I've not felt like talking about it much lately, but this being Independence Day weekend is a good time to break my silence. I have not felt very patriotic at all recently.
It started well over 4 years ago. I'll never forget that sick feeling in my gut when the orange one got elected. At the time, I could only imagine the destruction and havoc that would create. We survived those 4 years, barely, but the ramifications of it are still being seen and I fear will continue for quite some time yet. An attempted hostile takeover of the government, prospective judges lying under oath to achieve a position on the high court to do what they said they would not, lame attempts at gun control on the face while loosening legal restrictions in actuality, telling women they have no control over their own bodies, and religion becoming emboldened once again to force their beliefs on every person whether they agree or especially if they do not. I've been feeling that same sick feeling in my gut more and more, with each figurative (for now) bomb that drops. Soon, I expect the orange one to announce he will run again in the next election and I won't be surprised if he wins again in 2024.
I'm not one to normally delve into deep discussion of these topics, and I've always had the belief that the current times are always viewed as the worst of times, so tried to take everything with a grain of salt. Every generation had its own crises in their own times and all believed it had it worse than ever before. Now, instead of having faith that common sense will prevail in the end, I'm believing it, too.
Fuck you Trump, and fuck each of your far right followers. Fuck you religion, and fuck you overbearing entitled religious zealots. Fuck you liars, and fuck you to all who make decisions based on what is best for themselves and not for other people, the environment or the future.
The way I'm feeling right now, fuck you America. At least 50% of you. Fuck. You.