Monday, August 19, 2024

Street Reconstruction Part 5*

We got a knock on the door early this morning.  They were going to start digging on our street and weren't sure if we'd have driveway access this afternoon, but surely not tomorrow.  More notice would have been nice, but we could manage this.  My wife doesn't need her van out until Wednesday, and told them so, and I ended up parked a street over this afternoon.  I got lucky with a spot pretty much around the corner, but it could be much further next time.

Neighbor Cindy, the one I call "Princess," apparently didn't answer her door this morning, then early this afternoon came out and told the workers she had to get her car out.  She always acts so uppity and entitled, thus my nickname for her.  Anyway, the workers accommodated her by moving a few pieces of equipment but she still had to drive over her front lawn to get out.  I was at work, this was relayed by my wife.  We'll be texting again tomorrow afternoon to see if I can get to the driveway then.

When the beef is ready I think we should have driveway access as even if they called tomorrow they understand their customers have jobs and other things to do so I'll pick it up on the weekend, and construction crews normally wrap things up pretty good for the weekends.  We were planning to get a grocery order for tomorrow afternoon but now will wait until later in the week.

I just went out for a look before posting this, and this (below) would appear to be the last section of pipe they'll be installing today.  

I'm not sure how late they'll work tonight or how they'll wrap things up for the day, but there may be another update very soon.

*Update after the break.

This is how it was wrapped up for the evening, a smaller hole surrounded by equipment, a sand pile and caution tape.

Oh, the joys of living in a construction zone.  The cats have been pretty freaked out, too.


delcatto said...

How long will the work take to complete and are those sewage / water pipes? Have they had to cut off your water supply for the work or have you n]mercifully avoided that inconvenience?

Scoakat said...

I believe them to be sewer pipes. Interestingly, I've not seen any pipes removed, just these added. And no interruption of services - yet.

They've not moved far up the street today, just past our house now. Seems to be a little more work here, possibly connecting us and putting in the manholes. Had to park further away today, up the street around the corner.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating! I guess they'll leave the old pipes in to save having to dispose of them (and then fill up the holes with new aggregate) and it will be easier to switch from old to new.

You'd never get this sort of replacement over here.

- BW

Scoakat said...

I may take an opportunity to ask them about that. So far, they've been very helpful with all neighbor's questions, as far as I've seen.