.

The latest 'thing' in the UK is apparently staying in accommodation near the wild animals' accommodation in safari parks. £790 a night. Sheesh.

Glad you are enjoying your garden and the firepits. It's been 6 degrees C a few nights here recently - we still haven't been able to get most of our courgettes, squashes and annual flowering plants out of the greenhosue - too cold and so wet there are huge numbers of slugs and snails. What a year!

Scoakat said...

Hi BW, been missing hearing from you as often. I hope all continues to be well.

We've had cool nights still here and there, but now we're about to enter our first really hot spell with temps around 90ºF soon. Today was almost 30ºC and I'd be happy with that, but looks like the a/c will be on most of next week.

A much wetter spring than last year though the normal few slugs here, but the mosquitoes have emerged - en force!