My wife enjoys this more than I. Tonight will be her Superbowl, watching all the returns come in. The winner can't really change a whole lot by themself, thankfully, but they can seriously alter the direction we're headed.
Escalating Danger
1 day ago
We woke up early in the morning (middle of the night your time) as we had 'things on our minds' ;) and watched the results come in. I just sat nodding and saying, "Told you so!" to MrBW.
We live in intersting times, both here and with you.
I hope the 'things on your minds' were better than that which weighed heavily on ours that day (wink-nudge)! About half of us are disappointed every 4 years, and it is not the disappointment that I mind, it is the possible consequences of the decision.
I'd like to write more but I'm not a political guy. I know what I believe and I vote accordingly. I've had enough fruitless political discussions in my younger life to know that I don't want do that anymore.
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