Yesterday the U.S. Air Force made it official, Madison's Truax Field was awarded a squadron of F-35 fighter jets. This has been a long process with lots of controversy. Opponents mainly cite pollution and the noise factor and how it will affect some of Madison's poorest neighborhoods by the airport. Supporters cite the jobs and economic impact it will bring to the area.
We've seen the signs in yards for ages now, and opponents will surely not go quietly. The Madison City Council even passed a resolution against having them here, but the decision on where to base 18 of the 100 million dollar F-35A fighter jets is solely up to the Air Force. Of course they held meetings, did environmental studies, etc., but they seemed set on Madison from the start. Montgomery, Alabama was also named as a base for the jets.
Right now, Truax Field, home to 1200 Airmen of the 115th Fighter Wing, has an aging fleet of 21 F-16 fighter jets. The new F-35s are to start arriving in 2023. These jets can provide air protection for anywhere in the Midwest and at 1200 m.p.h. can be there in minutes.
That's a lot of facts and numbers, you can click here, here or here for more details.
Personally, I think it will be good for the area. We live in the main flight path, and we have jets now already. Yes, they do get loud, but only for seconds at a time and I find them fascinating to watch. They go by so very fast that by the time you look up they're almost past, thus I've wanted to get a short video but have always been unable. They usually go in twos, but even knowing that I've not been quick enough when I've been outside. The new jets will be louder and the amount of flights is supposed to increase, but again, it lasts for mere seconds. I know the new jets have been in and out of here at times already and I've not really noticed any difference. I look forward this summer to trying to get video of the jets, new or old, now more than ever.
On a similar subject, I noticed an email at my blog gmail account (top right of the page) from the other day with the subject line 'Dane County Regional Airport Guide.' At first I thought it was one of those spam comments we get on blogger, like when I post something about plumbing then get a comment from a robo-English speaker complimenting me on my work then going into their agenda and spam links. But this was not a comment notification, it was an email from the Media Relations Manager for the Dane County Airport. In her email she noted my blog post that was probably found in a google search, a post from June last year.
Apparently they've updated their website and she was wondering if it was possible for me to include a link on my site. Okay, here it is, an informational airport guide website, but the official website still appears to be here. Look at me, now seemingly an actual member of the media! Wait, now that I type that I'm not so sure that's a good thing...
Sniffer Pros
1 week ago