Friday, April 8, 2016


Oh, it also happens to be my 7th Blogday today.  I've had this site for seven whole years.  Mediocre at best as it is, I know.  But I think I've got it under control now, anyway.  At least the itching stopped...


delcatto said...

Happy Blogday! Here's to seven more years.

Kel said...

Happy belated Blogday! :)

Blue Witch said...

Happy Blogday, belatedly. You're one of the few people I find still worth reading!

Scoakat said...

Delcatto - Thank you! And 10 more for you, too. Cheers!

Kelly - Thanks, little sister! Love you!

Blue Witch - Flatterer! I appreciate you stopping by, BW. Thank you - and where have you been anyway? You haven't posted, I was beginning to worry... ;)

Mom said...

I have not been on for awhile so a very Belated Happy Blogday! I am so glad you keep doing it. Love you so much!

Scoakat said...

Thanks Ma, you too!