Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy - ( . )( . ) - No Bra Day!

Today, October 13, is No Bra Day, but, wait a second,  July 9 is National No Bra Day?
I don't know about you, but I would have to agree with the frog!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Latest Listening Pleasure - 13... Hyrax

Hyrax - Over The Edge, released today.
Something caught me, I'm not sure what it was - the name, the description, maybe (not likely) the album cover.

Anyway, it caught my interest long enough for me explore them a bit more via the interwebs and youtube.  This is actually how I find most of the music I listen to these days.  I look around at what's out there - and in this global internet there is a lot of music out there - and occasionally I find something that I find greatly appealing to my eclectic (read: odd, heavy-ish and sometimes unexplainable) tastes in music.  Of course, 9 out of 10 of my inquiries range from music that I will never listen to again to good but forgettable stuff.  Then there is the occasional hit, that rare kind of sound that seems to really grab you.  You know that feeling, or at least I hope you do.

I've listened to the Hyrax album at least a couple times a day all week now, and I really like what I hear.  Hyrax's album, Over The Edge, is their first as far as I can tell.  I believe there are two EP's that they released since 2011, but I can't find them in a cursory internet search.  There also isn't much of this band on youtube, most of it can be found on their channel here.  No wiki page yet, but I believe they are from Germany.  And they're kids.  They gotta be, look at them.  Pick any two and they may not total my age.  *Sigh.*  Actually they remind me of when I found out about CKY, in fact I see quite a few similarities, except that when I found out about CKY they had a few albums for me to look back to and enjoy while this is, as far as I can tell, Hyrax's first full length release.

This first video, Desire, is similar to the second, I Never Thought, in that he has the aggressive-but-not-quite-cookie-monster vocal.  On the album, which is bookended by these songs, they actually come across with a good mix of this aggressiveness but also some harmonies that work well and set up the next aggressive verse - it all works very well.  I also like how they chose to film their two official videos, below, both are single camera, one take shots.  The first appears to be the first single, but I may like the second better.

Okay, enough review, check it out if you're intrigued - like I was.   NSFW (language)

Hyrax - Desire

Hyrax - I Never Thought

Previous LLP Posts...
LLP 1 - Pain
LLP 2 - Nightwish
LLP 3 - Die Antwoord
LLP 4 - Pain part 2
LLP 5 - Andrew Bird
LLP 6 - Nightwish part 2
LLP 7 - Paramore
LLP 8 - Newsted
LLP 9 - U.D.O.
LLP 10 - Nightwish Imaginaerum Movie
LLP 11 - Kiss
LLP 12 - Rick Springfield

Honorable Mention after the break!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Tribute To James...

..., the head chef at our favorite local establishment, Brothers Three.  It seems he had an unfortunate mishap on his scooter and broke his collarbone.  His culinary skill and charismatic personality is missed, for another month or more as we understand it.

Cheers, James!  Get well soon!

James, rockin' and rollin' working a Friday fish fry:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sorry, We're Closed

This is the sort of political ineptitude and misbehavior that is too common and inexplicably accepted these days.  Whiny spoiled brats refusing to accept anything other than their own way.  Hell, look at the crap we had to accept with W in charge.  But no, some stubborn fools just seem to like conflict, creating it seems like a major part of the republican agenda.  Why is this classless, embarrassing, unsportsmanlike and should-be-illegal behavior tolerated from those who are chosen to lead some of us?  Peacocking, threatening, falsely flabbergasting, and out and out lying.  They make me sick.

I can't believe politics actually made me put finger to key, whiskey helped.  Hmmmph! ...Idiots.
*updated 10-3 - My hyperlinked pic disappeared due to a server switch at that great B&P site.  Jonco will be back in full over there shortly.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

This And Thats

It has been 2 weeks since I did any real posting.  I have, however, been pretty active over at the garden site recently, so feel free to check that out here.  Now, on with the thought dumping...

-Speaking of the garden site, I have not kept to a posting schedule over there this year.  The last couple years I would always try to post around the middle and end of the month at least, with other noteworthy posts when warranted.  It's not really that important to anyone other than me because it is only used as a diary of sorts, but next year I promise to get back to a semblance of regularity over there.

-We had our little circle of friends over last Saturday for the last fire pit party of summer - Saturday was the last full day of summer.  It was the usual fun.  B&Z were kind enough to bring some wood so we actually have enough to have a fall fire pit party sometime.  It was a cool evening, not cold, but still it was funny to me how everyone was in such a tighter circle than some summer fire pits.  Fall may be the best time to have a fire.

-Projects always need to be done.  I still haven't finished with the shelves downstairs, and I also have various fall projects on my mind.  Washing the house, washing and water sealing the back steps and some caulking on the roof of the porch should be done soon.  In no time it will be raking leaves, cleaning gutters and yard clean-up.  It's always something.

-We are well into football season now.  The Packers should be doing better, I feel.  The Badgers have maybe their biggest game of the season tonight at Ohio State on national television.  (I'm having a couple friends over for the game, it should be a good one!)  Pretty soon we'll have Badger basketball and hockey, too.  Yes, fall/early winter is a good time to be a sports fan in Wisconsin.  As for the Brewers, well, they suck but at least they're not quite as bad as the Cubs.

-Still no date set for the installation of the new windows.  It will probably happen around the beginning of November.  I'm eager to see (feel) how much they will help keep our house warm this winter.

I can't think of much else to say right now, except that I was thinking the other day how long it has been since I posted anything about the kitties.  So, look at them now!  PTFO

Basil and Hamish

Monday, September 16, 2013

Green Hams

Green hams will kill him, green hams will kill him, don't you be giving him Green Hams!* 

*Three Hams, actually.  You don't have to understand, it's just a tip of my hat to an old character and friend that I haven't talked to in a long time.  The cartoon made me do it, thanks Jonco!