Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunflowers Are Planted

After seeing family yesterday I got home early in the afternoon, plenty of time to tackle some more spring chores.  I got the back steps power-washed so ready to seal when we get a nice day after a couple dry days in a row, and I also planted sunflower seeds.  I planted more strategically than last year and all are caged so hopefully we get more than one successful sunflower plant this year.  Not long after planting we had a storm come through before the sun came out again.  Mother Nature watered my seeds for me, so I hope that's a good sign.

The corner of the house and porch seemed to be the best place, and where the lone sunflower grew last year, so I fenced off the area and planted several seeds among the day lilies.

I planted a couple at the corner of the garage nearest the fire pit last year, and they started off well before being destroyed by a critter.  I planted a couple there again yesterday but caged the area.

Then I looked around for another good spot.  We have the bare area along the fence in the tree stump area, but hard to cage them in there and we're thinking of putting some kind of bushes or shrubs there.  So I decided to try the back corner behind the lilac.  If you look close at the left, you may see new lilac growth coming from where I had to cut down the old growth due to the new fence.  I'll let it grow as long as it's not directly under the fence.

Now, we wait and see. 


Scoakat said...

I had today off for a doctor appointment - waited a full 60 minutes in the exam room until they came in.

Once home, I saw several seeds had been dug up by the porch corner despite the fence. So I planted several more there and we'll see.

Blue Witch said...

I think we are only growing tithonia this year and all grown in pots before planting out at about a foot tall, because, well, critters, just as you describe and the little buggers dig under the wire cages to get in.

delcatto said...

Good luck! Those critters are persistent.

Our chilli plants have died apart from one which looks quite fragile. The cold weather overnight did for them despite covering and protecting them. Looks like I will have to buy another chilli plant.

Scoakat said...

So far I've not seen any more disturbed, thankfully. If I planted too many I'll just have to thin them out. And there are many small sprouts on the tree stump now so will be interesting what wildflowers grow there.

Do the tithonia spread easily? I've read they can be a nuisance.

A freeze is still possible for us, too, but I'm hoping not!

Blue Witch said...

Our tithonia are annuals and die at the first frost. In all respects they look like small sunflowers, except that they are bright orange. I've never known them to set seed, let alone spread. But then we dehaed them to keep them flowering.