Saturday, January 8, 2022

Quiet New Year, Mostly

It's been a fairly quiet new year so far, aside from my most recent medical issue acting up again.  This Omicron variant is everywhere so we're trying to be extra careful.  We, or mostly just I, had been going out for lunch once every weekend for a while now just to get out of the house, but no longer.  Other than that most trips outside the house are for necessities only.

I say 'most' because we did leave the house today to go look at furniture.  In early August last year we ordered - and paid for - a sofa sleeper and ottoman.  Well, it keeps getting delayed and then delayed again.  At one point it was scheduled for delivery on January 4, but that was cancelled and now has been estimated to be late May.  How does that happen?  I think the scheduled delivery was just a ploy as they do not have the sofa in their warehouse yet and may not ever, the way things are looking now.  We didn't find anything we wanted to replace what we already paid for, though, and all furniture stores are having big issues with stock and long delays in delivery, so we just decided to let it ride for now and not cancel and get a refund yet.  The sofa we have now we planned on moving out to the porch.  It will be a good seating area out there and we may then use the porch more in the warmer months.  But for now, it will remain as our living room couch.

I've been on antibiotics again for two weeks now, yet I started to get a fever and more pain again on Thursday, so I contacted the specialist I'd been seeing.  She had me go to a clinic on Friday, not the overflowing-with-Covid hospital thankfully, for lab work and another CT scan and it showed inflammation and still a micro perforation of my colon.  She does think that this is still treatable at home, but if it worsens I may have to go into the hospital again for IV antibiotics for a few days.  Worst case scenario is emergency surgery to remove part of my colon then I live with a colostomy bag for about 8 months.  For now, another two weeks of antibiotics.  This time a combination of two different antibiotics than I had been taking.  Wish me luck, I really need to get over this hump.

The weather is very cold and it snows now and again but nothing major to complain about.  We had the plumber out again due to a clog in our kitchen sink drain, same guy who was out in December to clear out our main waste line that goes to the the street.  The sink pipes likely have never been clogged or cleared before judging by the muck he got out, the main needs to be cleared every couple of years now due to tree roots.  Not much else that I can think about now, but that's okay, I'll take a quiet new year for now.

It's winter in Wisconsin during a pandemic.  We just don't do much of anything exciting and likely won't for several months, so not sure what I'll be writing about but I'll think of something every now and again.  Aside from my health, just a mundane time of year.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year 2022

 A quiet night in with my lovely wife, a good frozen pizza and a few drinks.  Just the times we live in, let's hope for better this coming year.  Happy New Year, everyone!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

RIP Jonco

Sadly, another that I've followed on the internet for years has passed, Jonco, of the sites Bits and Pieces and Naughty Bits, among others.  His kids left a message on his Bits and Pieces site this morning.  He schedules future posts to have them published at intervals throughout the day and they left them be, so there will still be posts for a short time it seems, but their message appears pinned at the top.

Bits and Pieces was one of the first sites that I followed regularly, so over 20 years now.  Both the sites above are in my Favorites list and have been, B&P since I started this blog and NB since it started shortly after.  B&P is not a blog, but he did write about himself there often enough you felt you knew him pretty well.  He grew a community over there of many different kinds of people, some I followed later or have seen in other circles.   While I haven't read every entry every day in some time, it was always there when I needed a distraction or laugh.  All my best goes out to his family.  RIP Jonco.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Christmas Flare-Up and Snow

Not going anywhere on Christmas Day might've turned out to be a very good thing for me.  I didn't feel right all day, but had a big Christmas lunch of ham, peas, and mashed potatoes and gravy followed by a chocolate sponge cake mint roll.  It was delicious and I was full.  My wife had brought her dad over for the meal, and he quickly tired after eating so she took him home as I did some cleaning up.  We had exchanged gifts the night before so this was the extent of our Christmas.

That afternoon before the Packer game I was really getting uncomfortable and I couldn't quite figure out why.  Later that night I started feeling really bad.  I got the chills, shaking for a few minutes, then just couldn't get warm after that (despite my new warm fuzzy robe and slippers!).  My wife had gone to bed early, and I was so concerned I slept separately, knowing something was definitely wrong.

My first thoughts were, where did I get covid?  I almost went to see my Mom and I saw my father-in-law this day, getting covid would not be good.  Here in Dane County we have an over 80% vaccination rate, so as long as we're careful getting covid hasn't been a huge concern, so far.  But, by the time I went to sleep my gut was telling me the diverticulitis was flaring up.  Still very concerning to me, maybe more so, but not covid.

The next morning I discussed with my wife and took my temperature a few times and it was a bit high.  It was Sunday, so she suggested I get on the website and see if there was a number I could call or something, so I got on MyChart, the website used for all my health records, appointment, medications, etc., and made an appointment for a virtual visit.  I had an appointment with a surgeon the next day, Monday, as a follow up to my hospital stay last month, but I wanted to get on the antibiotics as soon as possible.  It took a little over an hour to be seen, but I visited with a healthcare professional over my phone and she saw my records and agreed with my assessment so I got the prescription from my pharmacy about midday and started on it right away.

Monday I no longer had a fever but I still felt pain in my gut, unsurprisingly.  I saw the surgeon and we discussed this flare-up and the various possibilities going forward and which scenarios I may want to have surgery to remove part of my colon.  But the first thing was to get me over this episode.  She agreed with the virtual visit and my desire to get on meds right away, and added another prescription for several more day's worth of antibiotics.  She thought it was possible it got knocked way back last month, but maybe never fully went away so this was it coming back.  Looking back, I think she may be right.  I had meds for only 7 days after I left the hospital.  Now, looking back and piecing it together, I still had that discomfort in my gut for at least 2 1/2 weeks after I was discharged, though it was getting better and eventually seemed healed.  Now I don't believe that was the case and I'll be on meds for 14 days this time.

Rest is about all I can do, and I have been sleeping lots.  Yesterday I worked for only a couple hours in the morning, and today I took off work to rest and heal.  We'll see what tomorrow brings, but sitting up and typing like this is uncomfortable right now and I feel it more when I get up, going from bent to standing up straight.  Hopefully it gets better soon and thankfully it is not as bad as last month, though I waited at least a day too long to seek help last time.  I won't make that mistake again.

In other news, we got a few inches of snow the other night but it got warm enough yesterday to melt most by the afternoon and what was left was a slushy mess.  After my wife was done working she cleaned it all up with the shovel.  It was going to freeze again and that would not have been good to let freeze as it was.  She volunteered due to my condition and I was very thankful.

Now today we are due to get 2 - 4 more inches, but if it shifts a bit we could get more.  It started about an hour ago and is to continue until this evening.  I better keep up on my rest today as it will be the first use of the snowblower this year, and my wife doesn't use the snowblower.  Temperatures aren't looking to get above freezing in the 10 day forecast, so we may not have had a white Christmas but we may have a white New Year.  Stay well, folks.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas, Fire and More

It's close enough to the holiday to say Merry Christmas, everyone!  Not a white Christmas here this year as today was relatively warm, dark, foggy and damp all day and I expect more of the same tomorrow.  It's a quiet evening in tonight and my wife and I will exchange some small presents.  We were planning on visiting my Mom tomorrow along with my brother and sister and their families, but with the Omicron variant being so prevalent and the hospitals bursting at the seams plus some family members' questionable decisions (I'd love to write more - maybe later) we will be staying home for Christmas Day.  There may be a Zoom call with all of us like last year, we'll see.  Here at home, my wife will cook a ham and bring her Dad over for a time and the Packers will play, but that's about it for us.

I did not get to have a firepit on the solstice like I have the last two years, it was cold and just way too windy to consider a fire, and that day the city picked up the stick pile before I could burn it.  Yesterday, however, the temperatures were above freezing and the winds were mild.  I started the fire about quarter to four in the afternoon and was out there until about six.  Long enough, and with sunset before 4:30 it was getting pretty chilly by then.  Last year my last fire was December 28, so we'll see what the weather does, if there's any more.  The fire picture was taken right about sunset, and I had to remind myself to take a picture.  I'm sure I have thousands of pictures of the firepit by now so I don't always anymore, but every one is unique.

About a half hour after sunset it occurred to me to also get a picture of the tree that was cut down as a follow up to the last post.  There was no more activity over there since and the trunk still stands, and stands tall.  It's twice as high as their garage and about as tall as their house, it was a very big tree to begin with.  You can kind of see the fences that would require the use of a crane parked in front of their garage to get the branches out.  But the biggest surprise is how this picture turned out.  Again, this was about a half hour after sunset, the first pictures I took were pretty dark so I tried using the 'night sight' feature on my phone camera.  Quite the difference, I thought, this fully looks like daytime!  But it was not quite completely dark out yet so turned out quite a bit brighter than actual.

Another takeaway is though I lament the loss of the tree, the dozen or more in this same picture, both near and in the distance, shows that we are not in any danger of being treeless in the area anytime soon.

Have a great holiday and stay safe, everyone.  Go Packers!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Big Tree Lost

Another large tree in the neighborhood is being taken down, this one two doors down in the back yard, center of the pictures.  I really do hate to see big trees go, but if it was getting dangerous then I can't blame them.  I didn't want to lose our big tree several years ago, but it was dangerous.  Workers spent two days getting it down to the trunk, and the trunk remains yet.  Then they took two days off for high winds, which probably was a relief to the owners if they had been worried about branches falling.  But no activity again today, so not sure if the trunk will remain for now.  And it just might as it is very expensive to have a tree removed.  This one had to easily cost several thousand dollars just to get it down to the trunk.

The tree just to the right of the one being taken down in the pictures, with multiple trunks, seems to be leaning over the neighbor behind them so I wonder if that will be taken down, too.  I guess we'll see if they resume work next week.  At least it's cold enough all the windows were closed, so the noise wasn't much of a bother.  More than once, though, I looked out the window and thought I saw snow but it was just wood chips from one of the two climber's chainsaws on my neighbor Dave's roof.

With those high winds of the last couple days came a brief change in weather.  We set a record high temperature on Wednesday at 68ºF (about 20ºC).  Winds were 20+ miles per hour sustained and up to 60 mph gusts, I believe.  Between neighbor Dave and I there is a pretty good stick pile out front now.  If it was warmer I would burn it all, but alas, we plunged back to about or below freezing for highs again since.  I still hold out hope for at least one more fire this year.  I may push the issue on Tuesday, for the winter solstice.

Otherwise, plans have been made for the upcoming holiday and all presents have been taken care of, just a little more wrapping to do.  My sister's kids got a big graduation gift as a send-off last year, so they might be surprised but will only get a small, token cash gift in a card to open.  We plan to do the same for my brother's kids when they graduate, but then they are adults and the gift gravy train will then leave that station, too.

I never made a conscious decision to grow a beard this year, but it happened.  Somewhere along the line I just stopped shaving.  It's a much larger percent gray than brown now, and I'm not happy with it so I think it will go very soon, before we get too deep into winter.  Same for the hair, my last haircut was in spring and the gray part is getting more and more, so I may get that cut shorter, too.  I do clean up well every few years, it seems.

Enough for now.  I want to write more later about health and lactose and other things, but all in due time.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 10, 2021

RIP Apetor and Booster

 Apetor is a Youtuber that I've followed for many years now, me and his other 1.27 million subscribers.  I really liked his quirky, entertaining videos.  Last night I learned that he died on November 27.  Apetor made many different videos but he had a penchant for skating on thin ice, and that seems to have been the end of him.  I won't say much more here, but this short article tells more about him and how he died.  Below is the last video he made, from November 22, link here for email readers.  RIP Tor Eckhoff.

I got my booster and flu shots yesterday.  I remember feeling a little unwell after my second Covid shot, and I do not feel well today.  I'm not sure if having both at the same time made it worse, but my shoulder that got both injections is also pretty sore today.  Small price to pay for peace of mind, I think.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving Eve Fire Video

I recorded my fire the other night and edited it down to a 6 minute video.  A tedious process, but now done so I'm not going to waste it.  Much of the video is from the first part of the night, then I skipped past most of when I was on a video call with my Mom and niece, with an outro of a fire in the dark.  Air traffic was heavier than usual, not surprising with the holiday, and taking off generally south above me.  The sky was very overcast, the temperature surprisingly moderate at about 50ºF when I began at just after 4:00 in the afternoon.  There were lots of sticks that had fallen on the neighbors yards out front that I grabbed and burned up this night.  The extended forecast was much colder so I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

There is a squirrel distraction about 4:45 and plane lights passing through the trees about a minute later.  Otherwise it's just me relaxing, feeding the fire and being lost in my thoughts.  Sit a spell, relax.

Link is here for email readers.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving Thoughts 2021

With what I've been going through with my health recently and work frustrations bubbling up again I've been pretty down and maybe even ornery lately.  As I sat out by the fire last night I thought it would be good to think of things I am actually thankful for, so I gave it some serious thought and started a list.  Let's see if I can expand on that this morning and maybe get to 10 good and meaningful things for which I am truly grateful.

  1. My wife.  It's hasn't always been easy but I just can't imagine my life without her.  I don't know anyone stronger who could deal with me and everything else she's had to deal with the last several years and more.  I've been guilty of being self-centered, taking things for granted and not listening as I should, and improving myself will only help her, so I am determined to become a better person.
  2. My health.  I've taken this for granted, too, for far too long and it seems to be catching up to me.  I need to eat better, drink less, exercise more and lose some weight.  Very much easier said than done, but increasing health issues is a good motivator.
  3. Family.  My mother and sister, specifically.  I don't like my father and my brother has been pretty distant.  When my mother's husband passed and then the pandemic hit I started to get closer to my Mom and my sister is always there with a smile and encouraging words if I need her.  I love them both greatly.
  4. Friends.  I don't have many left these days, more acquaintances than friends.  I want to continue to work on those relationships and in some cases not let the distance between us cause that friendship to wane.  It seems harder to make friends the older I get, but much of that may be me so I should work on that more.
  5. Blogger friends.  Delcatto and Blue Witch have been friendly towards me for a long time now and I'm grateful they keep coming back.  I like to read their blogs about them and their lives, and have learned much along the way.  Knowing they are there has helped me try to write better and more interesting things here.  I've not reached out to other bloggers much in a long time now, but Nic has been a relatively recent breath of fresh air and as a bonus he creates music pretty consistently so I always look forward to his next song.
  6. Our house.  When this blog started in 2009 we started looking, and originally didn't think we could afford a house right in Madison.  But the market was in our favor and we found a nice house with a nice yard close to whatever we could need or want, right here in the near east side of Madison.  Yes, it is very small, seemingly too small for us at times, but overall I think we found a good one and have improved it in many ways over the years.
  7. Madison.  Related to the last one, we live in a good area and city with a majority of like-minded people as us.  That changes rather quickly and surprisingly when you get outside the county.  When we traveled to pick up our last quarter cow it was shocking the amount of pro-Trump flags and signs in the rural areas.  I don't remember such divisiveness before he came along and thankfully don't have to worry about that too much here in Madison.
  8. Music.  Music continues to be a joy and an escape for me even as I get older.  I don't go to live shows as much as I used to and am pretty unwilling to travel longer distances for it anymore, but I still enjoy discovering new music and I'm always looking for my next 'latest-greatest,' even if at a lower volume these days. 
Well, 10 was an arbitrary number anyway and I don't want to add something lesser just to get to 10.  I may remember something good that I missed later, but I think I have 8 very good things to be thankful for here and it was good for me to consider and reflect upon these.  Now it's time for me to do some cleanup for Kate's family coming over to celebrate the holiday.  It's currently snowing big white flakes outside, and my wife has been busy cooking up the cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and other goodies while the turkey is already in the oven.

Happy Thanksgiving and a great long weekend to all!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Health Update and Lactose Intolerance

My wife discovered her lactose intolerance about 7 years ago and has been taking lactaid when she eats dairy ever since.  There had been times when I would complain about something and she would tell me it's possible that I'm becoming lactose intolerant, too.  I'd always just brush it off and never had any real bad problems.  After all, we live Wisconsin, known as the Dairy State, and I really love cheese and ice cream lots and just can't imagine a diet restricted or without dairy.

Yesterday morning I still felt poorly, I had a bit more strength and stamina but not much.  I had arranged to borrow my neighbor Jane's handyman to help me clean out my gutters and rake and mulch my leaves before it gets too cold and/or snowy out, probably doing a little too much myself but it's hard to stand by and watch someone else do your work.  Once done, about 1:00 in the afternoon, I sat down and had some leftover cheese and sausage crackers.  Three of them, to be exact.  That's only 3/4 of a sandwich slice of swiss cheese.  It didn't take long and I was bloated again, feeling as inflated as a Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.  I was so uncomfortable a cough made my sides hurt.  I had been bloated quite often recently and it was happening again.

Once my wife got home I was discussing it with her and she looked it up, and sure enough the antibiotics can make you temporarily lactose intolerant.  A fact the doctor or anyone else failed to mention when putting me back on a regular diet on Wednesday, still with an IV pumping antibiotics into me.  Hell, I even had pie and small cup of ice cream that day and later complained about being bloated before finally being discharged.  Here at home and as my appetite increased I just ate as normal, bloating on and off and wondering why my movements weren't normalizing.  She convinced me easily and now I'm swearing off dairy at least until I'm off the antibiotics, but this could turn out to be permanent and I'll have to take lactaid when I want dairy forever.

It took 16 hours since that bit of cheese, but this morning I've had so much more 'relief' than I had all week and I'm starting to feel more like myself.  I'm still rather perturbed that I wasn't warned, and I'll be sure to bring it up at my follow-up appointment in a couple days.  I'm sure it tells you this can be a side effect on that full page of small print that comes with the prescription I got after I was discharged, but who reads all that stuff?  I still feel the doctor should have mentioned it when he put me on a regular diet while I was still in the hospital.

So, while that part should be getting better for me now I again woke up with a headache.  I failed to mention this in my last post, but I've had the same migraine on and off since I was in the emergency room last Sunday.  I'd be given different medicines for it in the hospital every day but it would always come back, and it's been a similar pattern since I've been home.  Maybe it's related, not sure, but I really hope it ends soon.  I've also had pretty wacky dreams all week, sometimes waking up panting with my heart beating fast several times a night.  Last night was better so perhaps this is related, too.  But again, I'm not sure.  

I guess all I can hope for is to avoid dairy for the time being and I should continue to improve and these things will work themselves out.  I just want to feel normal again.