Sunday, November 17, 2013

This And Thats

I have been rather preoccupied by work and life recently so I haven't been doing a whole lot of writing here.  I do make an effort to post something occasionally, even if I have nothing to say.  But eventually I feel I must write, so I guess that means it's time again to start typing and see what happens...

-I am in training again at work.  This position is two pay grades higher, but stability and happiness would mean more to me.  Maybe this will be it for a while.

-For the first time ever we are planning a winter getaway for a few days, down to the gulf coast of Alabama thanks to my Mom and her husband Dan.  They will be spending quite some time down there over the winter and have been nice enough to invite all their kids and their families to join them at some point.  Ahhh, escape...

-We're still loving the new windows.  We really like how efficient they will be this winter, and they give the house a much better look, inside and out (see two posts ago).

-Fall chores are almost done.  Leaves have been mulched and put in all the flower beds.  The few leaves left on the lawn I will mulch with the mower when I run that out of gas for the winter.  The house is washed but could use a touch up here and there.  The gutters have yet to be cleaned, hopefully we'll have a dry, mild day next weekend.  And I may want to test the snow thrower soon.

-It's getting to be a good time of year for sports.  Football is still in full swing, hockey and basketball seasons are getting started, and the never-ending baseball season is over!  Who won?  Who cares, it sure as hell wasn't the Brewers.  Go Packers!  Go Badgers!

Well, that's all I can think of right now.  Maybe I'll update later if I think of something else.  For now, I have the La-Z-Boy, a football game and the Sunday paper beckoning.  PTFO

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

New Windows and a New Outlook*

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The cosmetics have changed a bit, for the better, we think.  We really like the black cladding around the windows.  Inside, the windows are wood grain that matches the trim throughout the house.  These windows are clearer, easier to clean and much more efficient.

It's a lot of money to spend and not have anything to play with.  Heck, we hardly even see them.  These shorter days have blinds shut and curtains drawn so early.  Still, we're glad we got them and should never have to replace them again.

Now we want a new front screen door and porch light, black to match.  We could also repaint the foundation and hand rails.  But I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there will always be something.

*The 'new outlook' reference in the title refers to a recent abrupt change in my career path. Not changing employment, just departments.  And still upward, just not the route I foresaw.  Unfortunately this all came under, well, I shall say odd, awkward and unforeseen circumstances. Boy, it's a good thing this blog isn't about work!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Follow My Blog... FREE!

Shameless self-promotion?  Nah.  But I did think it was cute and wanted to test if I could post gifs again because they didn't work for a time.  Via Joanne Casey.  Cheers!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween, everyone.

It is rainy outside but is supposed to clear up later for trick-or-treaters.  Just as well, I'm in a pretty scary mood after my day at work.  I'd be fine with skipping it altogether but then we'll have all this candy in the house.

I hope everyone has fun this evening.  I'll be putting a smile on my face when I answer the door but inside I am deeply troubled.  That's my Halloween scare.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nation's Best College Town - Madison, WI

The Badgers have another bye this week and if you're missing them play this may help.  Probably not, but I thought it was a neat video about our hometown teams and city.