Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Street Reconstruction Part 4 & Sunflower Update

Yesterday we noticed that they were clearing our street somewhat, and today they had removed the top layer of asphalt.  This is our view out the front door:

Most of the real work has been on the next street over.  They started by removing that street surface and I've seen then digging in the middle of the street when going to work in the mornings.  They've usually been done with the digging by the time I get home, to leave no holes overnight for safety reasons, I imagine.  So with them starting to remove the surface of our road today I would guess they'll be starting on the sewer work under the middle of the street here soon.

We don't know when we won't have driveway access so have been stocking up on groceries and paper goods recently.  We also ordered another split half of beef and I really hope we have driveway access when that's ready.  I imagine we'll mostly not have driveway access when they are working on the terraces, curbs and driveway aprons toward the end but before putting down the last layer of the new street surface, but that's just me surmising.  I do hope we get some kind of notice, though.

Here's a look up the street, below.  I didn't venture far for pictures today but this gives you an idea of what I see.

I'll try to get better about updates, but much of the work for the day is getting done by the time I get home, and most of the actual changes so far are underground. 

Sunflower drama after the break:

The sunflowers are getting taller, but probably not much more.  The tallest is about my height (6' 3") and starting to open.  The shorter one had something happen recently that it was bent in half.  I tried saving it by using a toilet roll splint, tying it to the metal stake and tightening the black string for more support.  It leans against the garage but otherwise looks like it will live.  Cross your fingers.  We also have tons of jalapenos, and some really big ones.  I think my wife is going to pickle them eventually.


delcatto said...

Pickled Jalapeños, lovely. I am a big fan of chillies.

It looks like they are cracking on with the work. Our temporary traffic lights have now gone after a week but the saga of the various roadworks and the bridge continues with the latter apparently missing some steel plates!

Scoakat said...

Missing steel on a new bridge would cause quite a kerfuffle, I would think. I hope they re-inspect everything.

Not much has happened since as yesterday was very wet and while today was dry we had the threat of rain all day. My wife said a machine was pounding the street today, seems the original street was concrete so was cracking it up for removal. Rain just starting now.