Friday, August 4, 2023

Low Mow Summer

We got some rain early last week, some beneficial rains for a change.  The first things to start growing back were crabgrass and all the other weeds before the grass started greening up again.  Me, being pragmatic, first attacked the weeds by pulling and spray before attempting to mow for the first time in a long time.

To backtrack, this year I mowed the whole lawn for the first time on May 13, then mowed just the back yard on June 4.  So an unusually long time between mows with a one mow May, a half mow June, and zero mow July.

The state of the lawn yesterday.
After tending to weeds for a couple days and after a day grace period to give the spray time to work, I tried to start the mower and it wouldn't start.  It was really hot out, so I figured I'll try the next day.  The next day was the same.  It was even hotter out but I texted a mechanic friend who told me anything carbureted would run like sh - poorly in this heat, so I waited but was still unsure.  The following day, last Friday, I tried it again in the morning but it just didn't seem like it was getting any gas, so I called the service I've used to come out and tune up this and the snow blower every couple of years.  They came out on Monday this week, diagnosed the mower and tuned up the snow blower.  The mower went back to the shop and I hadn't heard back all week until this morning, and they delivered it back around midday.

A relatively simple fix, if expensive by having home service and delivery.  After 14 years a little dirt in the gas tank and carburetor and a pump that stopped working was preventing the engine from getting fuel, so a clean carburetor and tune-up and it starts on the first pull, as it normally has except for the first start in Spring.  I could have gotten a new mower for the price of this whole episode.  Not as good of a mower, but still my next mower may be electric to basically eliminate these maintenance costs.  No gas, no oil, no spark plug, so essentially no engine maintenance and I can sharpen my own blade.

So I finally got the lawn mowed this afternoon, after 61 days.  Pretty incredible for this time of year.


delcatto said...

We have an electric mower but that's because the garden isn't very big. I can run an extension cord and the job's done in fifteen minutes. We have had rain every day now for three weeks apart from the one day when I was able to rush out, cut the grass, tidy up and then get back indoors before the rain showed up. That is a long time to go without rain and you must have welcomed it.

Scoakat said...

I believe July was our wettest month so far this year, but all relative as we're still classified as extreme drought. 2012 was still worse, I looked back and saw the pictures on this post and almost the entire lawn was brown then.

I welcome any rain we get, this year. Try to stay dry, delcatto.

Blue Witch said...

Battery mowers will work for your lawn. My advice, having tried cheap and expensive: don't buy expensive, and get at least 3 batteries. But electric mowers will never work as well as petrol, or last as long.

Blue Witch said...

'Summer' in the UK is a wet soggy cold disaster this year. Jetstream is in the wrong place. Miserable. But at least we're not having to water.

Scoakat said...

Hopefully this mower will last so I won't have to consider it for a long time.

I've heard bits and pieces about the jet stream moving and what I've heard is not good so I've yet to look into it further. I've reached my bad news quota for the week, maybe next.