If you know me then you'll know I've not been happy with my job in a pretty long time. New management came in after the beginning of the pandemic and there were many changes, not all for the better but square pegs were pounded into round holes anyway. It wasn't the best employer to begin with (rated low on all job sites I've seen), and I had a hard time playing along with the new, ruthless management style. I wasn't the only one; I watched as others in our department retired, found new jobs, got fired, or just rolled over and fumed in silence.
I got myself in trouble standing up to management in late 2022, which basically put me back on probation for a year. I looked for another job on and off, but was unwilling to give up the benefits I earned over several years to start all over somewhere else. But on October 16 that decision was made for me. Rather than allow me to come off that probation, I was fired. It was my own fault for staying too long when I could not get along with the management.
My health insurance would run through the end of that month, then my wife and I would be without (she is considered part time as she works less than 40 hours to allow her days to take care of her dad, so is not offered health insurance). Since health insurance is very important in this country and is tied to employment, I needed a job ASAP. I knew some people who needed help where they worked, so the day after I got fired I went there to apply and wound up getting the job. I started work on November 1, but it would be at least a month until my new insurance started so I got an expensive policy through the government's marketplace (Obamacare). Thankfully I was eligible for my new insurance to start on December 1 so only had to pay for one month of that expensive policy. And while there were several issues with the new insurance they all got straightened out as of yesterday, so that is finally settled.
Meanwhile, I was working a new job unlike anything I had ever done before. I'm not going to say where it is, I'll just say it is basically a daycare for adults with developmental disabilities. I spend a lot of time playing as you would with kids, and also taking some to their jobs and coaching them throughout the week. Overall, it's pretty easy and I'm growing to like it more and more, but it doesn't pay the best. Still, I'm so much happier not working where I was, so it has advantages and disadvantages.
And nothing says I have to keep this job forever, but for now I will continue and see where this path leads me in the new year.