What's more, I believe I've had it for more than a week. I've not been tested, but it would be an amazing coincidence to have an upper respiratory infection right now that checks off so many boxes that's not this virus.
Before I continue: WARNING for the squeamish. I may go into more detail than you'd like.
My first sign came a week ago Friday as I was enjoying my firepit. I expectorated. Not unusual for me, I often cough and have sinus issues more than the normal person. Something I attribute to smoking cigarettes for close to 30 years. But this time as I expelled it I was shocked at the bright yellow color. Having felt something in it, I just dismissed it as perhaps a piece of food got down the wrong pipe and this was my body getting rid of it. The next afternoon I noticed more of the same yellow color. At this time I did not suspect anything related to this virus - yet. Saturday night I had several drinks and woke Sunday to a terrible hangover, highly unusual and much more than one would expect for the amount I drank. I had a terrible headache and, looking back, probably a fever. I also think I was getting just a little shortness of breath, and my sputum became more yellow/green. I was getting concerned, and shared this with my wife.
Over the course of the week my sputum seemed to return to a more normal color, but the shortness of breath continued to get a little worse day by day. It's hard to say if I was really feeling normal otherwise or not as it was not a normal week. Working from home had really thrown me off from what was normal and what was not. But as the days passed my concern grew.
Two days ago, Friday, I again stayed up and had several drinks. I woke up in the middle of the night in a coughing fit, and my wife awoke and noticed my fast, shallow breaths. My alarm went off at 8 a.m. Saturday morning as I was going to go into the office to do a few things for work that cannot be done from home. Again, I awoke in a fit of coughing and expectorating, this time it was a dirty, pale yellow/brown/gray. Not the best description, but the best I can do. I felt like I had been run over by a truck and my head ached terribly, I didn't even want to move it. We also took my temperature this time and I had a fever of 100.8ºF. I emailed my boss, telling him I would not be going into the office as I think I have it.
I spent most of the day in bed yesterday, alternately sleeping and watching TV, which is part of the reason I'm up so early today writing this. I felt absolutely terrible. I didn't want to move, everything hurt and I had no appetite whatsoever. The shortness of breath has been the worst part. Not too scary for me yet, and as long as I stay calm I can control it. Most of the last several hours in bed I was awake enough to avoid the uncontrollable coughing fits by making myself expectorate when I felt it was coming. And the feeling of malaise has continued.
That brings me to now, 5:30 in the morning on Sunday. My head hurts and I feel generally terrible, but I had to get out of bed as laying down so much has just been killing my back and I don't need my back to go out on top of this. Today will be very interesting to see how I feel and if I will even work come Monday. I'm sure I'll have to answer a lot of questions for my work, and I do plan on contacting my doctor's office, but what more is there to do but ride it out?
Thanks a Lava!
5 days ago