Thursday, August 10, 2023

Greenway Walk

I was this close to capturing the biggest poo bag I've ever seen.  From the horse, of course...

We took a walk through the Dixon Greenway on the way to try a new place for lunch on Sunday, but the mounted police picture is from a day or so later on another walk.  The native plant restoration project is coming along nicely with many beautiful wildflowers.  I'll put a couple pics after the break.    


Blue Witch said...

Poo bags for horses is a new one on me, but a good idea. Mind you, those people who collect and use it for fertilising their roses or rhubarb wouldn't be happy! Or maybe they'd just take it out of the bin, ready wrapped...

delcatto said...

That reminds me of a really old joke.

'Do you put horse manure on your rhubarb?'

'No, I prefer custard'.


Good to see so many wild flowers.

Scoakat said...

I actually hadn't considered that, but I'm sure there'd be many more complainers than gardeners going out to get it.

It did make me consider that they must have a special saddlebag with a scoop and bags that will hold the full bag until they find a proper bin, like what I believe happened here. (I did not inspect the bag, just saw them veer off the bike path to pull out the bag and throw it out. Sure looked like a poo bag to me!)