Saturday, April 8, 2023

Spring Blogday This-And-Thats

It's starting to really feel like Spring around here.  Plants are coming up, trees are budding, and there is a new green hue starting in the lawn.  Even some crocus have survived the foot of snow and hungry rabbits.  I should really have been outside last night having the first fire pit of the year.  I can touch upon that in a bit, but I think there's a few different things in my head to come out.

  • Allergy season is upon us, and after years of escalating allergies I'm using Flonase this year.  I started on it about a month ago and it seems to be working as my wife has mentioned her allergies several times recently and so far and I haven't noticed anything, really.  When I think of how miserable I got at times the last few years, well, I really hope this works well for me.
  • A month or two ago I was notified by Google that I was halfway to my free storage limit.  A lot of storage left, but it has drastically changed how I take pictures.  I take much fewer and take the time to delete the bad ones now, when I just snapped away without a care before.  But I think my worry may be misplaced.  I'm years away from the current limit at this rate, and my time is finite.
  • Okay, weather.  We've taken a turn for the best and will have temperatures up into the seventies later next week.  Yesterday was alternately clouds and sun and got into the fifties, today should be similar.  I considered having the first fire of the year last night but I was tired, it's still pretty damp out in the yard and firepit, and the wind was pushing my limit for a fire.  This evening looks to be better, but I might make other plans on the fly today.
  • Also this morning, I'll be making baguette for the 3rd weekend in a row.  Good practice, and really good bread.  If time allows I'm considering making a second kind of bread, as well.  But it being early on Saturday morning it may not happen, honestly.
  • And THIS was interesting recently.  First time that's happened to me, has it happened to you?

Oh, and as of today when this posts I've been blogging for 14 years.  In some ways it feels like longer, in others not so much.  I'm glad I still do it, I enjoy the outlet of writing and being somewhat creative at times, and I'm thankful for the few connections I've made that encourage and support what I do here.  After all, it wouldn't really be worth it if no one read or provided occasional feedback.  Thank you.


delcatto said...

Happy Fourteenth Blogday! I just realised it was my seventeenth blog day this week and it passed me by. As for that website predicting mortality, nonsense and not worth worrying about.

Yes, Spring has definitely arrived and very welcome. We are expecting gale winds and heavy rain from Monday so I am making the best of it today and tomorrow.

Hayfever is dreadful and for a year or so I have used Fexofenadine and it is marvellous stuff. It takes away most of the symptoms and I enjoy the spring and summers now. Ironically it helps but doesn't eradicate my allergy to Sherlock as he has course Tabby fur.

I have never had a warning for malware/ viruses on my blog.

Scoakat said...

Thank you, delcatto, happy blogday to you, too!

I'm loving our current weather. Not quite shorts and tee shirt yet, nor windows open, but it's coming. Then I'll know if this allergy med really works.

I'm sure it was a link, I suspect the picture that was hyperlinked and broken. At least it was an easy fix.

I feel guilty about not having a fire, but a long day. I made bread, then took some down to my Mom, then my wife and I went to the Harmony for a bit before coming home and ordering food delivery. A good day, but tiring.

Blue Witch said...

Happy Blogday, belatedly!

Hope you manage a firepit sometime soon.

And not too much chocolate.

Scoakat said...

Thanks, BW. Post-pandemic, the escapism of a fire pit is needed less. But I'm sure there will still be plenty this year. Not a lot of chocolate around the house, either.