Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pic Dump 31

Already another Pic Dump, which means I've spent too much time surfing lately.  Same as usual, click the pic for original size, some may be NSFW, etc etc.  Enjoy!

As always, thanks to the fine sites on 'My Other Favorites' list on the right!  More after the break!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Look At The Yard

I have taken a day off from work today to try and get my back to settle down a bit, so - inspired by Delcatto's post this morning - and as I get ready to watch The Mike O'meara Show live - I thought I would limp out and get a couple pics of how our yard is shaping up this Spring.  The sun is not out, but it had to be now before the rain comes later.*
The irises outside the back porch are starting to bloom.  I know they are mostly yellow, but I thought there should be more purple and pink than this.

The Hostas have filled out around the Silver Maple in the back yard.  If you look beyond the tree on the right you'll see the Bleeding Heart plant is still flowering.  And in the top right corner, the lilac bush just finished for the year.

After starting with just a few plants last year, and adding a few early this year, the Lily Of The Valley is starting to fill out nicely.  Hopefully even more next year.  As you can see, they are just done flowering.

At the bottom of our new back stairs one of our Peonies is getting ready to burst forth in large blooms!
If you're interested in the gardens, I updated that site just the other day.  Other than that, blogger still won't let me post videos and I have no idea why.  Probably something stupid I'm doing or not doing.  Maybe I'll look into it later...

*Update: 2:00pm - Of course it is no longer cloudy and no rain materialized.  The sun has been shining for quite some time now.  Meteorologists are well paid hypothesizers.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011

Happy Memorial Day to all.  Be thankful for the freedoms you have and the people who fought for your right to enjoy them.  I want to thank everybody who responded to my last post, I've left a response to everyone in that comments section. 

As for us, we have had a pretty low-key weekend so far, filled mostly with domestic chores and relaxation.  Both Saturday and Sunday were cool, wet and dreary and unfortunately our energy levels matched the weather.  Today, though, is supposed to be very hot, sunny and windy.  We're going to go out for breakfast this morning.  Then Kate wants to plant some things in the garden.  And about noon we will have just a few friends over for grilled burgers and drinks.  Nothing terribly special, but then again, we really needed the rest.  Tomorrow is back to the daily grind, but at least we can now dress casual at work every day until Labor Day at the end of Summer!  Cheers, all!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No, What Are YOU Doing?

I just looked up and it was Thursday.  It has been a pretty normal week, which is nice.  I tried to post the new U.D.O. videos earlier this week but blogger wouldn't let me embed them for some reason.  Maybe I'll try again later.  So, sorry, no real updates this week yet except for over at my garden blog.  That will be all for now.

I have an idea!  Why don't you tell me how your going to spend this upcoming long holiday weekend?  Taking the kids anywhere?  Kev, Kel?   Maybe a road trip to Madison?   Anyone else?  Tell us all how you plan on spending Memorial Day weekend in the comments!

Hmm, asking for outside input on my site.  Someone please respond?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Catch-Up Notes

Happy Sunday morning!  While I wait for the dew on the grass to dry so I can mow (for only the second time so far), I may as well update a few medical things.  Thankfully these updates are becoming smaller and fewer.

~ I had my last physical therapy appointment for my leg last Thursday.  It was time.  I've been going since last fall and I feel like I've gotten all I can from it, now I just have to continue to concentrate on walking better and exercise - something I have been slacking off on of late.  The final knee bend was 125 degrees.  Only one degree better than 2 weeks ago, but a whole lot better than the 40 degrees when I started.  Of course, that may continue to improve without PT, but I have to face the fact that it may not.

~ Monday of last week I got the follow up call about the screw that broke loose in my neck.  It should not affect my healing, which is coming along normally, but they want me to wear a bone stimulating collar for four hours a day just in case.  They said a rep would be in touch and even come to my home to fit me with the collar but I haven't heard from anyone yet so I may have to call the doctor's office tomorrow.

~ My lower back sciatica has improved yet is still affecting me every waking moment, every step I take.  Still, as long as it is going in the right direction I can't complain - much.

Well, I hear someone else has started their mower so I think I'll go get started on the lawn before it gets too warm or stormy out there.  My Mom is stopping in for a visit early this afternoon, too, so there may be some last minute cleaning to do.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Bill Here, A Bill There

I didn't notice at the time, but about a week ago Blogger was down for about a day.  Posts and comments vanished and have been being restored since.  Although I was barely affected, other more prolific bloggers were not amused, to say the least.  I had only one comment disappear, and that has since been restored.

One of the bloggers I have followed for a long time, Bill Sticker,  is moving from Uncle Bill's Canadian Blog on Blogger to The Bill Sticker Alternative on Wordpress.  That change will be updated in the right column shortly.  I have asked him for a spot on his new blogroll.  I'm sure it would be a courtesy to me if he did, my blog is just the silly stuff of an american idiot, not the intelligent, informed musings of anything of importance.  Still, I hope, I do get hits from his site now and again.