Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th, In Pictures

Happy Independence Day, everyone.  (Those in this country, anyway.)  I don't have a lot to say right now, I'm just enjoying a day off work so here's some recent pictures I found interesting.

We took a walk to the Atwood area for lunch last Sunday.

From the breakwater at Tenney Lock yesterday, the capitol building in the distance.

Interesting skies in the waning minutes of daylight last night.  Good to see bats and fireflies about.

I made each kind of cheese penny this morning.  On the left is parmesan on top and sharp cheddar with cayenne below. On the right is the last of the mild cheddar and bleu cheese below.

I think we may go out to lunch here in a bit, but I'm otherwise just relaxing after some baking and making pizza dough this morning.  Back to work tomorrow for a day and then the weekend.  Cheers, everyone.


Blue Witch said...

Enjoy your day!

It's Independence Day here too - independence from the last incompetent government. I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed though. Give it a few months...

Nice light in the firepit pic.

Blue Witch said...

Oops, I'm a day late... oh dear, it's been a long night watching the results!!!

delcatto said...

I hope you had a great day yesterday and lovely to see the sun and blue skies.

Scoakat said...

I've come to the conclusion that bleu cheese is not a favorite, and those cheese pennies are soft and bland. I don't think I'll make those again, so the rest of the roll may go to waste.

Good luck with your politics. I'd trade you in a second, sight unseen, right now.

President Biden is here in Madison today for his first campaign stop since the bad showing in the recent debate. He is too old, for sure, but still may be the best chance to prevent an orange dictatorship. We went out for a drink not far away at a local tavern this afternoon after work, and had to take a roundabout drive home due to major road closures because he was very nearby, like within a mile. Most likely the closest I've been to a US president, ever. (Unless one has flown over the house to land or take off!)

Blue Witch said...

My American friend who is now a British citizen hails from Delaware, where Biden was Senator. He spends a lot of time there and she says similar about the travel chaos when he is in Delaware when she visits her parents' home there.

I agree that the blue cheese pennies aren't the best, but they're not so bad we wouldn't eat them.

Scoakat said...

All in all it only cost us a few minutes of our time, but I knew where to go to avoid the lines of diverted traffic and get home nearby. The commuters had a tougher time.

I think the blue cheese pennies will require a longer baking time, then hopefully firm up some more. I tried to use smaller crumbles and crumble further with the mixer, too, as I thought ahead about the texture. Cheddar and Parmesan pennies are tops of my list.