Sunday, July 14, 2024

Fireworks Finale and Failure

There were fireworks at my Mom's last night at a nearby park with a hill and cornfield in between.  And it rained, softly at first but pretty good by the end here.

And, an inch or two away from ending this orange nightmare.  Not right to say that, but...


Blue Witch said...

Over here a lot of the media are saying that he'll now get the sympathy vote so almost certain victory.

I predict that WW3 will start soon after he gets back in.

Scoakat said...

For the life of me I can't understand how 50% of Americans can support him, but they do. Yes, I truly fear what will happen if he gets back in office.

Scoakat said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I baked the blue cheese pennies at my Mom's, and she enjoyed them. I had a few, baking a bit longer helped but I don't see making them again.