Thursday, April 14, 2022


Windy today, to put it mildly.  

It's been howling in the background all day as I worked and still at this time, with scattered rain/snow, as well.  

We've had some good light jacket weather recently but back to winter coats for the next several days, at least in the mornings, with high temps in the 40's ºF.

Mentioning the wind in responding to BW's comment on the last post reminded me that I saved the link to a site that shows the wind speeds on a map for the country, aptly called Wind Map.  I've had it saved for some time but always forgot to look at it when it was windy or never found a chance to share it, otherwise, so here it is.

Screenshots were about the same time.  This shows 20.0 mph sustained but around the Madison area I got from 19.9 to 20.7 mph.  The weather map is from a local tv station's website.  Much of the country looks very windy today, actually, not just our region.

Could it possibly, finally, be blowing winter chills away?  Maybe not this week, I guess, but spring needs to feel sprung soon.


Blue Witch said...

I love that map! I can now see why it is always so cold in Chicago. I wish that a similar one existed for the UK.

I also like the caption under it: "An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us — energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future."

Have a good Easter break!

Scoakat said...

I thought you might like that, but for it's only US and not UK. Do you track the winds on your ridge?

Happy Easter to you, too.

Blue Witch said...

We have a nice weather vane on the new garage/workshop, and I keep an eye on the weather forecast map... other than that I don't think there is a similar official map available here.

delcatto said...

Happy Easter Scott!

That looks and hopefully is the last of winter being blown away. Keep warm and safe. Hopefully I can post this comment as I have tried several times and not succeeded for some reason.

Scoakat said...

Hope you enjoyed the day, Delcatto. I've been in Dubuque helping my Mom out. She is aging and I am worrying.

delcatto said...

I can empathise with that Scott, it is worrying as Mums age and there is a reversal of roles.