Sunday, August 13, 2023

Low Creeks and Stubby Baguettes

The creek is well grown over, on the banks and in the creek itself as canoeists find as they go up the low, weedy creek.  Interestingly, the brown grass on the banks died early in the year from the drought.  Some of the first things to grow after the prescribed burn and before everything else filled in.

And I like the new baguette baking tray that I was originally hesitant to buy because of the rounded bottom (it flattens a bit on the cooling tray and is not an issue).  The tray seems to minimize the hot spot toward the back of the oven with the last row empty.  I'm foregoing any pointy ends and trying to make the baguettes more 14-15 inches instead of 16 so they can more easily fit in the bread bags I bought for freezing, as 18 inch bags appear to be standard. 

After the break is a preview of what I plan to post about next. ;)


Blue Witch said...

Those baguettes looks amazing - so professional! I've not seen a tray like that before.

Scoakat said...

Thanks, BW, they taste real good, too! Always trying to improve and refine. I'm still getting the cuts a bit too much onto the 'shoulder' and I get nervous and take them out a bit early rather than late. But that's a little nitpicky :)