Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Well, America...

...We got what we deserve.  Now just watch the old, bigoted blowhard try to act presidential.

I didn't do it, but I feel the need to offer my personal apology to the rest of the world.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Voted

Now we wait.

My wife enjoys this more than I.  Tonight will be her Superbowl, watching all the returns come in.  The winner can't really change a whole lot by themself, thankfully, but they can seriously alter the direction we're headed.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Trump v. Clinton

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bataclan Hall and EODM

We all know about the tragic terrorist attacks in France recently.  The biggest attack was at Bataclan Hall, at metal show featuring a band called the Eagles Of Death Metal.  Here is a video of the band onstage and in the middle of a song as the gunshots begin.  The video is not graphic, you can find those on the internet elsewhere if you wish.  But you can see the drummer duck down and a guitarist running off the stage.  Knowing that this is the very beginning seconds of what happened at that concert hall is what makes this video disturbing.  Be warned of that.

The band issued a statement today, I found it here at Blabbermouth.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bizarro Immigration

While I was without my desktop I still came across a few things I would have liked to post or write about had I had my computer.  Mostly my usual odd reposts, but one thing still stands out to me that I wanted to repost, enough so that I even emailed the author to get permission.  That was about a month ago now.  See, we've had an election since I'd been away, too, so politics reared it's ugly head and took over all media for some time.  I'm not apolitical, but I do not consider it my strong suit.  When I hear or read something that I agree with I clearly know it and sometimes wonder how anyone else cannot understand it like me.  I'm sure most people get that feeling and most probably do not agree with my views, but I like knowing there are others out there who generally do think like me.

I've been a Dan Piraro (Bizarro) fan for a long time now and for the last several years I have been following his blog.  He does more than post his daily comics, he has a bit of fun and shares just enough that you know what kind of guy he is - and I really like the guy (or at least his sense of humor!).  Here is his post on immigration, with comic, from November 6 that struck a nerve with me:

"If you find yourself tempted to believe that any substantial amount of America’s problems are being caused by illegal aliens, remind yourself that historically this is an ancient technique by dishonest governments to shift blame. And it almost always works. In this case, the corporations who run our country and their puppet politicians say, “Yes, things are lousy, but it isn’t our fault. It’s their fault!” Then they point to illegals, gay marriage, abortion clinics, terrorists, climate change scientists, whatever “other” they can find to unite the rest of us against something other than those in charge. Don’t fall for it. You’re smarter than that."

Dan Piraro, Bizarro Comic Blog
November 6, 2014

I encourage you to give him a visit at the link above or in the right column!  His new website is a work in progress at the moment, it will be better soon, I'm sure.

While I'm on the subject of comics, one of my all-time favorites is after the break!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Because I Got High - Remix

By Afroman.  Legalize it, already, Wisconsin.  Seen at Huff Post.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sorry, We're Closed

This is the sort of political ineptitude and misbehavior that is too common and inexplicably accepted these days.  Whiny spoiled brats refusing to accept anything other than their own way.  Hell, look at the crap we had to accept with W in charge.  But no, some stubborn fools just seem to like conflict, creating it seems like a major part of the republican agenda.  Why is this classless, embarrassing, unsportsmanlike and should-be-illegal behavior tolerated from those who are chosen to lead some of us?  Peacocking, threatening, falsely flabbergasting, and out and out lying.  They make me sick.

I can't believe politics actually made me put finger to key, whiskey helped.  Hmmmph! ...Idiots.
*updated 10-3 - My hyperlinked pic disappeared due to a server switch at that great B&P site.  Jonco will be back in full over there shortly.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

If one more person tells me to vote I'm going to pop a friggin blood vessel.  I am so sick of the flyers, phone calls, mailings and door knockers I want to scream (sound familiar?).  I should refuse to vote anymore until we have more realistic campaign periods, like a reasonable six weeks instead of two-plus god damn years.

I will be off to cast my ballot soon tonight.

If there are any higher powers then they better help whoever knocks on my door or calls my phone tonight.  I am almost enraged.  Here's what I don't get:

Why the hell isn't everybody?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy 9-11 To Me

9-11 01
I turned 45 today.  Thank you to those who emailed and sent cards or gifts.  I have taken today and tomorrow off, a luxury that I haven't been afforded in quite a while.  A Tuesday sucks anyway, but I also have this 9-11 stuff to look forward to every year now.  Well, it could be worse, I know.

Just what I need, another reason to drink...

Really, though, I slept in today, and then napped for quite some time in the afternoon and it felt really, really, really good.  Earlier this evening my wife and I made a very rare mid-week outing to our favorite local bar and grill for dinner and drinks.  I have tomorrow off and I may just surf the net, catch up on my newspapers and maybe tie up some loose ends here and there.

My next planned vacation day comes later this month, the day after the Andrew Bird show at the Overture Center.  We went the last time he was here, back in 2009.  This post from 3 years ago today shows how I am looking forward to it.  Last time I got pretty good tickets in the back of the main floor, this time I got tickets in the front row of the first level up and almost dead center.  I'm looking at this as a nice occasion to show my wife that I have some class and treat her to a fancy night out.  You know, dress up a little bit, have a nice dinner and then off to the show.  This is no heavy metal concert, and I may be one of the older ones in this audience, but all I know is that I like what I happen to like.  Thankfully, this is one performer that my lovely wife can appreciate enough to do this with me.
Or at least she humors me well....

Andrew Bird - The Happy Birthday Song. 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Election Day!

Today is the recall election for governor of Wisconsin.  After Scott Walker was elected almost 2 years ago he incited historic protests with his union busting.  Tom Barrett once again takes him on in what appears will be another close race.  I have a hard time understanding why it is so close, but with the way the Republican Party works and their misleading campaign ads it seems they take advantage of the 'simpler' (for lack of a better word right now) by scaring them into not voting democrat.  I am so sick of politics, but when my wife gets home we will be going to cast our vote.

We have had umpteen people knocking on our door these past few weeks, we have been deluged with ads on TV and even the internet and ignored scores of phone calls on the subject.  Too much, too much, waaay too much.  Needless to say, I will be glad when it is all over tomorrow and a winner is decided upon.  If it is Barrett then I hope he can reunite Wisconsin.  If it is Walker then I hope it doesn't take too long for the Feds to arrest him (like several of his cohorts already have been) in their 'John Doe' investigation.

Just.  Be.  Over.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Some Thoughts

It has been a while since I've just started typing and posted whatever came out.  Time to spill my gray matter all over the page..
  • I'm past the probationary period and still loving my new job.  By now I have a better sense of all the personalities around me and it is still a much better environment than the department I came from.  I enjoy the work, the people and my supervisor greatly.  For the time being, I consider myself very lucky.
  • Speaking of work, we ran out at the end of the day yesterday and this morning I jokingly told my boss that I'm a team player and can take a half vacation day for the team if need be.  To my surprise, she agreed immediately.  It's nice to get a head start on this three day Memorial Day weekend.
  • Last Sunday we bought some petunias for our small pot out by the front stoop.  Each night this week we considered planting them but just didn't get it done, so I got it done this afternoon.  I don't mind gardening, especially since my lovely wife does most of it!
  • Still no plans on visiting the grandmas again.  (Hey Sis!  We have to get off our butts and do this!)  We also have to have Sis and the kids up this Summer, her new schedule should provide more opportunities.  I'd like to get my brother involved as well.  Days turn into weeks turn into months and the guilt mounts.
  • I'll be going to my first baseball game at Miller Park in Milwaukee on July 29.  I saw the Brewers at the old County Stadium a couple times when I was much younger.  Generally I tend to avoid large crowds, but I will be going with two Sunday game veterans so all I have to do is follow the leaders.
  • We don't really have plans for this holiday weekend.  A friend, Jerome, is coming over to grill out tonight and another friend may take her boat out.  Mostly I'll want rest and relaxation.  It has been a long time since I had a proper vacation (as opposed to recovery from various surgeries) and I'm getting a little crispy.  Another 6 or 7 weeks to go yet.
  • I can't wait for this ugly recall election to be over.  (I think politics as a whole has turned pretty ugly.)  I really do not like Scott Walker and want him gone and will be voting for Tom Barrett, a week from Tuesday I think it is.  Mainly I just tire of politics easily, all the sound bytes, commercials, news tidbits, commercials, volunteer door knockers, commercials....
  • It looks like we will be getting some cats in a few weeks.  We are looking to get two male siblings.  It has been over 4 years since my cat died and about a year since my wife's cat passed.  Those two were housemates for a long time but only tolerated each other.  With 2 kitten siblings we are hoping they get along famously for a long, long time.
Well, I think my skull is mostly empty now.  Have a great weekend, everybody!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Save Yourselves!

Maybe, if more people felt like this, change could happen.  Warning: NSFW.

The Amazing Athiest

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


If you don't know what it is you may want to look it up.

I'm home being ill today so I've had time to read some news.  I'm disturbed by what I hear.

Huffington Post is a good place to start, too.

Monday, December 5, 2011

United States Of Prison

I've been subscribed to The Amazing Athiest's video page for a while now. I rather enjoy his rants and find myself mostly agreeing with him. I realize it may be the same thing as those outrageous Fox News shows - just the other side of the coin, my side, but I enjoy watching him and I will add him to a list on the right soon. This video caught my attention with the relation of the (failed) war on drugs and the profitability of private company prisons. (See my Drug War Clock in the lower right column.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Signed, You Should Too

A neighbor came around a bit ago with the petition to recall Governor Scott Walker and one for his deputy governor.  This neighbor is very much involved in the community and is a block captain among other things.  I don't discuss politics much, I usually don't have enough faith that my opinion is an informed enough one to assert myself in conversations, but I will say that these new republicans scare me.  I just don't like where things are headed.  Not at all.

On a related note, I came across one of those political graph sites the other day.  I've come across it before, or something similar, but never saved the results.  So after taking the 6 page questionnaire, here is where I stand at this moment in time:

It looks much as I remembered and generally how I feel.  Comparisons with some world figures are below.  Where do you stand?  Visit the Political Compass Test and see.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

George Carlin - The American Dream

My gosh, it's true.  Every word he says...   Miss You George!         language nsfw

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Starting To Get Ugly Downtown

I'm not sure exactly when this happened, last night or while I worked today.  It's not that I don't care, but I am trying to keep this mostly in my peripheral vision.

Listen, I have my own views and I'm used to keeping them mostly private (but I'm sure you can tell how I lean).  Unless there is something spectacular happening I'm not going to keep posting on this topic.  I'm sure there are plenty of political bloggers that would be happy for you to read their take.  I'm not a political blogger like I'm not a sports blogger but local big events I will comment on, but only briefly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bastards Did It...

...They jammed it through, effectively busting up the unions in Wisconsin.  This is breaking news, read about it here.  I'm sure this is blowing up the internet here right now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rallies Down The Road

Wisconsin has been national news lately as our new governor, Scott Walker, tries to pass a budget repair bill that effectively takes away the rights of most public employees to collectively bargain for their compensation.  Just a mile and a half or so from my house rallies have been taking place daily, closing schools for most of last week (yet not really affecting our lives unless we drive down the isthmus).  Senators have actually left the state to block passage.  Well, you can easily find the story online if you wish to know more.  Here's some pics from the last few days as rallies continue downtown, inside and outside of the capital building.

As for me, well...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama Tries To Reach Republicans

Here's my pick of the night. 66 minutes of President Obama addressing the House republicans and pretty much taking them to school. I like this guy. This Q & A is from last Friday.