Well, I said I would recount my visit to the ER. I was in exceptional pain at that time, so the following is the gist of what I can remember in that haze. Facts may differ slightly, as may the timeline of some things. This may be hard to read for those close to me. It is upsetting for me to write.
The ambulance guys were nice, efficient and professional, and very understanding of the amount of pain I was in. They gave me 100 mg of Fentanil, I think. It seemed to me to be the most they could do. When I got to the ER they told that to the nurse and also told them that it didn't even touch my pain. The nurse shot me up with what she said was a double dose of Dilaudid, which did bring my screams down to a dull roar. I do remember her saying, "Stop screaming!" My breathing was still rapid and labored trying to deal with the pain. This may have been the point that the young ER doctor, who still thought I had just twisted my knee, picked up my leg and straightened it out and back a couple times. This made me scream bloody murder like I never thought I could. It. Was. Brutal. I yelled at him to stop, between my gutteral screams. What followed was a shot of Morphine that did nothing for me. I think around now they tried to get x-rays, but I could not be moved so the did their best and did manage to get their pics. After that everyone was noticably nicer to me - the x-rays showed them how horrific my injury really was - and I got another shot of Dilaudid. Finally the painkillers stopped my screaming, yet it was wearing off fast. I begged them to knock me out over and over but I got nothing else until I was in the OR. At one point I remember a rather large man talking forcefully to me about due to the violent nature of my injury if anyone did this to me or if anything else happened besides what I had told them. I didn't see him again and, looking back, I believe it may have been some sort of cop.
That is mostly what I remember. Definitely not everything that happened but in my state at the time I wish I could forget it all.
Edit: I should note that the accident happened at about 4:00 and I was wheeled into OR about 8:00, 4 hours later. A long 4 hours in some ways. As quick as they could, I am certain.
Escalating Danger
1 day ago
I hadn't realised it was a thigh bone you'd broken. Dear God, no wonder you were screaming.
Yes, it was not anything I would wish upon anyone.
Oh no. :( That is hard to read. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine the P-A-I-N! And I know you...you are NOT a good patient. (Kate, we'll get you a bottle of wine soon--you'll need it!) LOL! Love you...
And...cop or maybe hospital security? I bet on top of screaming you were horribly combative. ;)
No, not combative at all. Although I would have liked to wring that scrawny young ER doc's neck when he moved my leg.
And yes, probably cop. I think they have to be informed in some cases. This wasn't a bullet or knife wound, but still...
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