I spent a couple hours finishing the garage yesterday midday. It went pretty easy, even though it was a bit warm it was mostly overcast. Now I have to spend some time organizing and utilizing the new space wisely.
Afterward, Kate and I walked over to Atwoodfest, one of the neighborhood festivals with food, vendors and bands. A lot of each, it was a larger deal than I was expecting. We met up with James, our favorite cook at our favorite bar and grill, and later his friend, also named Kate. We had a really good time trying different foods, drinking, listening to music, people watching - you know, street festival stuff.
It was about a 15 minute walk from our house, mostly on the bike path, longer than I have walked in some time I'm sorry to admit. After stepping up and down a ladder dozens of times, and then, of course, we were on our feet up and down the street all afternoon. The walk home was quite uncomfortable (my dogs were barkin'!), but an ice cream cone on the way helped make it better. The bike path was busy that day, and nicely lined with community gardens for much of the walk and flowers everywhere.
We live in a pretty neat part of - overall - a pretty neat city. We need to get out and walk like that more, a fifteen minute walk to get lunch, shop or have a drink is really not that much. Just not yet, my feet still hurt today.
I believe that bikes would be soo much better, and we could go a bit farther. We have discussed it, but they are low priority for now, added to an already long list.
Thanks for getting us out, James! It was a great day!
Ain’t No Snow Shovel
3 days ago
Looks great, well done!
Thanks, BW!
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