Friday, August 16, 2024

For The Birds

I think it was spring last year we got a bird feeder for the cats to watch.  We kept it over the winter but earlier this year replaced it with a suet feeder as it is much less mess, and should be better now that I moved it over the grass more so less of a grease stain on the edge of the driveway.

But now we have a local flock of sparrows that have been quite used to it.  Not just sparrows, we've also seen chickadees, wrens and young woodpeckers, at least, and I'm sure other species have visited.  And no more issues with squirrels trying to get into the seed feeder or hanging out underneath for what's dropped anymore.

I'm not sure if neighbor Jane knows or not, but they like to hang out in her front bush and on her roof en masse at certain times of the day, taking turns at the feeder.  Below is some of them, but they extend all along the peak of her roof and chimney, as well.  Probably a good amount on our roof, too.

Still, it gives the cats a lot of entertainment, especially when the windows are open.

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