Saturday, December 24, 2011

Have A Holly Jolly One...

...if that's what you like.  I'm enjoying the days off.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Peanuts And A Rare Packer Loss

A couple weeks ago a good friend of mine, Jerome, came over to watch a football game on TV, and he came bearing gifts!  These 4 Peanuts characters played Christmas tunes together wirelessly, two songs each for a total of eight.  The wireless part has each of them joining in with the others' songs, like a little band.  We've had a lot of fun with these since then (Thank you, Jerome!), putting different ones in different rooms and randomly starting them several times a day.  I liked how my mom's husband Dan was as enamored with them as I yesterday during their visit, so after the game today (next paragraph) I looked to see if I could find them online as a last minute gift for them.  Well, they are still available.  But at about 30 bucks each or a set of the four for around a hundred dollars, well, maybe they'll be cheaper next year.   I hope Jerome got them at regular retail early in the season because 30 bucks a pop is outrageous.  Here's what I'm talking about:

(Oh, the Packer Gnome in the middle was also a present from Jerome while I was still laid up last year - he's very good with presents!)

And today the Green Bay Packers lost for the first time in their last 20 games to the Chiefs, 14-19, first loss since December 19, 2010. I'm actually not very upset about it, because at least it should get rid of the extra pressure of being undefeated and we should still get home field advantage for the playoffs handily. Being undefeated is not a goal, being the champion at the end is, and always will be, the goal. An undefeated year is, and should be, mostly a by-product of the original goal of all teams - winning the Superbowl. Hopefully they will learn from this game and start a 5 game winning streak next week, winning a second consecutive Superbowl in Indianapolis.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The First Snow Of The Season

...Arrived in the wee hours of the morning today, much to the dismay of all the weather forecasters in the area.  Just enough to coat everything in about an inch or more of the damn stuff.  I don't particularly enjoy snow.  I don't participate in many outdoor winter activities (if I can help it), I just have to move a lot of it around for the next several months - off the car, off the roof, off the steps and walks and off the driveway.  Grumble, grumble, grumble...

On a brighter note, my mom and her husband Dan came up for lunch today, bearing gifts and buying lunch.  I didn't put up much of a fight for the check making me think later how we expect our parents to take care of certain things from a young age until, well, forever, seemingly.  At least that's how it happened when I grew up.  Hell, they still have more money than me!  Anyway, it was a very nice lunch and visit today and I hope they had a good time as well.

Tomorrow the Packers travel to Kansas City to play the Chiefs.  If the Packers win they officially secure the top seed in the division and will play all their playoff games at home (last year all were on the road).  Go Pack Go!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pic Dump 36

Once more, all the pics I deemed worthy to save for a second look dumped here for everyone's viewing pleasure.  Same as always, some may be NSFW, click the pic for original size if different, much more after the break and just... Enjoy!

I thought I could goad a comment from my brother by posting him in his halloween costume on the front of my last Pic Dump.  Maybe he'll have something funny to say now if I remind him of it!  Hey, Kevin - "OH, YEEAAHHH!"   ...and what do your kids want for christmas?

Update:  Well, he did get back to me - just not here. Presents are ordered and on their way. Oh, for some reason he liked the t-shirt above better than his own halloween costume. Hmm, I wOOnder why?

As always many thanks to the fine sites on 'My Favorite Sites' list in the right column!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

We're Smelling Roses 2012

Here's an updated version of last year's song celebrating Wisconsin going to the Rose Bowl for the second year in a row.  You can see the original here.   Now we just have to win this time...
On Wisconsin!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dear Santa,

While things are going well enough for us, especially in these times,  and we can afford the things we need, luxuries often elude us.  My beloved Green Bay Packers are having another stock offering.  Though it is just an expensive piece of paper, it is one I would be honored to own for many reasons.  Unfortunately I just don't have that kind of expendable cash.  Please, Santa,  if only I could have this one thing...

Monday, December 5, 2011

United States Of Prison

I've been subscribed to The Amazing Athiest's video page for a while now. I rather enjoy his rants and find myself mostly agreeing with him. I realize it may be the same thing as those outrageous Fox News shows - just the other side of the coin, my side, but I enjoy watching him and I will add him to a list on the right soon. This video caught my attention with the relation of the (failed) war on drugs and the profitability of private company prisons. (See my Drug War Clock in the lower right column.)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Shopping, Roses and Football

December is here and the shopping season has begun! Although I don't plan to travel this Christmas we still plan on getting gifts for all the nieces and nephews. Hey bro and sis, ideas on what the kids like would be most welcome! Most of my shopping will be on Amazon this year, as it was last year. Who has the patience for all the traffic and crowds at the shops? Not I.

It's the middle of a big football weekend for us here in Wisconsin.  The Badgers won the inaugural Big Ten Championship game last night and will be headed to the Rose Bowl for the second year in a row (video highlights below).  My friend Jerome came over for the game, a very good gut-wrenching game that thankfully they pulled out at the end.  And today the Green Bay Packers travel to New York to face the Giants in bid to extend their record to 12-0 and clinch their division.  It's a nice time to be a sports fan in Wisconsin....

Update: The Packers have now improved to 12-0, 18 straight wins dating to last year including playoffs! Highlights here!

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone enjoyed their long Thanksgiving weekend (if you were so lucky).  We had my wife's family over for dinner, my wife planned this so I could watch the early game (I'm so lucky!).  The Packers moved to 11-0 with a win against Detroit, and her family had a good meal and conversation.  Things always seem to happen, though, like say you'll bring dinner rolls but instead bring a loaf of bread and a huge unplanned-for-let-me-get-a-folding-table-to-hold-extra-stuff crock pot with swedish meatballs.  Same type of thing every time.  No worries, I'm starting to get used to it - what else am I going to do?  My wife had a wonderful meal prepared for everybody as usual, but thankfully all had left after a couple hours.  I had the last piece of pumpkin pie last night but turkey will find its way into a few meals very soon.

On Friday there was some work to do.  I cleaned up the leaves in the yard for what should be the last time, and also got plastic up on the bedroom windows.  That's about it.  Kate, well, she never stops.  She's always cleaning or cooking or doing laundry, always something.  I try to do my part around here, but in reality she does much more, especially since my string of surgeries this past year plus.  (Speaking of, I may have a torn meniscus in my right knee.  I'll know more a fortnight into the new year, the earliest appointment available.) That evening some friends stopped by for drinks and snacks.  It was a nice evening and I enjoyed myself.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing some serious resting and relaxing, and maybe fighting off a bit of a cold.  I'm still winning - wish me luck!  It was a nice few days to spend at home and try to recharge the batteries a bit.  Today I went into work early so I could leave early for my yearly physical, twice rescheduled due to surgeries.  I'm basically fine and fit, just got some needed oil for the rusty spots is all. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Ahhh, my first four day break from work since I've been back after surgery. Technically I shouldn't miss any workdays until after the new year, when I get a little of my time back, or else I get my wrist slapped. Still, it should not be a problem unless I get incredibly sick, but I did get my flu shot a few weeks back. All this means is I will not be travelling for any holidays this year. I believe I stated that earlier, but if not then here it is in plain language for all to see. Last year I did travel and boy did I have a day. Nothing seemed to go well for me and I was mad at the world for it. Not the best way to have a holiday. No, now I must drone on with work and use my time away wisely, which I see as rest and recuperation and not fighting crowds, driving for hours, and smiling and nodding while I hope to not miss the game that's on. Selfish? Maybe, but I've always hated the hype of the holidays and the guilt trips to gather and gift.

While I hate travelling, we will be hosting a bit here at the house. Some of Kate's family will be here (after the Packer game) for a nice Thanksgiving meal and tomorrow evening we will be having some friends over for drinks and socializing. Other than that, we have several things to get done around the house in this time, our time.  So I guess after all this you could say that I am thankful that even with the bustle of the holiday I will have some free time in the next 4 days.

I hope you enjoy your holiday as you see fit! Go Packers!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Boring

Today's Pearls Before Swine cartoon.  I thought it was cute.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Signed, You Should Too

A neighbor came around a bit ago with the petition to recall Governor Scott Walker and one for his deputy governor.  This neighbor is very much involved in the community and is a block captain among other things.  I don't discuss politics much, I usually don't have enough faith that my opinion is an informed enough one to assert myself in conversations, but I will say that these new republicans scare me.  I just don't like where things are headed.  Not at all.

On a related note, I came across one of those political graph sites the other day.  I've come across it before, or something similar, but never saved the results.  So after taking the 6 page questionnaire, here is where I stand at this moment in time:

It looks much as I remembered and generally how I feel.  Comparisons with some world figures are below.  Where do you stand?  Visit the Political Compass Test and see.