Sunday, April 28, 2024


Yesterday was a beautiful day; sunny, breezy, warm and the second day of the year with windows wide open.  Clouds started moving in about the time I took these pictures, and it's overcast and rainy today.  The grass is now green almost everywhere, but while I've used the strimmer around the edges I have yet to mow.  Many trees have leaves opening, others still just buds.  Flower beds are filling in nicely but, as usual, the tree stump area needs some work - especially since the new fence.

The stairs look pretty bad due to the "transparent" stain (as opposed to "clear," which is very different) coming off.  Hopefully a good power wash and another coat will penetrate the wood more and stay better.

In the gardens we have garlic coming up in one and raspberries in another.  There's still some strawberry plants in one but like growing tomatoes we've given up due to the critters.  And there is one empty that we'll just have to see what happens when we get plants and seeds.

I'm still waiting to have the first real fire pit of the year.  Rain, wind and cold have kept me inside so far.

And the cats liked the warmth and open windows of the porch, as Basil demonstrates here.

Things are looking up, I think.  At least weather-wise.


delcatto said...

Looking a lot like Spring has finally sprung and it must be a relief to leave the cold and snowy weather behind.

Scoakat said...

Snow into May would not be unheard of!