My blog is now a teenager, this being my 13th year as of today. In some ways it seems much shorter, in other ways much longer, and it has changed a bit over the years. I used to have smaller, more frivolous posts, then I began writing less often but (hopefully) more thought-out posts. I've had my moments of wondering what I'm doing still writing here, but the occasional feedback has been nice and I still appreciate this as a good record of major events and milestones in my life. But, while inspiration comes and goes at times, I have no plans of stopping anytime soon.
We've not had as nice of a spring day since I last posted, which was on the first day of spring. Since then, it's snowed more often than it had all winter (including today) and the number of days with snow in the last 3 weeks is probably only outnumbered by the amount of days with rain. The sun has shown up a few times, but we've not come close to temperatures we had that first spring day. By this time last year I'd already had a few fires and grilled dinners while neither has happened yet this year. But, there I go talking about the weather again.
There hasn't been much other than the weather to talk about that's been happening recently, but I do have plans for when the weather finally does turn and my attention turns to projects around the house.
First, I want to paint the dark paneling on the porch and possibly replace the ceiling tiles. And if I replace the ceiling tiles I'll take a hard look at insulating the rafters to hopefully retain more heat in the early spring and late fall so we can have it open longer. Not sure the color just yet, but perhaps use up some paint we already have. With all the windows there's not much wall space so shouldn't take much paint to do it, but lots of taping on the trim.
Second, I want to somehow rearrange our computer room, the room I spend most of my time in - by far now that I work from home. I'm thinking of moving the dresser and the file cabinet to at least give the illusion of more space, and I want to flip the rug around the other direction due to a small stain on it and so I'm not vacuuming against the grain, so to speak. To do this I'll need to move those and more to the porch so it should be warmer out so we can leave the door open.
Another thing we've been waiting on for some time now already. We've had a sofa and ottoman on order now since last August but due to the pandemic furniture just hasn't been in stock. Currently it is expected to be delivered in late May, and I really hope this will finally happen. We could look for something else, but availability is an issue everywhere. The plan is to move the living room rug a bit to better fit the space with the new sofa and the new buffet table we bought a couple months ago that replaced our larger TV stand in the living room. The old sofa will then be moved to the porch.
I have another vacation coming up in May so hopefully I can get at least some of this done then, but as long as they get done I'll be happy. I took a half day off today so I think I'll go out to lunch and relax a bit. Happy blogday to me and have a nice weekend, everyone.