Today I was supposed to start training for a new position at my company - a promotion. HR, my new bosses, and I decided that I would remain in my current position right now. They can't hold up the class and I would be playing catch-up for months whenever I do return. All while hobbling to and from work and physical therapy. I'm disappointed, but there will be other job postings.
Things are hard here at home, too. The last thing in the world I want to do is frustrate my wife, but it will happen. I depend on her for everything right now. (What would a single person with no close family do in this position? Scary to think.) I'm trying to get about more on my own but, really, I can only do so much right now.
Good news: I ordered some books on Monday that will arrive today to help me fill the hours. And a good friend from work is stopping by briefly this afternoon to lift my spirits and take some of the massive amounts of herbs we have in the garden. Speaking of which, I had my wife take the end of the month garden pics for me yesterday so I can update my garden blog (listed on the right).
That's it for now. My time on the computer must be limited to short periods since I sit mostly upright and my leg swells.
Escalating Danger
1 day ago
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